to all well wishers: i'm much better thank you
just that for lack of better's like the virus is still..erm lurking in my system..making me sian sian
and..tml is the NEW YEAR
..actually, i think you should know i sound much livlier than i am right now

..hopefully my mother will relent and i can go down to the bistro for a while
not really in the mood to celebrate celebrate but it'll be nice to see them for a while..

and btw, i really really like the so close song on my playlist
it kept playing over and over and over in my head when i was feverish
i noe, i like some song very much every week but you've gotta admit they're all good

i slept like a pig yesterday
den woke up
still sluggish
at least i unpacked

now am trying to decide future plans (new year resolutions..might as well)
from the short term..what to give who..i manage to kope some souvenirs..but it's not suitable for some people
so if you dun receive any specific gifts, it's not cos you're less important but cos i didn't have time to look at too many gifts before passing out
and it just so happen that i see these gifts first..

oh to mg
i'm so happy
i saw your gift before i fly off to hk
and i'm quite sure you'll like it
..but now i'm debating whether to give it to you now or on your birthday..which would you prefer?
since i technically owe you a christmas card....>.<

anyway, more of hongkong
if you intend to go there in dec
and you intend to go to cold places like the peak
.you shld probably bring along ur bf
or any guy friends that dun mind impersonating ur bf
cos...having someone to hug is not a want, it's a need literally feel better if there's someone to hug
and the bigger the better, so yeah start sourcing for a guy big enough to block the wind

listening to paul mccartney's this never happened before
IT'S ALSO NICE can people just croon like that

anyway i finally watched national geographic just now
did you noe hippos and whales are the closest relatives?
like wow, they look totally different
hippos are just plain ugly
whales are..well, nice in that way

right, to hongkong i can't rmb what i want to say
i literally look dead right now

sch's starting
in case you haven been paying attention, ben ren actually like school
the main problem is that it lies pretty far away
and sch means waking up very very early again
before the sun even rises
ahh what fond memories
so where was i, oh yeah
yiling was elated that she's FINALLY ahead of me in something
she started math revision
me's not that i dun wan to
but it's quite obvious i'm tied up i'm quite worried that i wun rmb a single thing during lectures
but luckily for victorians
the first term of sch is totally crap
like seriously
quite crappish
so i have one term to try to catch up and learn what i shld have learnt last year

and to kenneth: i miss SATS. i'm sorry. i just wasn't in the mood to think abt SATS when i was running a high fever =(
oh well. i'll survive

..and crap i just rmb about h3 literature.

i think. i miss being sick in hongkong.
at least i dun have to think abt such things's kinda nice too. to think about such normal stuff
isn't it?

reasons why my hongkong trip sucked

# i fell sick on the very first night and hadn't recovered
# i only bought two bags, two shoes, two bottoms, two accessories.
# because of my sickness, i never even got to eat tim sum
# because of my sickness, peixian never got to shop
# apparently i caught a viral infection
# which..apparently calls for a blood test at tan tock seng incase it's bird flu
# i spent one nights one day at tan tock seng
# it sucks
#hong kong peope are rich, their shopping malls are filled with LV, GUCCI PRADA
# hong kong people are rude..they dun say excuse me. they just bump
# hong kong shopping centres are weird, they are over thirty floors and there's no specific floors that sell food
# our hotel room is about only twice mine and it houses three of us
# the bathroom is half the size of mine
# the bathroom sink is half the size of mine
# there's no wireless
# i got my worse cramps there. my two calves cramp at the same time.i mean cramp. not numb.
# because i have twelve packets of medicine in total from hongkong
# fifteen plus those from tan tock seng

reasons why hk trip isn't so sucky
#because i got two bags two bottoms two shoes two accessories
#because peixian is there, she never complained once even though she must be very very bored seeing me act out the "ooh i'm so sick" every night
#because whatever stuff that we were able to eat was quite nice
# because my brother was there to take care of me

! in conjunction with the last point!
attributes my future bf must have
# he must be as nice as my brother when i'm sick
# he must be so caring as to run up and down the hotel countless times to get food, sweets, medicine oil and other stuff
# he must be insufferable as to forsake two nights of sleep so that he can wake grouchy me up at 4am to goad me into eating some food and some medicine
# he must also be very worried about me and keep reaching out his hand to my forehead to check if my fever has subsided
# peixian says that my brother was super happy when my fever subsided for that one night
# he must be willing enough to waste food because i dun eat them because i dun have appetite
# he dun have to be but he should feel sick after i recovered because he spent too many nights looking after me

