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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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okay that's it i've had enough this is my fourth entry today i dunno why i'm even doing this .. maybe i'm just too sian .. i realli seriously have had enough of this ..stop having INFATUATIONS people!!!! i get so fed up when i see msn nicks, or friendster stuff, or blog stuff when they keep saying "i miss him so much" "if you would be my only one" "i'm thinking of you" like.. SHUT UP!!! whatever! you can say what? i'm deprived of love? or i'm like desperately envious or jealous or that kinda thing . the thing is i've seen to many couples break up around me like. enough is enough okay even if you are like, in the midst of an infatuation, or okay, in ur piggy mind, a RELATIONSHIP den can you pls admit to yourself that maybe it's just an infatuation with no ending whatsoever and stop EXAGGERATING stuff stop saying what you can't live without him/her stop saying it will never be the same stop posting nicks on ur msn or ur blog talking abt him/her being so damn nice so DARLINGX so whatever!!!! it's like so damn unbearable u hav a relationship so? be mature damnit do you HAVE to like announce it to the world? like, fine, hey i'm steadying with mr x wow! am i supposed to be green with envy? or perhaps i should turn into those sluts who try to steal people's boyfriend? you just wanna let everybody noe you are LOVE SICK right? people, we are not even mature yet pur lease it's like..u say you are STEADYING huh? oh yar, you are steadying, den the next wk? broke up den stead again den broke up ..wow, so STEADY i realli can't stand people who refuse to admit it's an infatuation and i realli can't stand nicks going "miss u so much" that kinda thing i clicked on "send an instant message" and everything that comes out? the nick? everything is abt BGR like shut up okay there are bigger things out there and not every relationship is wonderful, perfect and ends in happily forever after they are FAMILIES commiting suicide mothers who LOVED their daughters too much such that she commited suicide with them sure,you have a boyfriend, you are happy, you are blissful but if you are really having a mature relationship please stop stop stop stop showing mi "i hav a bf" sign like, STOP!!! what? u think ur boyfriend is like, von dutch bag? "hey i hav one you noe" yah okay fine, u hav one so what? you win la ..(i noe the above is like offending quite a bit of people) but i just wanna state, i'm not trying to shoot any particular one cos i hav friends around me who seriously takes relationships seriously as in not childishly.... i think u guys noe who you are..so i wun state names.. whatever it is, i'm so damn fed up esp when i see couples consisting of girls who love to act cute and guys who like to act cool you noe? those guys who like to spike their hair and walk with a swagger and dun even look half as cool as those lemonades with ice like stop it okay? stop announcing to the world you are cool and hav gf and to those people who gets dumped. (i'm refering to the people who are like, neva realli seriously indebtedto the relationship anyway) it's normal to like get depressed or sad for give or take one month but after that stop stop stop life goes on i hav a bigger prob than yours and my life just goes on i neva realli believe u can give ur life for someone unless u realli love the person very much but hey WE ARE FIFTEEN YEARS OLD NEWSFLASH WE ARE NOT EVEN THROUGH PUBERTY ..if you think you are those people in those shows who give up their lives for someone they love i think there's something wrong wif your brains those shows are nice towatch,good to cry with, nice to sympathize with but..we are all fifteen we hav like dunno how many darn years ahead of us. stop thinking evey relationship you hav is going to be so dramatic, life and death, so hong hong lie lie .. if we are like those song dynasty i will believe .. but we are in a modern world modern world everyone breaks up everyday what kinda love is there so stop being so damn puppish i dunno what's wrong with mi sometimes i think i'm such an imperfect person you noe how it is? like u realli realli realli dun like this person but somehow or another, ur very good friends like him/her alot..so of course you couldn't possibly like say his/her bad words in front of this friend yeah well i'm having this kinda problems. i seriously..dun see..how anyone could be so..i dunno. maybe i'm bad, maybe i realli am ..i neva ever said that i'm a nice person infact, i'm seriously very biased..and opinionated and i'm growing annoyed..at how perfect someone can be.. let mi just be ridiculous and unreasonable i realli dun like people who are too perfect i dunno i just dun like people who are too perfect they just seem to fake .. but some are realli very nice .. i'm being so..unreasonable but seriously, i dun believe anyone could be so nice so damn WHOLE so damn PERFECT..no way man..no such thing.. so when i see such people, i just go.."awww..so nice..yah right" i'm seriously seriously sian.. maybe i should just sleep i hav tml friday and saturday to attempt to finish my homework and i can't hav chalet again..why.. gary not free.haix i'm sick and tired........... to jiahao: i noe u dun realli like baroque, but later i'll give u reasons to show baroque is actually nice!! btw, that book right? go to the book two and try prelude in A minor.. it's nice!!! okay, now let me tell u why baroque is sometimes nice..cos they always have sequences, overlapping sequences that sounds very nice and sophisticated.....especially minors..haha, just try laa..must change ur opinions!!! btw,prelude in A minor is my exam piece too.. anyway..today went kbox lo..courtesy of jiahao..okay okay la..i felt too feverish and sick and tired of my mom's idiotsy to realli enjoy..but it was okay =) den poor jiahao cannot hav dinner wif us.. haix .. anyway.am i being paranoid, or does it not work again.. i dunno .. i feel so damn numb dunno why i'm not happy, not sad i dun even feel there's a goal in life... haix, i just need some...happier stuff to look forward to ah god. tomorrow's jiahao's birthday..today he's treating us to kbox.. happy birthday jiahao..hope u like u birthday present.. .. in which case, i do.. sob (who actually buys that kinda thing for mi) anyway.. time check is 10am in the morning ..on this very sad morning that appears dready and gloomy i am sad to recount my very very shuay yesterday..(or you can hope to ask priscilla again) but before i do that. let me announce something i'm sick!!!!~~ ..... i slept at 3am yesterday even though i lied on my bed punctually at 11pm ,,,,, i swear, i'm not ever going to touch PANADOL, COLD RELIEF ever.... before i even popped the silly thing, i was fine, totally okay, i can laugh, sleep, eat, drink. after i ate the stupid thing, all the mucus began to flow .. and they called it COLD RELIEF ... anyway, yesterday, right. hmm, mom was a little sick, so i spared her the task of accompanying mi to go buy present for jiahao. pris had to go wif mi isntead..mg had training, hz oso had training..ah, the wonders of an anti-cca.. anyway, we went kino, cos jiahao said he wanted mystery or thriller (he said another rao kao ling something about a killer killing the thriller den the thriller thrilling the killer)....or music score. ..(i kept anywaying)..kino has free wrapping!! ..just tot u should know hmm, we walked through the very big kino..den hmm..asked jiahao to picked one author outta two.. ya noe what that bastard replied? "lim sok mui" .. TEH, wrong answer. no such author on earth .