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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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oh i forgot to post abt pris watching titanic how can you say it's only " quite good!!!" she makes me feel like watching it again!! =D so i probably will,maybe tml night yep yep it's my favourite show leh! i think top is titanic, den lakehouse i still can't upload the pics i think blogger is totally not cooperating anyway cybil and i went to free movie of beowulf it's really quite sucky =( i tot the thriller didn't look half bad but turned out it's more like a PS game movie (which sucks more than advent children) than a real movie but the song's quite nice though and the movie isn't half as bad towards the end so now looking for the song what shld i do tml?? i just watched like six episodes of tang xin feng bao it's this new hk drama series quite nice although the whole show is "owned" by aged actors -.-" not much shuai ges la but all the lao jiao very good actors, so quite good and quite funny also but i can't possibly watch shows all day long right? later ask mother whether wanna go causeway la den come back read some highsmith's bio hmmph i shld start doing something constructive but i can't think of what! to mg and all other nj people who happen to pass by my blog been wanting to say this since it's been revealed that one of the dragon boat casualties was an NJ pe teacher i dug up this quote which i copied somewhere when i saw mg's entry Birds sing after a Storm Why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them - Rose Kennedy that's all i want to say oh man i can't upload the rest of the pics! try again.. OCIP arrived at chiangmai, boarded one of these amazing taxis (it isn't very clear from the picture) they are lorry like thing with shelters at the back and house at least ten of us. Skinny girls like us of course can sit more =D and it's damn smart can, they piled up the bags on the roof and just rope them together to keep them from falling off pss you can buy the car number for 4D wahaha. i took this picture on the last day at night at chiang mai city we took like one hr to ride up the mountains. upon which we marvel at the horrific height at which we're ascending. halfway up we changed vehicles to proper lorries me yiling were somehow fortunately honorably thrown in with mr najib miss angela wu miss chia, james jianhan i think, hian huat xiaoqin, erm one of the facilitator and half a dozen bags which basically took up most of the space. the road was SUPER BUMPY can it's like a free roller coaster ride. i think mr najib mentioned that he's got some super unglam pictures of us walaooo how can he do that. we can't resist screaming our asses off since most of our asses were hurting like hell can. james and jianhan started out sitting next to each other. during the ride james started sliding onto the floor and onto jianhan himself. xiaoqin turned direction 180 degrees. yiling's shoulder started jutting into my body painfully and everyone is basically holding on by using our ab muscles -.-" and SADLY all our shoes were totally stepping onto najib's cargos. awww so sad okay, so after that really thrilling roller coaster ride which was actually quite fun cos the teachers screamed along with us =D we reached the village and being sua ku city dwellers, we were totally amazed by the wild dogs, chickens and pigs so here are pictures (which dominated half of my camera cos i was so amazed by them) of big healthy chickens which aren't reared to just lay eyes, dogs which have a super nice life just dozing in the sun and waiting to be fed, piglets who are extremely cute and huge pigs that remind me of someone.
have you ever seen a dog sleep like that in singapore???? so unguardedly! so cute!!!! so nice life lah an actual piglet looking for food! cute! they get uglier when they grow up =( the first night we had bland porridge for dinner but no one complained la. oh for bugs hater like mg....we saw a cockroach the length of my index finger. it took a second for it to register as a cockroach can.it's BLOODY HUGE LAAAAA.. cos they had too much oxygen up there so even bugs are uber huge yep show you pics of where we stayed. at least, where GIRLS stayed. boys stayed near the pig sty. teachers stayed beside the corn storage room and above chicken and pigs. aww so sad the front view of the city official's house we took over. nah he went to town or something like that. the first floor is the dining area for all of us as well as bugs feeding area. upper floor is accomodations for girls it's tiled. but that's the view at 5 plus am from the window underwhich i slept. well..see we have to find SOMEwhere to hang our clothes..so we sorta just improvise and hang ropes from one corner to another...resulting in a place resembling those of blangas....unglam sia see, it's not our fault that it's messy. that's amelia and suhana in the pic erm, the cob webs decorating our dinning area. it's like superman's. not those lousy threads we see in singapore. cool sia? right..getting tired of posting.so long la. okay, erm what else do you guys wanna noe, i forgot to take pics of our toilets and bathing areas =( erm yeah, kids! kids there are cute but as usual, i can't really click with them =(((( but they are still very cute atitayah (i'm just trying to piece their names) and yiling. she loves yilng, second to May of course. she stands in front of our hut and goes "MAAAAY MAAAAY" each morning -.