..i'm too tired to spell out the rest of the trip details
anyway, once again, sorry px
really wanted to make the trip more interesting for you.sigh.

and to all
i have viral infection
..which according to weilun is something that needs a long time to recover
..apparently the doc said that my immune system is very weak against this particular

wonder whether i'll be there for orientation

ps: interesting to see pris ..hovering around my blog

right emo post
i saw some couples on the train today embracing the holiday spirits as well as erm each other
and i was just thinking
like what a rare thing it is to find someone who's devoted to you and only you

like really
think of it this way
as friends, we like, share
like see mg doesn't get jealous that pris is also my friend
and kenneth doesn't get jealous that xinyun is my friend too
and it's just that we can go out in a bunch and no one will feel..erm uncomfortable
there's a kinda "freedom" in the sense
like shared ownership

but for bgf it's a totally selfish thing
like you can only be devoted to one person
there's no such thing as you treat your bf the same as ur other boy-friends
it's just plain selfish de
and you're supposed to find this person amongst so many bloody idiots on earth
and in some sense, if you compare thsi person to another beside him/her, there are qualities that the other person will win over ur bgf
but yet for some reason, you are only devoted to him/her

it's just so..amazing sometimes if you think about it carefully isn't it?
it's already so hard to find friends
it's even harder to find "the one"

and you're supposed to recognize the special..erm, vibe between the two of you
but the thing is, even b/w friends there are different vibes
like me and lijie is different from me and xinyun

the point is, it's just an amazing thing. really. i think it takes more dexterity den people acknowledges to ..totally devote yourself to a relationship

eh well, that's the end of my emo session

oh lemme just rant a bit after this
it's impossible i tell you
i saw this couple on the train
then another couple came onto the train
and obviously
all the children wanna sit so yeah, they should seriously consider making a seperate train track for babies
it's not possible lah
and so many people are smooching on the train! it's not possible they dun have sex! and if they dun have sex, it's not possible they dun have babies?

it's a conspiracy by the government i bet you
i just plain disbelieve the fact that we dun have enough babies
already the island is BURSTING with humans
i was having stomach ache after work cos i downed an avocado drink too fast
and i was trying desperately to walk from taka to wisma to the toilet
you noe how long i took? ten bloody long minutes
cos everyone is strolling along hand in hand with someone else
orchard road was BURPING HUMANS CAN
shakes head in disbelief*

oh and the nerves of singaporean
if i wasn't so tired i would have glared at the women
womEn who cut my queue
HELLO? two women cut my queue you noe?
and the most ridiculous thing was, i only wanted to buy ONE bread
the women had like a gazillion dough on their trays
and they just glided infront of me like i didn't have eyes or something

right okay okay, i think i shld find something else to do
it's too early to sleep
i dun sleep that early lah


ps: i wanted to buy christmas cards to write tonight. but sadly you guys shld understand that orchard road doesn't sell christmas cards. the people dun give cards. they give credit cards yes, famous amos cookies yes, perfumes yes, but no they dun give cards for christmas presents -.-"

wheee this is the last post entry i'll make in singapore for the next few days
the next few posts will be done in hongkong! haha cos we'll be bringing laptop
not because our laptop is superbly beautiful or trendy (of course not, it's so bulky and ugly la)
but becos my brother needs it to check our way around hk -.-"

and to get intouch with my brother. cos he wants me to buy a four hundred dollar louis vuitton wallet
like, wth for
i for one wouldn't wan such an expensive wallet
can u imagine how heart pain i'll be when i lost it?
notice the usage of "when" not "if"
it's just a matter of time with me

oh anyway, quite a lot of things to blog about
let's talk abt stupid innane stuff first

i watched RATATOUILLE! omg
yeah me lim sok mui me the killer watched a cartoon about a rat who wants to be a chef
and the next sentence is even more amazing
it's really very good loh
and it's damn cute
the rat is so disgustingly cute =D