(even though i noe i hav vivid descriptions abt people killing big-heads) btw, to mg :can u bold ur font? can't read it laaa if i can't read it, i doubt santa can too, so you better bold it mm ya i forgot to tell you abt my very shuay start to the shopping trip (go get tissue.hold on) yep, i came down and went to the axs machine to book the chalet on 4 dec 2006 for my primary school friends...... the machine, made mi very happy cos it displayed vacancies at downtown costa sands.. den it conked out, page cannot be displayed i tried poking it, slapping it, pressing bac and front again. but it didn't work .. nvm, so i went off to take the mrt my card flashed red ..i tot the card not enough funds went to top up den realize it's MY card, not PRIS's ez-link ..i searched throughout my tiny bag, but nope, not there hence, i rushed bac home, looked through all my stuff nope, not there either at this point i realize this is a very obvious signof my forgetful syndrome acting up again, hence i sent my apologies to priscilla via sms. den hurried downstairs to buy a standard ticket ..i pushed the damn ten dollars bill in out in out .. i tot it was folded you see .. den i realize ticket machine onli accept 5dollars and 2dollars bill. >.< i almost kicked the damn machine ..den i rushed bac again to another book shop to exchange money.. den i got it............ (why why why do ticket machines not accept ten-dollars-bill??? what is it with them?) anyhow, later on at 6plus, mi and pris went yishun to eat again. i tried the axs machine there and you noe what it said? it said there are no more vacancies at downtown east for that date. no more ..onli left pasir ris which for some reason i cannot comprehend, says that i hav to book at least a minimum of two nights.................................. .. the ridiculosity of matter on earth nvm,oh i forgot to mention, kellie got sick, hence she can't go watch the show ...that means i can't find anyone to watch the show.. i ended up asking guys even..... aww, getting rejected by guys.. (pui pui pui pui) (we are very old friends...........>.<) that's my rebut when my mum went o.O when i mentioned i asked boys. ... who asked all the girls to be so damn busy? end up? today going to watch wif mother..but..if i get very sick, den nope, the tickets will hav to be wasted see all u mortals fault, why can't u be nice and just accept my invitation??? it's onli 10.15. mom haven't woke up she's sick i think ..but she has work today .. should i bathe? i think i should go buy something to eat . wait i dun wan waste money again i should bathe .but i need medicine! and no way i'm going to take that cold relief again i just realized.. i like cartoons about HUMANS..mature humans..not kids...and with nice music.. meaning musicals.>.< .. i dun think anyone shares the same interest as mi huh .. i realli love anastasia..haha..even though the graphics not very nice..but i like the songs..>.< just downloaded four songs from it... and i wan the soundtrack! actually i can do something. bro's not home..meaning i can once again install final fantasy seven..den can carry on playing..den uninstall again but this troublesome procedure sorta takes the fun outta it..... shall do it nonetheless.cos if not i hav to resort to doing math homework....... i have decided..shall do some per day..which means i can get rid of it hopefully by this wk..onli left binomial.... and ya noe something? i think i totally forgot how to do it.......>.< alright, i'm here again having established the fact that no, my bro's not at home .. i think he's somewhere off in ulu places of woodlands working on his abs .. but no, they are not pronouced..far from it in any case, due to extreme boredom, i'm going to type out an essay on some.....mm..stupid topics? i couldn't think of any interesting topics except for the o level question this year, the one word question on marriage .... yeah well, you guys just have to bear with mi.. .. just skipped the whole chunk if you can't seem to be getting it or maybe you are giving up on marriage altogether having read my essay..... .. with all due respect, i'm not slamming the male community in this country m a r r i a g e ------ first off i realli dunno how to start this ball rolling (note, i'm not typing in perfect english cos it's MY blog) because if you haven't noticed, you might click the profile page and note i'm onli fifteen years of age. but of course, i know what a marriage is dude it's about a guy and a women getting locked down and more often than not burdened by a series of vows they made in front of HIM or whoever else according to your religion that they will "love each other forever even in times of sickness, crisis" or more common in these precarious world situations "when you get bombed by terrorist or you suddenly found yourself short of a job" the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law the above is the definition of marriage in www.dictionary.com what i dun get is, why do relationships have to be recognized by law? we'll come to that later, all that political stuff which happens to be very very bothersome.. etc etc anyway, where was i? right, let me redefine marriage in our modern world marriage. is the cause for broken families, abused wives, psychological imbalanced children and drunken lords who think that whoever has the dick rules. marriage, is also the cause for. divorce duh let me attempt to find the divorce rates in our country, dearest singapore i'm sorry people, my comp refuse to acknowledge the fact that divorces are getting more common by the day. it's refusing to churn out the necessary and of course, absolutely of truth data. don't worry, i'll make sure i hack it into pieces later darn, i forgot, it's my brother's comp. oh well, i'm benevolent, shan't take out my anger on this pathetic piece of metal. where was i again? oh yar,divorce rates. if you ask mi (of course, but you didn't) there's nothing wrong with a good clean cut away from the wrong choice of your marriage. ah huh. oops, sorry, i forgot to mention all the alimony for the female gender and all the excess heartbreak the guys will have to bear when a part of their monthly salary gets cut away to the girl they never loved. but if they never loved the girl, why did you even lie to the holy one and say you did? and worse still, if you never loved the girl, why did you even make her pregnant? oh no, don't give mi the shit like "that child isn't mine" oh yar, we all know there are bitches out there who exploit and dig all your fortunes out of you in the form of alimony in this big big world, we know there are sad sad cases. but hey, i'm biased, females are the more sentimental gender. and most importantly, the child is innocent however, i'm digressing. people shouldn't digress when writing an o level exam script. marriage. hmm let me see it from the view of a fifteen year old. now's the perfect moment to use the term "gen shen di gu" marriage, this word alone, gave mi the visual of a prison. or no, maybe an iron pen (which is the same thing) or, maybe, if you prefer, iron chains and shackles with this big iron ball rolling around ur heels? if you still haven't got the idea, it's being CHAINED DOWN. alright, i admit, i'm not mature. if you say being married means you have grown mature, i'll suggest you get married, den have a divorce, then marry again. countless times, in this way, people will say you have definitely matured. oh yar, and it will even ensure that you leave a name