-" her looking like chief of village in the middle. okay fine, she's muscle man (our chief of village cum construction helper) daughter but still..dun need look so authoratative mah pom tey wa and Kat. plus pom tey wa's CAT. look at the eyes. she's totally torturing it can. poor thing once again. look at how much fun the cat is having. aww i think that's louis at the back scaring her off into yiling's warmth omgosh, another entry to continue i'm inspired by priscilla's OBS post to post as well been lazy the past few days to post on OCIP cos well, it's VERY LONG to post an entry on it but i'm inspired to do it now =D waiting for bro to transfer the files onto his thumbdrive so i can show you all the beautiful (not really) pictures we took and i STILL haven read my newspapers, why is it i can't find time to read them? oooh coming back to singapore means i have to start worrying about finances again it's so great to be at thailand cos firstly, when you're in the village, everything is super cheap a whole big bag of tidbits costs less than one dollar sing secondly, when u reach the city you have FOUR THOUSAND BAHT to spend cos my mummy gave me those money =DDD so, money was APLENTY =( but now in singapore..it's another matter altogether omg the files are too bloody big la brother still compressing by the way i've changed the imeem playlist those songs are nice for those of you who don't know, eye of a tiger is actually the theme song for rocky i'm not sure how many of you guys actually watch it before it's pretty iconic during my brother's time and it's really pretty cool i watched it dunno like how many times and sylvester stallone is cool too and thus this song is cool too =D ok,i'll use a new post to talk abt ocip cybil came over to my house today and we baked cheese cookies =D ..they smell great! =D just that they taste kinda tasteless............................. i can't believe my father and my mother likes the cookie weilun said that my cookies can probably be used for shot putt like, what a vote of confidence eh but they're FINE okay and they smell super nice, of butter and cheese =D at least they smell nice ... and i got to spend time with cybil again! haha yeah i forced her to watch criminal minds, the episode on tobias hankle she says it's NICE! wahahahah another fan yeah but it's seriously nice la .. okay what shld i do now got like half an hour before cybil comes online to show me the bag she's gonna lend yiling ..ah ..read my patricia highsmith den ciao to pris: have fun at obs! oh.. i'm in love with paul mccartney this never happened before the song is so nice! first heard it in lakehouse and somemore lakehouse is such a nice house ..i wan a hosue like that too *wistful* and mg, ur blog entry so sad what happpened? time is 1230am i better go check that my water hasn't boiled over. yeah,milo i make the best milo i tell you anyway i think that it's super nice to have my second bro around cos without him i'll probably be sleeping on the streets several times a month cos i always wind up being locked out bet it's my father being childish and locking me outta the hosue just cos i went to work at linda's hello what's wrong with working there? and it's perfectly okay returning to home at around midnight i mean, admiralty is super happening even at that time okay (i'm serious there are blangas, chinese people, teenagers at mac) so it's perfectly fine okay my home doesn't feel like a home first thing in the morn brother sits in the living room cursing second bro mother sat quite helpeless den second bro room, mother and him s houting match over what shld be done next at the insurance shitty firm all the way to noon den somemore father come back somemore i'm seriously fed up .. and i realize i might as well tell you all now i'm those type of people who bury themselves in work just to avoid what's really going on so yeah just take note that i'm that kinda person and waitressing at linda's is getting more fun and more fun dunno why maybe cos all the people getting more shou and all ha.ha talked to raymond this "ah beng" as lijie says who smokes, who drinks, who whatever ..you noe, he is more gentlemanly than a lot of other guys i noe which is speaking alot and the stuff he told lijie (and i eavesdrop on) makes me realize again that some people are worse off still his family is quite dysfunctional sister is 17 and has a child, married and all but at the end i still think that, so what? he turned out alright even if he drinks and smokes and i was thinking on the train, i think he's quite lonely cos he's talking so readily with lijie probably has a lot of things to say which he can't say and he's a mechanic sorta he noes how to drive a car at 16, fix the car, and aims to open his own mechanic garage ..sorta envious actually, the stuff he can do so i was just thinking we are all fixated bastards actually as in, human beings in general we just keep harping on ourselves and we can't help it ..what's the quote i read somemore it goes something like this "i would stop talking about myself if i know anyone else half as well" so yeah we can't help it but we are all fixated bastards I'm very sure, this never happened to me before I met you and now I'm sure This never happened before Now I see, this is the way it's supposed to be I met you and now I see This is the