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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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1.5 hours before i leave home and try to tackle the monster called "Stage fright" again. gotta bring heatpacks it's really freaking cold in the SMU arts centre. i feel like telling them to save some trees and just switch off some air con. i thought my stage fright got better, but apparently not. getting a bit tingly and jittery now. and oh no shit i shouldn't have drank coffee, but still, my item is almost 9pm. 6 hours.. prob enough for the caffeine to wear off. for some reason it doesn't feel like it's a performance day. maybe my stage fright IS getting better. i'm abit tired now. just sitting around slacking and stoning. actually have quite a bit of stuff to blog abt but i'm lazy to org my thoughts break a leg to me bah* I don't feel safe on Facebook. You can alter your privacy settings to make sure you are more protected. We also allow you to organize your friends in different Friend Lists in order to share certain information with select people. Additionally, you can block certain people from seeing your profile and contacting you altogether. This is temporary. I'll be back. Remember, you can reactivate at any time by logging in with your email and password, although you must have access to your current login email address. Also note that your admin status in any groups or events will not be automatically restored after activation. I spend too much time using Facebook. One way to control your interaction with Facebook is to limit the number of emails you receive from us. You can control what emails you receive here. I don't find Facebook useful. You may find Facebook more useful by connecting with more of your friends. Check out our Friend Finder to see who you know on the site. Also, check out the Getting Started Guide to get an overview and tips on using Facebook. Don't find the Wall or Groups particularly useful? Besides our core features, you can also find additional functionality built by outside developers. Check out our Application Directory to find what else we have to offer. I don't understand how to use Facebook. Learn the basics with the Getting Started Guide. You can also find answers from us, as well as other users, in our Help Center. I have a privacy concern. You can alter your privacy settings to make sure you are more protected. We also allow you to organize your friends in different Friend Lists in order to share certain information with select people. Additionally, you can block certain people from seeing your profile and contacting you altogether. I get too many emails, invitations, and requests from Facebook. You can control what email you receive from us here. I have another Facebook account. omg. just this page alone makes me hate facebook. btw, i think i'll find a day to save some of the photos that i like and THEN, i'll really deactivate facebook. for some reason the thing just pisses me off. and ps: i find it amazing that with just 3 hours of sleep last night i function quite reasonably today.whoa. okay, i've just guaranteed myself a no-sleep night by downing a cup of coffee brewed with extra coffee powder. reason? .... i have to mug. ridiculous right. it isn't even exams but i have to mug. it's RIDICULOUS. i don't have time to study ANYTHING during weekdays, this whole week is dedicated to my beloved piano =( reached home at 11pm tonight, ate leftover rice and stuff.....den complained to xinyun and vice versa (she's becoming hysterical) abt how life sucks and how horribly mentally unstable we're becoming. i shld take a photo of my dark circles tml to show you guys. the thing is. even though i took coffee. and i'm awake. .... I DUN FEEL LIKE STUDYING COS I FEEL LIKE DAMNING EVERYTHING TO HELL=( no lah, that's the rebellious part of me speaking. i wonder whether xinyun is gonna sleep tonight -.-" we're such poor things. piano run thru tonight, i dun understand why people from smu and ntu wanna come over to nus to run thru using two pianos that aren't even the ones we're using for the concert. i think it's cos NUS is the only place available to have a run thru so late at night. went okay, even though a few moments were, err, ....... gulps* but overall quite okay, hope we play well enough to warrant a praise from zk and shimin (sigh, why am i eternally trying to elicit praises from MEN) omgomgomgoooooooooooooooooooooooooog so much work!!! i wanna cry!!!! to quote xinyun who sent me like a super long msg, i wanna cry i wanna cry. i'm so sad, so pathetic. so sad so sad so sad. =( =( =( =( whines************* i think i might switch to