long down in history as being the guy with a cavalier personal life who hmm, definitely leaves a litter of innocent children around in the wake. ahh. i see, mature. but i do agree, people who stay and lived by the vows definitely are mature. by my humble opinion, nothing is much more of a pain than having to face someone everyday, eating with the same face everyday and hearing the same voice every morning demanding the morning paper or the pot of black bitter coffee boiling on the stove. of course, some draws joy from it all. my parents are both around. and no, they are happily married, though a little grumpy at times. you see, they are both in their fifties. but hey, who's to judge whether you have a happy marriage. check list no affairs? (checked) no mistress? (checked) no psychoogical imbalanced kids? (i do not count) (checked) not living on the streets spitting at each other? (checked) well hey, you have kids, a roof over your head, some money to make end meets. what else is there to rate abt a marriage? personally, i have no idea where this essay is going. i dun even noe what's my stand. but hey, this is no o levels, it's my opinion. so whatever, whatever. if you wanna be married, please make sure you can face the same face everyday without being sick. and please make sure you are HAPPY to see that face every morning. and please check to see that the balance in your account is enough to make end meets i'm a typical person. if you haven't the finance to take care of yourself please spare the others okay, let's be more serious marrage isn't about finance, isn't about calculations, isn't abt whether or not you lived up to the standards. because aside from god, i don't think there's a check list to check against as to whether you have a happy marriage. the same goes for relationships. what's most important is you are happy people in the third world country are poor, it doesn't stop them from getting married and giving birth to numerous, in fact, too many, children. if you are happy, it doesn't matter if you dun hav coffee in the morning, tea works fine. actually, if you are both happy, even if there's no pastor to "announce you husband and wife" it doesn't matter because i dun think there's registry of marriages in hell hey you, you are his wife right? oh, then you guys love each other right, in times of crisis and illness and all that crap ah huh, so you are..cleared to go to the eighteenth level where you can join ur husband and share his suffering. harh. i dunno whether there's this life and the previous life or even a cycle. but your consciousness only remembers this life so whatever is, is. you're his wife, den do your part. if marriage is just a chain, love is the agent that oils the thing to make it bearable. --------- ohh yarh, i hav finish crapping thank you thank you *waves and get off the podium* yar yar, it's mi, the authentic killer.. the one who wrote the previous entry? just a wannabe who can't help but gasp at my wide range of killer tools.. NAH okay, i'm so bored till i got out my national treasure dvd and watched it again..i hav two hours till my next show, which spirit the stallion or something like, karen said it was nice..so shall try it.. and 8.30 i'll watch infernal affairs two...yippie.. so..these two hours..should i do my math homework?? okay stop saying i'm procrastinating..i didn't alright? i did them just now..just that i realli dun get permutation and okay okay, i'll put in more effort to try to figure out why we need to know the number of possibilities in so many circumstances when the onli that realli is important? is this : to convince mothers of all ages and of doubtable IQ with very high capacity of gullibility that. 4D is realli realli not the fastest way to get a million dollars cos why? the chance of getting it right is 10x10x10x10=10000 ....... bzzz 1/10000 why do people get obsessed over such stuff of course, now that they hav this new system, or rule, or regulation or whatever you call it..it's easier to win like hmm..100 dollars? or even 50 dollars in some instances. you see if you buy this number 4567 if it cums out 7654 u still win, just that your winnings get divided like this like that like this like that in the end? it's still not enough to compensate the amount of money you spent before, literally throwing it into numberical sea of toto .... .. and why am i talking abt this?? it's not as if my mom, who is almost as comp idiot as cybil, will read this online. it's a even slimmer chance than toto.. anyhow...life is extremely boring.. everyday i have to think of what i'm going to do tml.. and sadly, i'm losing my motivation to read!! you see i borrowed anne rice, on cybil's recommendation, and i borrowed dean koontz. (lidat spell?) on jiahao's obsession..and i borrowed sandra brown cos i haven't gotten my hands on her book since very long.. however, i onli finished sandra brown, and half of dean... .. i'm taking an extremely long time to read these books oh no, it's a sign of aging.. damn ..... can we do something??? life is extremely boring..and i'm so laddened with time that i'm even considering to do all my homework and some revision which is not a gd sign at all! it's a sign of yan yu syndrome!! which is kinda a uncurable disease.. let me analyze it for you there are certain examples i can list u see, the top most of victims suffering from such a syndrome is of course yan yu .. >.< another victim is..hmm, song huizhen of course the skinny bare monkey barring her arse everyday at us and brandishing a whip to make us study (i heard a key turn, oops, bro's home? i hope not) and oh yar and acting very very smuggishly when she received all her A1s and us commoners had to cough up blood just to get a B..... of course, her brain's different..maybe one day i'll consider sucking out all her blood .. some critical signs of impending doom : like song huizhen, you'll become very very skinny..and oh yar, for some reason like some guy hmm..i think it was by the name of Arthur? yep, going by the name you can see that he's a nerd (sorry sorry) and of course you can tell he's higher than huizhen by so much..and of course another critical sign is that you'll begin to talk cock like her................ mm yesh, your appetite increases such that you began to swallow every single twisty which happens to be bought by yours sincerely... ........ i'll finish this later Muahahahahahaha! (The real Sokmui will kill me for this... But I don't care...!) Guess who! Alright. Who else knows Sokmui's password right. -.-" Okay, I don't know who else knows Sokmui's password. But you should have guessed it by now. Who am I?! Let me give you some clues: 1) I like slapping Weisiang. 2) Sandy is my best friend. 3) I LOVE JAY. Still can't guess? TOO BAD. Hahahahaha. I'm here to blog in Sokmui's blog because I've already blogged in mine, and I'm afraid to close my com because I'm afraid I can never on it again. -.-" By the way, I'm Meigui. Hahahahahahaha. I'm here to say something which will hardly ever appear on Sokmui's blog... JAY ROCKS! JAY IS VERY VERY VERY VERY SHUAI! Don't kill me Sokmui! Sandy forced me to do this. And Sandy says she'll kill you if you kill me. But then that's impossible because you can't kill a killer because the killer will kill you before you can kill the killer. (Now Sokmui's going to kill me... FOR SURE...) By the way, since I'm already blogging in Sokmui's blog, I must as well spread the VOID HEAD SPIRIT! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Jiahao is a void head! Yay! I've nothing against him. But since I'm in Sokmui's blog, and Sokmui's latest collection is Jiahao's head, I have to remind her collecting a VOID HEAD is of no use at all. But Sokmui loves spoilt things... Which explains why she always spoil us before killing us. =/ And if you're still reading this, I advice you to book the air ticket to Mars as soon as possible. The seats are running out, everybody is fleeing because Sokmui is on her 217461375th killing spree again. RUN! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE TO SAY DON'T KILL ME! Another piece of evidence which proves that Sokmui IS a killer is that she doesn't like Jay. Anyone who doesn't like Jay IS abnormal, and 78.24176% of abnormal people are prone to violence. She's definitely not the minority, because to add on to the fact that she doesn't like Jay, she likes the bad guys in Final Fantasy! Which means that she's doubly abnormal. (Just look at Junjie who likes Sephiroth too... Do you call that normal?!) Moreover, Sokmui's loves reading sick books. And although I do too, our level of already-read books are far far far far far away from each other. Almost all the books which I've not read have gone through the hands of our dear killer. This is so wang chen mo ji. How can we ever hold a candle to her? Never. Impossible. You can never kill as well as Sokmui. Because, Sokmui is not just Sokmui. Sokmui is THE SOKMUI WHO KILLS WITHOUT BLINKING. (She blink finish first then start killing...) Muahahahahahahahaha. While I'm typing this now, I wonder which poor soul is in her hands, being tortured by her, skin peeling layer by layer, blood spurting out like Ribena... Amen. Let's hope her latest victim is not you. Sokmui loves blood... Drain yours out before she drains it for you.... Sokmui loves piano... Kill your piano before she kills it for you... Sokmui loves J.D. Robb... OH MY! She's so far away! Can someone warn her?! Are my eyes playing tricks on me?! Sokmui puts "jay" under her likes... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT JAYYYY!!! Oh erm, who was it that said my display pic looked like Jay yesterday at Weisiang's house? When I put JIAHAO'S PIC on? WHO ARH?! Alright. I'm tired of blogging already. Maybe I should just off the com. -.-" BYE! :D ewwwww .. just saw this advertisement for cafe nova..by the xie yun yi.. she sang the twinkle twinkle little star EWWWW ... dun ask mi why i think it's disgusting..i just think it is haha. i'm finally satisfied with my layout.beams* it's time to kill!! .. cloud and sephiroth looked so cool ..anyway..i think i'm growing fatter..>.< ..but i can't seem to find the motivation to hmm, cut down on food intake.. I'M BORED.. why do people have so much activites.. .. i still STILL haven't got down to doing my math homework.. maybe i'll do it later am watching the encore of the last match yesh the one with female lions roaring away and the male lions all sleepily lazing along the field, bouncing the ball with their soft paws >.< now isn't that an apt description the onli people i hav no complains abt are lionel lewis and amri.......... ...... so u see ..AHHH ....ah shit.. i'm going crazy nth much to talk abt i hav peaceful days ahead of mi..=) i am utterly amazed at the lungs capacity of singaporean malay women. or should i say, singaporean malay women who are fans of the singapore lions.. ..due to a lack of constructive shows to watch..i resorted to watch the sea games on channel five, laos versus singapore. ..SINGAPORE WON ..but they played like so damn lousy. even i, an idiot at soccer, also can tell..they are like lazing lions... >.< anyhow..i was happily watching the later of the first half, den the rest of the second half.. when i finally hear a poor chicken shrieking its last into the night.... NAH it was some crazy kee siao malay women screaming "SINGAPORREEEEEE" "PRECIOUSSSSSSS!!!!" ..... i almost took out my slippers and threw it at the scream. can u imagine trying to make out the commentary when some die hard fans, especially women, shrieking and screaming like someone died.. and oh yar, did i mention there were guys hollering too???? ...it's one of the worst football games i've ever watched.. and not to mention..the lions were...disappointing.. espcially dickson..he was offside THREE TIMES!! three times when every single on he had a clear shot..... wad the hell the coach was furious like shit and oh yar the referee sucks too >.< so ruthless, no mercy, gave out a yellow card to amri just for some stupid stuff .. in short .. sucks >.< but i still hope they win.... the seagames la okay anyway to people reading this blog : if you find it difficult to read what i'm typing..it's not my fault it's mg's!! cos i can't read it either my suggestion :just highlight the damn thing ... another msg : i'm not a killer, mg is just exaggerating .. and thanks for the sephiroth layout....>.< i noe i'm sick thanks i just like the bad guy la cannot ah btw to mg and cybil: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!1 AH!!!!! I'M VERI VERI HAPPY!!! IT WORKS!! AM I BEING TOO OPTIMISTIC??? ...... hoo hoo (cools down) anyway, i didn't get to do my homework..mm today went shopping wif mom aunt and bro.. bleah ..not boring but no shou huo... haha, but the main thing is, i tested it out. and it worked!! oh yar btw, going kl on the 13th.. mm nth much to blog abt . actually i prefer my previous layout... shit mg dun kill mi!!! cos.. THIS ONE NOT DARK ENOUGH LAR... ..(okay fine, i'm weird i'm weird okay??) .. i go hav my curry le boo boo boo boo .. as u can see, i'm happier =) .. no actually, i dunno whether it's working or not..>.< sucks .. anyway, yesterday..poor priscilla had to go wif mi to this gathering at east coast..was okay i guess..the two kids very cute..but poor pris seems very bored..anyway..the onli fun thing is she get to hold one of the kids..haha..so motherish..maybe zi xian can consider marrying her.. mmm..shit.. anyway..she got losta advantages la..my mom practically took care of all our meals later.. >.< ..was okay i guess ..played black jack..mi and pris lost everything whatever..mine was sponsored by dad anyway >.< i hav dental later!! still another two hours!! i'm contemplating printing all my homework out .. anyone wanna go library study wif mi???? i'm serious!! stop laughing!! reali!! i hav tons of homework la and i can't do them at home cos.. the bed too tempting ..how how how what should i do!!! i need to know what homework there are shit .. where's huizhen when u need her ..i need to now what homewokr there is!! shit shit shit i'm wasting away my life and i dunno whether that thing is working i dun think it's working how how how .. if it's not working i need something more serious damn!!! i shouldn't be self pitying!! damn damn damn i suck i realli suck.. but my bro's logical thinking sucks even more.. he say that installing ff7 which is pirated on his comp will spoil his DEARX comp.. i refused to believe it.. i was too damn tired and exhausted dat day to argue.. but it didn't mean i gave in...evil grin* hence here's my plan : i hav to install everytime i play and uninstall everytime i quit so that my bro wouldn't noe a thing .. of cos if he caught mi in the act i'm dead barred from his comp forever .. but oh hell whatever, what's life without some thrill in any case.. ..i had enough thrill for the last hmm..one and a half years. i haven't tried it out..dunno whether it will work.. oh yar mg..if you happened to read this blog before tml thursday..ask u ah, i hav this camp..erm, more like bbq with my ---disruption--- I HATE THIS COMP!!! WHAT? ARE YOU DOING THE BIDDINGS OF MY BRO NOW?? IT'S REFUSING TO LET MI INSTALL FF7!