way it should be This is the way it should be, for lovers They shouldn't go it alone It's not so good when your on your own So come to me, now we can be what we want to be I love you and now I see This is the way it should be This is the way it should be This is the way it should be, for lovers They shouldn't go it alone It's not so good when your on your own I'm very sure, this never happened to me before I met you and now I'm sure This never happened before (This never happened before) This never happened before (This never happened before) This never happened before (This never happened before) This never happened before -paul mccartney, this never happened before, lakehouse The atmosphere around the house sucks ..but what do you expect when you receive a bill o f 28 000? ..not that i'm very affected i dun get why my parents are so..fan over it didn't they already expected it? i guess seeing it printed in black and white nails it. highly probable we have to pay the sum yesterday's waitressing was the most qing song one i've had cos there were like four newbies so the m anager was too busy eyeing them like a vulture to bother about us somemore lijie and i are stationed close=D so it's easier oh, plus people left earlier and some people didn't come still, quite tired today cos stayed up till 2 to watch huang fei hong yesterday haha yah yah i very old to watch this kinda lao-cock-cock show but its' really nice what and jet li looks super young okay and for some reason i just think it's nicer than most hong kong shows these days even those by xu ke ah i'm bored i'm so extremely bored even though i feel quite tired but still, i can't just go back to sleep right? ...... I'M BORED well it sucks waiting for people to email you totally sucks i realize that apart from reading p.h (patricia highsmith) books i really got nth else to do in my life now i practised piano i erm watched tv criminal minds to try to raise my iq erm, what else oh yeah will iron my stuff later for work tonight and somemore, yeah i got work tonight, slave labor for slavery money okay fine what else what shld i do tml and i hate it when people dun reply my msgs.. life's BORING sigh think i'll make myself useful..go iron my stuff, pack my stuff..den wash plates or something .. btw to pris: my gosh! you ran ten rounds???!!! ...you make me feel extremely sad at my aunt's house and i've finally at least finished edith's diary by patricia highsmith one down two to go and countless more of extra readings before i can write out the h3 thing sigh but at least it's interesting the ending sucks though ..she fell down the stairs and died like HUH i was expecting more of a climax -.-" but at least most of the book was quite entertaining seriously what DO people do when we dun have work to do? like today's public hols so ppl mostly go shopping i guess that's constructive.. budden like, if you break so many days like me you'll get super bored la and shangri la still hadn't replied us so sad i really wanna do the shangri la one since they pay so high -.-" okay, somemore erm oh yesh i like this quote a lot it's from criminal minds, quoted by frank breitkopf this ultimate psycho (the actor acting him is brilliant really, he's really creepy) they say beauty can cover a multitude of sins but underneath it all, we are all exactly the same erm, to clarify, the last sentence was probably derived by him after he's skinned dozens of humans... oh, and he removes the third rib bone on the right , is it? and gives them to this woman as wind chimes... sick huh the show's great though =D i can't wait for season three to come out couldn't find any info on the internet though sigh really really miss reid -.-" and morgan and gideon and hotch and garcia and jj ALAMAK AND i feel unconstructive so i can't wait for OCIP to come den after OCIP got standard chartered marathon so yeah i wun feel like i'm rotting after that..got a long break before going hongkong btw, ppl i'm afraid to weigh myself pris have you ever felt that way? ..okay rephrease, i think all girls feel that way before? serious la i dun dare weigh myself maybe i'll do it after ocip i mean, if you bathe in cold water, do work, have not enough sleep, eat food you aren't used to, erm, do really a lot of work you're bound to lose a few grams right? (desperately in need of affirmation) yeah okay, erm i HOPE so so yeah, after ocip den i'll weigh myself imagine the shock if i dun, den next year during height and weight height 167cm weight .......... ..even thinking abt it is too much ah whatever i'm morphing into those girls who are obsessional abt weight NO I'M NOT .. and i'm internal monlogu-ing shit krishna all over again AH i better go well i'll be damned i found something that actually works for h3 lit and it's actually getting me excited about it the author is patricia highsmith and in case you are as ignorant as i was before i researched on her she is the author of the adapted film the talented mr ripley and i ought to thank kum boon for her recommendations on the film, if not i would never actually notice the book and i've been reading one of her books and it's really extremely interesting if you like gatsby, i think you'll like this too and, it isn't very chim so i think pris you guys shld have a shot at it and, it's actually quite a relief to not have to do anne rice besides the obvious point that her books are VERY thick and heavy it's quite