wordpress. cos blogger interface pisses me off so much. it's nearly 9pm. supposed to do some work at night but after playing piano for 2 hours, lethargy finally set in. i realized, with a shock that's numbed by tiredness, that it's monday again. and monday signifies the beginning of another mad rush. i'll end at 10.30pm tml, piano run thru, after which i dunno whether there's space for me to sleep at my aunt's house..cos my cousin camps there on somedays too. if not i'll just crash at vanessa's hall liao. you can't expect me to go home at 10.30pm reach home near midnight and then wake up again at 6am to go sch at 8am on tue. have abt 4 hours break tml between lessons and the piano run thru. wad i want is to study (it sounds really unbelievable) but what i have to do is.. shop. yes. shop. full dress is on thurs and till now i dun have a SINGLE DRESS to wear. this is freaking irritating. my last dress faded in color, it's totally unwearable now. and nowadays for some reason they dun make proper dresses that flare properly at the knees. they make long tops that disguise themselves as dresses. i've ranted abt this before right. nvm, anyway, i miss #sitting around listening to the clique talk abt stupid stuff like toe nails and finger nails. never thought i'd miss it # biking at east coast # cozy piano room at vjc and seeing jr around # najib/josef and fun lecturers # najib at CT session every wed and how we sort of stoned thru his classes # meeting felicia priscilla mg and naomi at yishun north point # jogging and eating nihon mura at yck with pris and mg bursts into tears* i think i'm pms-ing. i'm TIRED. the caffeine is wearing off. technically i still have korean to do, i haven't done tutorial, haven't mastered stuff i'm supposed to master 1 week ago. but i'm TIRED. it's like i haven't even rest enough =( my only form of rest this weekend is eating soft bread with half boiled eggs with coffee and watching House drip sacarsm. ........ i'm TIRED. i dunno how many times i have to stress that and now i have to go try to sell tickets to ask people to come to SMU this fri. cos performers supposed to push tix yeah. anyone interested? fri 7.30pm. tix: $16. if you get thru me hao xiang will be cheaper but i have to check. i think it's around $10?? why you shld come: see how much better nus students play compared to ntu and smu why you shld come 2: because i'll be playing a very appreciable audience friendly piece. why you shld come 3: i dunno, because i'm your friend? (that's lame) if the following occurs, you shld not come @ you have no spare cash @ you haven't done your tutorial you were supposed to hand up last week @ you really hate piano. it's true. we have to wait for the consequences to bite us in the face before we panic and regret and say the cliche "why didn't i ~~ in the past??" for e.g. you have to go thru a painful tooth filling before you are determined to brush ur teeth. and even then, about maybe 2 years later, that determination wanes because you're convinced you'll never get decayed teeth again. so maybe 4 years later, it happens all over again. ..no i dun have decayed teeth but i do have something coming back to bite me after 10 years. ....... freak. sometimes i think that whoever is in charge of health and welfare hasn't been very nice to me. but then the logical, and reasonable me thinks like this, and mostly this is how i think (i just whine abt a higher power whenever i feel slightly depressed): ....things just come back to bite us because we have short term memory regarding things like pain and discomfort. wad's wrong with blogger, i feel like changing to wordpress seriously, just that i'm too lazy to learn html to fit wordpress again ..so, now i know it feels to live with discomfort everyday, like House. been a crazy week,my whole class thinks that i'm an extremely busy person who rushes from one place to another and seldom turn up calm and cool at lectures or tutorials cos usually i'll have to walk up the slope to business school from the bus stop, after which i'll have to climb about wad 7 flights of stairs to reach the LT or seminar rooms..... and that day during my only one hr break i rushed from biz to CFA den back to biz for tutorial. it was terrific. fun. exciting. exhilarating. think i probably didn't get into OCIP. no email notifications =( oh, but it's strange, not really strange but people who ever put in effort for somebody's praise probably knows this: we "zam" (this is calista's word for bia like shit) for one whole week for piano, and then just a "not baaad~" from mr ku is enough to make us super high, super happy, and we were grinning like stupid idiots at each other. it's a nice feeling. i wonder when i'll get so jaded that i lose that feeling okay my ENTER button didn't work just now. scary. i spent the last half hour keying in contacts into my new phone (yes i changed my phone, finally i noe stop sighing in relief people) it's sony T707 and you've surely seen it around, it comes in pink/blue/black and it's a flip phone with a glossy surface. impressions? so anyway the point being that i can rmb almost up to 30 mobile phone numbers. isn't that impressive. so long as i sms the person quite often i'll rmb it.