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! ---- anyway, yah a bbq with my old friend kaixia and her family..mom say can bring a coupla friends..i asked pris..she said yesh..you can cum? cos the two of you more sociable of my friends..haha.that's why asked u guys.. give mi a reply soon..it's at east coast .... hmm..i'm much happier today..hehe..despite the big hole in my wallet..realli spent quite a bit of money these days on movies.and basically to make myself happier. whatever. i'll be even happier if the stupid comp just install the damn game. i hate my bro. WAIT i should install on my older brother's comp no? since he would onli be back on weekends. however..i can't transfer the damn file..the saved file..anyway has thumb drive? lend mi hmm i dunno whether i'm happy or sad.. anyway, was watching the extreme japan..it's one thing to drink turtle's blood with apple juice.. it's another to see the poor turtle being slaughtered first hand den drinking its blood.. just something that i think.. ..hmm.. went to see the specialist today.. dunno what to say..hope that everything cures everything.. and.. my mother..hmm..still lidat..help~~ .. anyway, thanks to mg pris and guys..for the stupid phone call yesterday..and to pris and huizhen today..haha,pei wo du guo a very stupid and meaningless day . in any case, we went national library.. which of course, dun hav much books.....>.< choz .. hope i cheer up soon how it feels at home :tensed . went to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire with jiajun and peixian... very nice!!! thinks the mood for the show realli changed with its first death...cedric diggory.. i cried!! .. okay it proves how stupid i feel nowadays.... anyway, was a realli nice show, recommend u guys to watch..despite the onli pathetic 3 stars they gave the show..it's quite alright realli, they didn't realli cut quite a lot of things..they kept the important ones..and all the characters were realli vivid. and no, ron isn't realli that disgusting when u watch the movie. .....haix. ....jiahao and weisiang didn't get into css....anyway, dun get too upset. ..and they all went to naomi's house..i couldn't go..... haix .....i realli wanna go dying to go .....why ...>.< i realli wanna go ... tomorrow 10.35am ...1035..i realli dun like the number. it signifies : mi and my mom quarreling :mi having to face all the stress again :the burden i have been bearing for all one and a half years .. tell mi, am i realli making a fuss? am i being..over stressed about something that isn't stressful? tell mi i'm not my nerves are on end ....... such that even an sms can scare mi outta the chair.. ..... AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... i can't scream at home, put it this way, i can't muster up the screamings anymore. anyway, wun be going to camp on the first day, why? my fucking mom say she dun wan mi spending the night before outside my house den going to specialist. as if it would make any difference. maybe i ought to scream at the specialist "my mom says I'M ridiculous" "how about YOU tell HER what the fuck is going on?" "And ask her stop being such a BTICH" .. but so what? even if in the end my mom realli realizes it's all her god damn problem and she realli dui bu qi wo, so what? i dun think i can stomach the apology what's done is done .... time check 12pm shark. i just woke up fifteen mins ago. not because i slept very late yesterday, becos i purposely lazed in bed so that i dun hav to listen to her wonderful naggings. i realli realli envy people with good family e.g.priscilla. realli, pls cherish ur family, u hav a mother who understands what you wants no matter how she screamed and shrieked at ur results. ultimately, if you have a problem, they can tell. if you are saddened or troubled, they can tell. not like mine, for one and a half years straight, they hav no idea. den when i finally tell her, she denys such an existence and attribute it to my ridiculousity. .... wonderful, i can't go camp. jiayou to jiahao..!! erm, okay okay, jiayou to weisiang oso!! ... i think i should say jiayou to me . haix. i dunno what to say. i'm being pessimistic? maybe? but you have neva had a mother who failed to see how important something is to u. and i'm not even talking abt stupid things like superstar. (sorry to jiahao) ..i'm talking abt things that really matter. and she made mi feel like i'm making a big fuss outta nth. budden what? if i dun fight for what i noe is right..i hav to live with it all my life? when in fact i did nth to deserve this kinda misery. this sounds so damn movieish..if i dun fight for the right, i wun be so sad with my mother, i wun wonder what kinda mother she is. but if i do that.. i'll neva really be myself. .. anyway, wanna say something to layjia and guys..(whoever they are) ..i dun really feel like saying sorry.becos i dun really see what fault there is. but i dun wan to have this kinda feeling.this fight-over-money feeling. maybe it's not money, maybe it's principles or that kinda thing. maybe it's my fault, but you have ur faults too, i have mine too. i just dun wanna spoil anything over stupid stuff. and frankly, i dun hav the energy to grapple with anymore such fights, quarrels. so...peace?? =) .. ... i noe i'm being..a little..unreasonable in the sense u dun understand what i'm doing. i keep asking myself nowadays..am i strong? or am i weak?.. my conclusion: i'm strong, if i'm weak, i would have commited suicide long ago. but becos i'm strong, i dun see the point of commiting suicide..becos of this, i wan to earn my right..i wanna show my mom that it's my life, and no matter what you say, i know myself best, i have a problem, it's not ridiculous, it's having a major negative impact on my life. i bet no one have really seen mi cry like how i did at the last impromtu bbq, have u? ..whatever it is, people can onli count on themselves. trust mi, i noe it anyone watched I AM SAM yesterday night on channel five? .. it's damn nice i dunno who the actor is..but he reminds mi of tom hanks..but i noe he got the oscar award..i think. .. it's a damn nice show..critic's choice or something lidat ...I AM SAM is about this father Sam Dawson who has the mental capacity of a seven year old faced with all this legal problems about whether he has the ability to raise his seven year old daughter lucy. Lucy's mom gave birth to her and ran off immediately after. Then..i couldn't understand some parts of the story cos no subtitles..but..it's very sad. Lucy is a very bright girl..and the show deals with issues like how she curb her own intelligence because she dun wanna be brighter than her father and all that. Sam had to look for a lawyer to represent him in court..then due to erm, saving face, this lawyer Rita i think, i didn't get her name..had to represent him..initially she was hmm, the same as everyone else, looking down on him and all that..but then after that her opinion changed when she saw how lucy loved her father and vice versa. Her own family was on the rocks, her husband was having an affair and her own son hated her because she was always so overwhelmed by her work.... in the end, i think she kinda fell in love with Sam. I think. it was so damn sad..the show..Sam Dawson tried so hard to provide for her daughter, and he never blames anyone for anything. Lucy also loved her father so much, but you see all those insensitive pricks trying to pry them apart, claiming it's for the best for Lucy when in fact the best she could ever get was the love of her own father. ..damn.it's one great show. ... .... the appointment is on coming tuesday 10.35. i was playing the game yesterday night when the automated machine from the specialist's called and reminded mi. almost quarreled with my mother again today. she said it was a waste of money and that i was ridiculous and stubborn. I looked at her and wonder how anyone could fail to see how important this is to me. no i didn't cry i didn't know how to cry. i dun even noe what to cry about. I told my mother the problem. she refused to see it. should i cry about her insensitivity? or what? she said i would be paying the fees myself because she insisted it was a waste of money. i said nth, just went bac into my room. .. i going to watch the movie on monday wif kellie and jiajun and SOMEONE..