intimidating to go through her books again oh and i finished criminal minds season 2 and i repeat my stand criminal minds is the most brilliant clever ingenious exciting show i've watched so far okay, whatever, i dun watch that many shows anyway ciao evil pair of mr and mrs wee too bad, ur reputations are ruined not that you have too much to begin with ..okay fine today was a FINE day =D ..sounds like one of those primary sch compo starter paragraph on a bright sunny afternoon, peter and mary were walking home from school. suddenly they saw smoke in the distance........... okay okay why am i talking more and more like mg erm, yep today i did something noble really i did something very very noble i bet when you do it you'll feel really good too =D I THREW OUT ALL MY PW STUFF =DDDD ain't that noble at first i felt i was like, committing a crime you noe, what if najib calls me in the middle of the night, or sms us around midnight (as he did one particular night with three msgs long to tell us he had gotten the op date mixed up) and say that : sok mui? this is najib here. oh, i need to tell you guys that we have ANOTHER OP, they couldn't decide the marks. so, help me pass the msg to the class okay?" so when i was throwing out the first few pieces of sample eoms with those evil bubbles and passages i was feeling soooo bad den it began getting better and better and BETTER it's addictive i tell you and with every paper that i throw out i was thinking "HA.HA. no more pw. no more najib. HA.HA" oh and i packed up all my stuff nicely =D i even threw away the dozens, hundreds actually, of flash cards i bought when i was ignorantly young yeahh i bought hundreds of those huan zhu ge ge flash cards ....it's abt hundred bucks i think i couldn't bear to throw them away in the past cos they're so, like, so, SO MANY but i'm proud to say i threw them away today =D let's ee i threw out a lot of stuff. erm oh yeah newsweeks hundreds of them sometimes i really wonder why i subscribe yeah i noe every start of the year i tell myself "sokmui, you have to read all these if you wanna pass gp" but in the end, even after reading them, i still fail anyway so like what's the pt and most of the stuff i use for gp, i get them from my geog readers, or worse, tabloids so yeah, useless what else, let's see erm oh yeah i watched more criminal minds it's sooooooooooo nice seriously people who thinks their brains are very limited shld watch this show (and we all noe by now who i'm refering to) it'll make you smarter really ..it'll make you smartER but of course you'll still remain quite retarded but what else can i expect from you right?? oh kenneth and xinyun wants to play mahjong WITHOUT money like what's the pt? i hate mahjong with money already play so long sooo long the agony sooooo long you get to see pris's face turn from this =D to this = (her serious no smiley look cos she's playing wu tai and trying to kope her last card) and gary's face from this =D to th is =DDDD as he realizes that he's gonna lose more money and mg's face from this =) to this =) cos we noe mg's a vampire no matter what so she wun feel anything and my face will go from =D to =(((((((((( and start to spew out vulgarities so yeah without money? i'll probably be cursing xinyun all the way so yep and of course they are so evil they refuse to empathize with my point number one on my third entry this page so i shall deny them of the right to play mahjong herh, go lo, go lo, you f ind yil ing and vanessa liu play lo just ignore me HERH at this point xinyun says i'm childish HELLO childish de shi ni men okay ming ming zhe me ai dui fang hai yao hide it shudders* somemore gang up and bully me HERH okay back to my day ...what else..can't rmb..i only rmb feeling very good today =D oh, before i ran, i felt like shit when i see my calves after i ran, i feel even shitter when i see my calves oh, not to mention that i've decided to totally disown kenneth and xinyun forever i can't rmb what else i wanna say la sigh, i shall go prepare a tomb stone that reads "nice calves that once were" "massacred by the unfairness of the world" "may your killing be mourned" ..... foot note: and all men with slimmer calves to die buried with you sob .. just ignore me oh to mg: i'm too lazy to pick up my phone, it's 10000mmmm away from me, to call you so i'm saying it here, i can't lend my sleeping bag cos i need it on my way to thaiiiiiland yepp well okay, let's have some thai lessons i didn't mention it did i? that day the kindly ocip teacher in charge organised a thai crash course or something and we were supposed to learn basic thai erm i think yiling only learnt this khun chew arai? (what's your name) and i'm so sorry to tell you besides sawadika we only remember this hong nam yu thee nai try pronoucing it now anybody wanna guess what it stands for? clue: it's VERY ESSENTIAL okay, it's VERY VERY IMPORTANT we know this nope it's not "what's the price" can't guess??? hong nam yu thee nai is WHERE IS THE TOILET lala it's the only thing i remember till now fine okay, that's so random ..i dun like the look of this post shall post another one i think cass will be delighted that i posted three entries in one day why the world isn't fair #1 when you try to be healthy and go jogging (oh no it's got nth to do with the fact that staying at home simply generates negative angry energy) what do you get? big fat calves, what ungratefulness #2 