=) eh no, i can even rmb weilun's and some obscured people's. truly amazing okay, i think i can sorta feel the caffeine kicking in. i complained to my mother today that she kept talking shit even though i'm truly very tired and feeling crappy. when i was teaching and learning piano it's fine. cos, you noe, got stuff to do. but once i saw the stupid queue at singtel i got damn fed up, think my fed up ness was fairly obvious. so yeah, she kept asking me just now why, if i'm so tired, am i not sleeping. to which i retorted sharply that i have so much things to do that i can't afford to sleep. which is true. *glares at the to-do list* this weekend's agenda as follows: # do CV. and yes that doesn't stand for, i dunno, comic vilief. it stands for curriulum vitae or something like that. which translates into RESUME. i have to do it as a homework for "Career planning" module. it's good lah, the practise. just that right now it looks very empty. there's simply nth to fill in lah. # accountancy revision. sigh i'm one week behind. # law revision for this week plus look thru all the cases they mentioned. btw, when i say revision, it means revision. it doesn't mean tutorial. that's another thing. #korean revision # read MNO readings and SHIT, email the bloody tutor my ONE PAGE WRITE UP on "WHAT DEFINES I" (will talk abt it later) # i distinctly rmb i have to email someone something but i can't rmb. # online accountancy homework. darn # practise piano practise piano practise piano practise piano #i can't rmb. this is very bullshit. omgoodness i hve so many things to do i can't list them out. urgh but it's okay, uni life is still fun. i have no idea why i'm suddenly very optimistic (not suddenly lah, gimme some credit for jc even if i pon so many days) abt studying but it's true lah, studying period is the best part of life. so yeah. oh, the one page write up thing. my tutorial class that module MANAGEMENT AND ORG is very interesting cos me and hz (we swopped together) are the only biz year 1s, the other being a biz yr 2. all others are yr 2,3,4s. and no other people are in biz, mostly FASS and Engine, and one from design and archi. so that makes project group rather interesting. so we went one round introducing ourselves and we were supposed to bring a thing that represent ourselves. and what did i bring? wanna guess? *hint, hearing this thing for 3 hours gives me a headache* ...... i brought a METRONOME it's better than huizhen right, she brought her house key and say "this represents my homeliness i love my home i'm a homely person cos i do all my reflections at home." okay lah, actually she made sense so yeah i brought a metronome cos #1 i've been seeing this thing very often these days #2 i used to hate it, now i have to use it during teaching, during prac #3 my rationale is that i keep pace with my life, like how i keep pace with the metronome, and it might be slack might be hectic but there's still a pulse to everything and it's not very easy to keep pace with it. tada that sounds rather philosophical right. so anyway cos most of them play sports (one guy is in salsa, interesting, like i said) so their eyes sorta went big at the thing. and i went "we use this to keep time in music" and i poke the thing to make it start "tick, tock" but it had winded down so it sorta swung lamely from side to side without a sound. at which i might state, huizhen snickered. what a supporting friend i have. so yeah i had to like "err okay, hold on, i think i have to wind it up abit." .... nvm but it was rather interesting. .. okay nvm that was lame right. erm. oh yes friday was crazy.crazycrazycrazy. i woke up feeling okay, rampaged thru the kitchen and fridge to realize theres' nth to eat. and then so as ritual goes, brewed coffee, drank coffee with julie's biscuits, then went korean at 8am, 10am accounts tutorial, became an idiot at 12pm, at 1pm break rushed to CFA for half hr prac with calista den rushed back, 2pm started accounts tutorial, 4pm rushed to CFA for coaching at 4.10pm, and then went to run with calista at SRC, after which 6.30pm had piano session, 7.30pm finally went home. yeah. i only ate like two pizza