(dunno who yet) den i going to go pasir ris for the 2/6 thingie. hell would freeze over before i wanna go home for that night. den early morn will go and meet my mom. today ........ went bishan j8 wif jiahao weisiang and anson..actually huizhen wanna go..but turns out cannot.she got st johns.. actually..was okay de.. den i met sihui and peixian..... den erm, we wanted to take neoprints together...... den er... they were very scared of weisiang's wierd behaviour.. hence..we winded up wasting 9 dollars of money on the neoprints..when no one wanted to take facing the camera.. .... was quite pissed wif weisiang..scared off my friends..and somemore so extra take photographs urself when all of us were like so..... .. nvm den after that mi px and sihui took again.... and the machine..wasn't very nice either..but better of cos, den the first one.. anyway..saw a lot of wannabes..eh..good luck to jiahao lo..i wun say good luck to weisiang..cos i noe u wun get in....>.< but tml i might not go..cos...... .. today's trip wasn't very...fun.. but tml, gd luck to u lo...... it was okay la today..at least had some fun wif the guys..den after that i met px after so long haha.... >.< den came home, bro not home, so damn happy..yay play game!! choz psst..some more gd luck to jiahao, cos i noe u need it yo yoz this morning wanted to play world of warcraft..budden brother neva tell mi his account password..how to play..and he didn't reply my smses oso..what the .. hence, i decided to meet junjie and get the rest of the final fantasy 7 discs..in..fifteen mins time .. watched initial d at long last.. and erm ..i can onli say the cars were damn cool..but eh, jay's acting..okay lar, not as bad as i expected..but he cry that part..erm erm erm..dun kill mi mg!! realli like what pris said : like somebody threw his sandwich away in kindergarden ...heh erm but i like his father alot..hehe..i'm weird i'm weird i think the computer is going to go crazy soon..mi and my bro has been taking turns abusing it..dayin dayout abt 24/7 so poor thing and oh shit, everyone's telling mi how horrible i am, and pris told mi very seriously that i have potential to be a killer.. she said, the look i gave people when i'm quarreling wif them, as if i wanna kill them .... i exclaimed : isn't it normal???!! ..... okay fine, i noe u guys are going to say that i'm freaky AGAIN... choz ..let the computer rest for 15 mins..so poor thing to jj:i finished ff7 disc one le...defeated jenova life..hurry up give mi disc 2 leh..i can't save leh..meaning i hav to go into the stupid forgotten city again... okay, i admit i'm a very not contented girl .. school that time i say tired no school like now i say very bored .. erm well, the very bored is for the benefit of my mother.who is complaining that i face the comp every single hour .. hey what else can i do?? anyway..watched advent children yesterday at cybil's house..junjie forgot to mention there was no subtitles.... hence we didn't know what was happening.. ..oh yah btw. i didn't change the layout to advent children cos i couldn't find a decent one online that featured sephiroth..the onli one that's nice was snatched by jun jie.. ..i'm not a copy cat..hence... bac to what i was saying..the graphics are so nice!!! glares at the ff7 game disc* as compared to it...>.< hmm..all the people in anime has nice hair....what a perfect world...no bad hair days..* ..but yah, their hair TOO fake le la....ruth say like dao sua . .. ... oh yar and some people say that i'm sadistic cos i like the bad guys better..but hey, it's got reasons wan lor..cos bad guys are the ones wif a more complex psycho...like sephiroth..not everybody can be a bad guy hor ..den huizhen replied "yah, like u" i replied ," yah, thank you" ... and i proceeded to terrorise mg into making a layout for mi..den jiajun seeing her terrified nick ask mi what the hell i'm doing to her.... after that, jiajun also changed his nick to "sok mui is also terrorising mi" ....... did i mention that cybil's house has a lot of mosquitoes all of a sudden?? and my blood is sooo sweet they kept sucking mine update update update yesterday didn't finish my blasted homework..why? cos jiahao mi and mg went kbox..>.< yesh three people went cineleisure kbox..but nvm..hor mg? cos jiahao treated us both.. that bai jia zi might as well haha..den we hmm..tortured him to sing dunno how many times of the song of his choice.... and tortured our ears too..yesh .. anyway..quite fun la..ate a little outside..den came bac..did 2/3 sets of homework.. ... luckily today mr ttp neva went through anyway..hmm..today class physics was DAMN SIAN LAA.. hmm..the onli nice thing is after sch we went to play badminton..nice leh..haha, the hall is like haunted by weisiang..bleah.. and i finally get to exercise..hurray!!! ....>.< and den..went to eat..very nice..mm..den came home bathe finished homework..here i am!! off to play ff7..choz ahhh i just finished circles homework okay, it's not thereotically homemwork..but..mr ttp said "try" so of course everyone TRIED.. >.< yesh we are kiasu in terms of math of cos la, with such a nice teacher..mm and i still have another ton of homework on remainder theorem!! ahh!! why why why!! ..taking a break now.. bro playing world of warcraft..yesterday so nice say i can play oso but must split cost of every month..i happily said okay, den today i ask again, he say no, i ask why, he say just no. >.< the absurdity of brothers mmm..i played ff7 again yesterday..outta corel prison and cruising around training..mm cait sith looks stupid .. anyway..TML IS SCH AGAIN!! nvm nvm..we can look forward to badminton after sch..den will be easier..and of cos tml onli hav one math..THANK GOD..but we have bio..and geog.. somebody call the ambulance!! for the ever boring teachers..and not to mention incompetent ... .... mg and me are now having an extremely boring conv mostly abt us calling each other a killer . oh yesh, she's oso now a killer cos she is now an apprentice of peihung .. hip hip hurray!! i hav a partner! we can killer priscilla together!! and we can blackmail jiahao together!! plus we can attempt the impossible together=kill weisiang!! update on ff7 (this part is for jj.......>.<) ..i'm still catching the blasted chocobo..and it's wasted like dunno how many gils le .. nvm can gain exp while earning money for it..^^ yay!! the curtains people finally came!! put up the new curtains..sooo nice!! the living room is porcelaine peach lidat..very nice lo! den mine yellow..and all my brothers and mom agree it's the nicest..second bro's..mm..according to mom it's the green color of DUCK'S SHIT..should be nice de..but hmm..okay la..den big bro de is dark brown..look quite classy but of course is spoilt by the RED sofa and YELLOW bed..... all in all minen rox!. >.