when you seek out a little sympathy plus empathy plus whatever thy from friends, you get the following response kenneth: go run off those fats me: those aren't fats kenneth: stop deluding yourself sokmui xinyun: huh, but i tot my calves also very fat me: please, your calves are gong-ren de very nice okay xinyun: huh really meh? but i really think they very fat me: go and die xinyun: dun like that lah, i really think they're fat me: just because you have nice calves and happen to pass your 2.4 doesn't give u the right to gloat okay thereafter i've decided that the two evil lovebirds mr and mrs wee can go have those mahjong session themselves. HERH i dun wanna play with evil people sob #3 my air con is spitting out black fabric as it's blowing, i think maybe it might spew out a hand or a leg soon, or cough up blood? #4 it is not fair that men now have calves and legs nicer than a woman, is it not enough that we have swollen ankles when we are pregnant? how can god do this to us? #5 it is also NOT fair that some men okay, sissies, or gays, are deemed to be nicer looking when they become transvestites, it is SO not fair #6 and, how is it that some people think that some guys look better carry tote bags or shoulder bags when compared to females? we're totally being usurped of our entitlements and you dare to say they look nicer? #7 AND how can you just plagiarise our high heels and give it to people like jiahao so they can feel better abt being short? high heels are SUPPOSED to make US feel better you noe #8 guys can just eat and eat and eat and eat, seriously, have you seen the stuff anson eats? and still remain slimmer than girls, what IS it abt them, high metabolism? can't blame us they have high metabolism cos they spend too much brain thinking about dirty stuff right? we good girls who happen to think abt nth but decent stuff has low metabolism rate, oh plus periods to boot #9 AND guys are always deemed to be better at EVERYTHING, they are shuai when they play piano, shuai when they play basketball, shuai when they cook, shuai when they fart, shuai when they sleep but you've never seen people admire mothers who cook at home everyday, oh no, we're just huang lian po, or wash-pot face or something #10 it's also NOT fair that guys dun have to worry abt putting on weight. oh, bigger calves. man. bigger biceps. man. more hair? man. whatever man .... none of the above actually makes sense but you have to admit it's true to a CERTAIN extent right???? and fine, if you haven figured it out, i'm just obsessing abt point number 1 again, i like mg's blog cos she's the foremost on jay's stuff...so i can just return ...even though it's irritating sometimes.. oh man ..i can actually understand jay chou's lyrics? omg that's so simply amazing =D aww mg misses me and pris and wanna M erm, my house is free for you guys to M but since i refuse to play (i ALWAYS lose when i M please) you will either have to find ur own friends or..erm find gary and weilun yep yep and i haven blogged for a long time, oh, in order to keep xinyun reading this post, i must say this first, xinyun i'll be blogging about you so dun exit my blog today's her birthday =D HAPPY BIRTHDAY XINYUN! and oh yeah read pris's blog, i have this feeling she's getting more and more emo everyday -.-" and basically her whole post is suan-ing me hello, i very long never dang killer okay, i'm actually pretty amiable in the faraway east coast where we build happy sand castles oh tian, even jay's rap is clear! =D it's a miracle okay okay and erm actually got a lot of things to blog about, but i can't remember but first, i need to make a list of what i need to do during the hols #! M with mg and pris #2 gathering with gary weilun px #3 work a lot and earn a lot of money (i'm in serious debt) #4 have super duper fun at OCIP #5 have super duper fun at Hong Kong (i'll be making a list of what i wanna buy next time -.-") #6 get something done about H3 literature #7 master my harmonica (yeah i'm getting the hang of it) #8 read finish the books i bought #9 master my new piano ensemble pieces.. #10 can't remember..shit ..jay chou very act cute "jian chi zi ji de feng ge, yao zi bu qing, ah" ...... act cute oh i rmb #11 watch finish huan huan ai and hana yori dango =D #12 erm i can't remember again sigh oh okay xinyun xinyun she's so irritating can i've never had so much trouble buying presnet for someone and she's so BIASED what kenneth and enid buy belated present can i cannot if i do, i'll die it's like so favourtism even though i noe you really really like kenneth, but can't you be a little subtle about it??? maybe i should heed enid's advice..and buy underwear for you enid further suggested that since i detest underwear, why not bra??? she say one hor ..better yet, i think we shld get kenneth to buy it for you.. oh man i'm getting disgusting ..and yeah yeah i noe i made you wanna vomit but you're seriously irritating you shld have been more specific about what you wan okayyyy and hor, at least i was the first to send u HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMS okay i purposely kept myself awake to do it horrr aren't you touched so stop being so biased ...oh and hor, i think ur birthday presnet will be even more belated cos i wanna go www.maad.sg to get it for you yepp ..i can't rmb what i wanna blog about le la anyway i'm already bored since op ended i'm already extremely extremely bored sigh |