bread for the entire day. woo hoo. at this rate i'll have both fabulous legs (from all the stairs in NUS) AND a very tiny waist to prove for my stint in NUS. ....... but okay, it wasn't that bad. i said alr, this is the crazy period. i wanna bold this part but err, it seems like blogger dun allow me to bold. tsk next time then. happy teacher's day fellow peers who are in this trade. my student gave me a pink, fluffy pen with a pink glittery bear's back-view on it. my other student quaintly observed that "his backside is facing you." my teacher's student (not me) gave him perfume. and a handmade card he displayed on the window ledge. the strange things we get~ life is really pretty shitty nowadays. every morning the first thing i drink is coffee and yet it doesn't seem to do very much in keeping me functional, except maybe the first two hours. and then by evening time i'll lapse into this zombie state, felt so sorry ytd during piano prac cos i couldn't focus and was generally in a "i'm so fed up of this piece" mood. not to mention i was guilty of doing something wrong............ spent the entire afternoon with vanessa at her hall, she's sick so poor thing, coughing like mad. studied a bit of operations management and towards the end i really felt damn sleepy. and then when around 8.50pm i look around and realize i'm still on the train and not at home, i got very irritated whenever the stupid train stalls. i feel like writing in into SMRT and telling them, can you please plan our trains' frequency properly so that your train dun stall whenever there's another stupid train upfront? it's freaking irritating and annoying. but, it's like that de lah. this is life heh. if i'm not so busy and hectic things would be slightly more boring. having lunch with yip jess and xinyun today=) normally seeing xinyun is almost as good as having a coffee jolt. unless we're both dead tired, den we'll just you noe, either get on each others' nerves or ask each other to go away. stop saying i'm a love sick puppy. omg the fact that i still have a sense of humor.... i dun understand how come my mother has the energy to wake up, and snap into "bitch" mode and scream at me over phone bills. apparently i used a total of ONE THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED SMSES last month. see, i TOLD you guys that my smses will explode cos i keep smsing prac times and concert dates and coordinating pracs right. (to ingolf partners) so yeah, apparently that translates into a total of $60 of phone bills. and she kept yakking and yakking and yakking ytd, when i reached home at 9pm and haven't had a meal since 2pm and i'm dead tired. and just this morning too. i really dun get where she gets her energy from. if i had her energy i'd save it for lessons. but see, i dun understand why people like to talk so much abt things that are done. i know it's overused, i know i have to pay more. i offered to pay the bills and she said it's not the point it's the fact that i dunno how to control my smses. but you see, IT'S DONE. walao, just pay the damn bill and shut up and i'll use less this month. it's not as if i had a choice last month. i hate it when people keep yakking abt things that they can't change, note: yakking, not whining. whining has this association of resignation to it. yakking is plain irritating. i really should learn swear words in korean. oh, korean lessons. interesting but kinda stressful. think all my watching korean shows paid off in a way bah. lijie looked damn stressed during korean and i keep asking her to watch more korean shows -.-" not very good advice i noe but err. but mostly it's quite fun =) it's damn fun to learn a language with a friend, (Even though half the time we sound like donkeys trying to spit out the front tooth) ahnyeonghaseyo, chor neun sokmui imnida (hello, i am sokmui =)) ) shit. i'm full from drinking coffee. can't finish my breakfast. nowadays blogger really dun inspire me to blog. anyway people always ask me why i wanna bathe so early in the morning when the weather (nowadays anyway) is very cold. but if i dun bathe, i'm barely functional. ..now that i've bathe, i feel slightly more human and functional. tuesdays bu shi play play de loh. i feel like i know arts almost as well as biz on tues. korean lecture, break at arts canteen while doing group assignment, den korean tutorial, den rush back to biz for lecture, den arts canteen for late lunch, den CFA for piano till 7. whee~ wad fun. like i said. it's the crazy part. i have so many things to do and i dun even noe what time was my OCIP interview supposed to be. zzzzz. deleted the msg by mistake. but i just wanna say this uni is actually pretty fun leh |