< i noe i'm stupid being so excited over a curtain hey, but looking at pretty stuff will make ur mood pretty too!! .. mm later maybe going to buy bed..and a proper tv shelf for bro..he put his on the computer table..and it reali looks very ugly..>.< as i say, guys have bad taste oh yar, dun remind mi i still have like ONE TON of math homework left to do.. mr ttp rox.. but. CAN DUN GIVE SO MUCH!! whee..off to play comp. okay summary of my today's life school cum home lunch final fantasy dinner piano blog final fantasy sleep wow not bad, i managed to summarize my pathetic life okay it's not pathetic..there are worser days when i'm hooked on a game.. i just wanna finish ff7 cos i wanna watch advent children..or else i wouldn't understand anything it's talking abt ..of cos, advent calendar doesn't have graphics which made the characters' biceps diamond shaped >.< that's how pathetic the graphics in ff7 is double >.< ..my life is pretty much meaningless these days. i totally stoned during physics..cosing the mr tay, kind old and expert at ice skating mr tay to ask mi twice do i understand..i sorta ahhh, hmm..yar for him actually. honestly? i dun understand one shit what he's talking abt poor us, the blasted 3/6s got mr yu..cos their physics after recess..and our discussin room door wasn't closed..hence..... we could hear mr ernest yu roaring away next door.. okay he wasn't roaring that's just his way of communication >.< i miss him!!! oh god!! .. luckily i haven't met mr paul lee..aka mr glass for quite some days.... realli hope he breaks into a dozen pieces hmm and okay, just to sound a bit like junjie ..final fantasy seven rox!! okay okay, it sorta..i luv sephiroth!! which yesh mg is the bad guy who went a little cuckoo and is extremely powerful with grey long swayey hair.... and yar, i like the bad guys. cannot ARH ..he looks even cooler in advent children.. mm..currently very near to the chocobo part..... haix when the hell will i finish it ..and when the hell will my characters level up?? lemme tell u something..every powerful character in every rpg game? there's a very xing ku period of time when the user had to spend like dunno how many hours in the world map training the pathetic level up.. sad to say, my cloud hasn't even reached 20 >.< AHHH .. whatever i'm playing again in fifteen mins.. hmm.even though i've played 5 hours wahahah ... .... erm SHIT people, we have like one and a half month of hols left according to priscilla, she has dedicated half of the hols to study hmm study what, i dunno mg too but i doubt mg will realli do it ...(too bad, my faith in u is like ....tweeny) ..mi..mm okay, seriously, aside from studying, what do teenagers of 15+ do? .... play games ... okay see here my mom acted on a sudden impulse called up kai xia's mom and organised a bbq which is okay, even though i neva realli keep in touch wif kaixia, but wun be hard to like talk again the thing is guess the venue? ..hint: there are onli two beaches in singapore that you can call beaches and sadly the venue is SEMBAWANG PARK yesh, the pathetic sembawangpark i told my mom for the thousandth time...DUN GO THERE LA! SO ULU!! DEN THE WATER SO DARK!! DEN THE PLACE SO DIRTY!! and yet i dunno why my mom insists on going there and stranger yet, i dunno why kai xia's mom oso agree OH GOD MOMS REALLI LIKE DIRTY SEAS MAYBE? SOMEBODY SAVE ME~~~~ ... current scene on tv: fyn held the cao guo hui in her arms while crying .. i feel totally tooted ... stupid show dunno why so many people like it ... fuckers ..what is my mom's problem huh? what the fuck my brother mood not gd it's his own problem, no business of mine he said on sunday that he will pass mi the ipod on wednesday when he cums bac yesterday he came bac, saw that dad moved his stereo system, got pissed den refused to give mi the god damn ipod den what? my problem ah why my mom ask mi not to share stuff wif people in the future IT'S HIS GOD DAMN PROBLEM LA FUCKERS what the fuck, why pinned everything on mi ..and i dun get why people must say what the F. did i mention that? it's like halfway vulgar halfway polite like what the hell u wan say just say wad the fuck, dun say what the F very irritating ...like trying to act polite stupid idiotic like go to hell bullshit .. and block revisions really damn boring today's maths..mr ttp taught the what remainder theorem or whatever la ... do until i wanna faint ..den finally go cybil's house..got some peace cum bac must face my stupid idiotic moronic fucking brother's rage hi all it's mi again and my life is totally perfect..if you dun count the sniffles and sneezes and ha-choos .... it's DAMN irritating ..and mr ttp gave one bunch of homework today..which he said was not homework "but if you think you are weak, you should practise" .. with this sentence in mine how would any of us wanna fail him hence i decided i'm going to do it later yo hi everyone block revisions sux ..losta stupid relief teachers.. mr paul lee aka mr glass for chinese mr tay, very cute but very boring physics teacher mdm zaleiha (how to spell) for geog onli mr ttp so hardworking everyday cum de ^^ nth much to say except i hav a fucking flu!!! and it's damn irritating la! can't sleep properly can't do work properly but..at least i didn't lose my appetite .. going to install ff7 le!! ouch ouch ouch ..my feet cramp .. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH very sian ah!! i have math homework!! and chemistry homework!! dun feel like doing lor what the hell argggh ..just finished a very boring meaningless time online talking to jiajun and junjie.. ..four Js lol ah damn la i hate homework i can hear their chanting "do mi do mi!!" yucks so obscene "flip mi flip mi!!" ..damn i'm engaging in interior monologue oh okay, exterior typing what sue mi, it's my blog ... ah shit ah shit .. i totally hate math ..i realli like tan teck poh but i realli totally hate math WAHHHH bursts into tears* anson can i like bribe u wif safety from peihung and do all my homework for mi?? ... ... okay i'm not dat bad i'm gd that's why i managed to pass la ..okay must try to hypnotize myself...... i like math i luv math i adore math i admire math ............... ahh today is monday ..it's the first day of block revisions and we already have math remedial!!!...1 hour lidat..alamak..stupid ttp.. ..and i sold the jay poster to mg for five dollars..yay..recoup losses.. haix.so bored..came home le den eat macdonalds while reading j.d.robb again..ceremony in death.. den.. i was seduced to sleep but.. i still have homework!! oh god..why do we still have homework although they say it's the hols?? .. damn ...i wanna watch exorcism of emily rose..maybe tml wif mom.. den wednesday..i'll breach the topic wif her .. i hope shit .. oh my i totally agree wif kumboon i totally can't stand people who types like this : worxxx...derhxx..euuu ..wibb d indians..misssh ... what's the point of taking english den .. just take bimbo language ..lala land >.< WHERE GOT PEOPLE TALK LIDAT DE LA? ..disgraceful use of the english language.. currently very bored hence, i've taken a very very steep dive into the world of friendster again.. reading friend's testimonials let's just say i feel like puking after reading some of it .. how can people change so much?? and god, how can people associate themselves wif such BIMBOS??? ..i officially declare i'm bimbo allergic.. .. ah god ..another viewing of those ...disgusting testimonials. ..but i'm hooked hehe cos i just wanna see how bimbostic these BIMBOS can get.... and sadly, i've just previewed my own testimonial to that person and even though it sounds FAR from bimbostic. it sounds kinda stupid oso .. but i dun talk like this : misssh u loadxx!! ah, it's been a refreshing experience, i'll be sure to find some friend to engage in anti-bimbo talk later.. honestly, how can anyone possibly talk like that it's not called talking it's called WHINNING ... hey people, if you read this entry and totally agree wif being anti-bimbo, can u pls tag on my board? so that i noe i'm not the only biased one here.. . seriously OUCH..i think all my hair fallen off due to extreme EEEKY viewing of testimonials .. ..i've got so many issues i dunno which one to start first okay.primary sch chalet ..i settled weilun that side.den gary cannot .. realli dunno what to say haix.they busy people wif ccas.mi abnormal. can't blame them ..triple sigh* whatever To mg: hmm..he's back den good le la..try not to brood over it..read j.d.robb!! it's good stress relieving!!..but hmm..everyone does stuff for reasons of their own..cheer up! psst..silver hair makes u sadistic..it's not a wise choice =X okay..and hmm..yesterday we wasted twenty bucks..on kbox cos some toot named jiahao wanted to sing to his heart's content ..and we ignorantly went ahead with him although we know weekends more expensive.. .. victims as follow sheryl me weisiang anson jiahao not counted cos he is the mastermind ..actually. it was quite fun. up until the person told us it's approximately 100 bucks for the total .. oh yar on our way home..we say two fashion statements.. one guy dyed his hair blue.which is actually quite cool >.< the other gal..hmm..she dyed hers bright red ..and styled it like a rooster >.< ..eh, den cum bac watched singapore hits award on channel u how is it possible jay chou didn't win the wad chuang zhuo ge shou award?? wheras lin jun jie won? .. it's high impossible corruption!! blasphemy!! .. okay when have i rooted for jay anyway? .. (people i admired his talent, no HIM) ..anyway ..yesterday made mi very aware of the SHIT i am in .. yesh the shit that onli cybil and mg noes.. .. hmm.haix.whatever.. going to change layout again ..okay fine i'm very..hmm..san fen zhong re du what, shoot mi la my mother seems to have taken the coward way out .. she doesn't seem to wan mi to thimk abt the specialist issue .. as if i'm not thinking abt it all the time .. i dunno what to do AGAIN .. what? am i supposed to confront her? what if she decides to have another quarrel wif mi again? what the hell is a daughter supposed to do when she tells her troubles to her mom and her mom denys everything and say it's all her daughter's ridiculous imagination? .. forget it just listen to jay's songs.. hi it's mi!! yawn~ been watching the legend of condor heroes..u noe i couldn't decide whether i like legend of condor heroes better or the return of condor heroes..both are equally nice... smiles* ..outta 22 episodes..i already watched till the 18th .. and i onli started this tuesday oh my god but it's REALLY REALLY NICE LA!!! i recommend u all go watch..even the china one on channel u oso can..cos the plot dun change and the plot is really good.. i'm crazy i noe one moment i'm talking abt stairway to heaven...the other moment i'm talking abt some "toot toot" show from 1994 but IT'S REALLY NICE!!!!~ see..i appreciate shows TOO much... ..anyway..i saw the stairway to heaven soundtrack today at woodlands music junction...hehehehe..eyeing jiahao's wallet..>.< and i bought jay's album and yesh it's not pirated.. >.< he should be honoured leh i onli buy one album per year and that's his album .. see i support talented singers and shows i'm an appreciator of arts >.< but I'M NOT OBSESSED ABOUT HIM ... i think fang wen shan oso very talented leh his lyrics very beautiful .. especialy the fa ru xue .. oh gosh i'm like hooked on shows and music SOMEBODY SAVE ME~~~~!! .. crapx .. anyway..please tell mi what the hell we can do during hols i'm like so terribly bored .. and even though we have block revisions in a few days.. i dun get it man.. parents dun wan us to go out all the while but when we stayed at home and guai guai de watch all the vcds .. they complain again i guess all they wan us isi to scrub the toilets till they sparkle is it .. ridiculously unreasonable yesterday..my whole family except dad went to eat to this Siam Kitchen at causeway..aunt treat..mm..it was mediocre..onli the tom yam soup nice..the point is..after eating right..we went to eat swensens.. i almost puked or something .. mi and naomi agreed on one thing it's very hard to JIAN FEI .. haix ![]() A Dark vampire You are a dark vampire you have lost the spark, and the will to care about the kill any more you cry black hollow tears, you use to be feared and your name spread fear across the land among humans and vampires alike. For this reason you are alone, you regret this but you know it is too late. You became like that because you became attached to someone and now they are gone you dont see any reason to exist!! It is almost like you live for other people/vampires when you loose this you will again be powerful and free. You have to learn to live for yourself and not for others and realise that the whole world isnt against you!! What sort of vampire would you be and what is your story?(great pics) brought to you by Quizilla woo hoo i'm a vampire .. i noe u guys can't see the pic .. haha i bite u! .. lame pai seh la realli sian lor i watched six hours of vcds today lar the legend of condor heroes 1994 hee i'm fu-guing .. but it's realli realli realli very nice!!!! i realli hope tml my mom is going to bring me out i think i'm going to like ..bored to death in my house nth to do .. except keep watching tv and i can't keep doing that cos dad will give mi THE EYE .. not funny I'M REALLI REALLI REALLI VEYR SIAN LA!!! RAWR RAWR RAWR!! (eh, when has anson possessed mi) .. and i'm feeling bloated i realli need to run but.. of course .. being the most lazy person on earth .. that's mi .. erm erm erm .. i'm even too lazy to go over one mrt stop to buy nov chopin.. just goes to show.. Your anime hair color is green. What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla ![]() B: Your Beauty lies Some Things Element: Gemstone: Quote: Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla ![]() You are every goth-kids dream! Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla ![]() Winter. Which of the Seasons are You? ( With Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla ![]() You are Pluto... Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook. What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls) brought to you by Quizilla haix... oh my god..so boring.. now talking with pris... we thinking of chalet..but no money leh...how go camping? ...but we'll all freeze to death.. how i'm thinking ages to type this entry..cos one handed type ma.. oh yar i found a new meaning in life... been watching she diao 1994.. my mom bought the vcd...by zhu ying and zhang zhi lin.. it's old la.. but it's very nice.. damn... so boring.. can somebody ask me out.. oh ya.. but today actually wanna go kbox but no money.. haix.. SIAN AH ..wa lao damn sian the weather so hot so humid .. i was waiting for it to rain so that i can go running.. yah, that's HOW bored i am tml they say wanna go kbox.. but no money.. and somemore..dun think got mood damn sian.. no games to play .. eh yah i hav game what..PSP metal gear.. although it's quite stupid... siannnnnn den stairway to heaven i oso watch finish le.. yesterday watch the show on channel u oso cry again.. haix WHAT THE HELL..WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!! soooo sian!!! |