in case u dunno what it's abt, in a brief it's abt the rat called remy, controlling this untalented totally no talent chef, called LINGUINIE (cute right????)
i wun tell u the ending cos it's really, erm, a disney ending
but yeah well it's disney
like what patrick dempsey said, "it's disney, everybody wins"
linguinie revealed that the real chef is remy
even though he risked losing everything he has
..and he did it with so little hesitation that's quite admirable
and the fact that he's now reduced to being a waiter (a very GOOD waiter, i wish i could serve with roller skates -.-") something lower to a chef, worse, lower to a RAT didn't bother him at all
it's like he's so contented with what he has

so yep, it's really good
you can borrow the dvd from me when i get back =D

more "life" stuff
today's work was fun!
cos there's LIJIE! omgosh i never really noticed how fun working gets when she's around
and ramesh (our manager who reminds me alot of najib) bought us CHRISTMAS HATS! i looked ridiculous in mine cos for some reason, mine has too big the white portion -.-"
and i never got to see mr han in his
..ramesh PROMISED me that he's gonna wear it loh
oh and there were other guys around
pris there's this guy called jeremy that TOTALLY reminds me of benjamin
serious, his hair oso white white de
and you noe how benjamin always like "man half beat" when u talk to him
like u say something that's supposed to be funny..
den half a beat later he'll go "eh.. hahaha" in that slow slow way -.-'
yeah he's like that too

and other guys were all great too =D
ppl in our sch should learn to be more like them lah

lijie's gonna work without me
so sad
someone at work likes lijie ..leh
not confirmed yet
but my sixth sense tells me it's true

last thing to blog about
me kenneth and xinyun watched swan lake last night was
(dun deny it loh it is lah)
we were so irritated at how long the prince was celebrating his birthday
apparently everyone has to dance to kinda pay respects to him or something was A LONG DANCE okay
but whenever the prince and the swan danced together it was quite nice..

ooh the point is it was nice seeing them again
omgosh she's just so nice to suan
xinyun you shld be honored that you're the top of my "good to suan" list
and kenneth is just...GAY
.not to mention he's just so cheaply thrilled and amused by me and xinyun
oh and during the interval xinyun suddenly said something abt what they say you shld be 70% ur bf's height
so we calculated
and it turns out that my bf will have to be 2.83m tall
i told them that den like that dun need lamp at home le. just ask him stand there and hold a light
kenneth's gf turned out to beo 1.2m tall
which is
like TOTALLY dwarfish lah

and if you must noe why we arrived at that topic, it was because we were guessing how tall najib is -.-"
strange how najib always pops up in our conv....
but it's nice=D

right, i wanna emo post liao. see above!

I have been tagged!

Sorry this is what the instructions said.

1.Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
2.Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3.Leave a tag on the person’s tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4.Start your post with: I have been tagged!

favourite colour: black black black black..yah okay killer-ish
favourite food: human? (dun laugh okay i noe you secretly wan me to say that) okay erm cheesecake, ice-cream cake, aston's, katong durian puff, secret recipe..notice it's all unhealthy food. Oh, healthier ones is queenstown avocado juice =D second choice is avocado snow at taka basement =DD
favourite movie: ..see my profile for list -.-"
favourite sport: eh..well, i shall be honest and not pretend to be like priscilla. I am openly unsporty. But badminton is nice. so is volleyball...
favourite day: rainy day
favourite season: autumn or winter. it's cooler......
favourite ice-cream: ben and jerry's triple chocolate thing it's got dark chocolate, big chunks of white chocolate, and nuts =D

current mood: strangely perked up. probably because i get to work with lijie later FINALLY
current clothes: borders work clothes with vj shorts
current desktop: ..err lemme check..erm brother's comp is this..SBS BUS?????
current time: 1006
current surroundings: brother's room la

first best friend: kaixia. simple, we were totally good friends but we grew apart..sigh den is Karen. haha oso grew apart.
first crush: thinks very hard* erm, can i say gary? (since we all noe that's perfectly impossible but he still makes a good punching bag)
first movie: oh i remember this one!!! it's jurassic park! i remember i was burying my head in my mother's..erm crotch and crying all the way.
first lie: ehh i lie everyday i think
first music: ..definitely not mozart cos i sucked at it now.

last drink: haven had any drink this morn..prob gonna make coffee
last crush: ooh still gary must be faithful. Oh but ..i think i can say weilun too, like that priscilla will be jealousss
last phone call: err..err oh, goh xinyun that idiot.
last cd played: hairsprayhairsprayhairspray

have you ever dated one of your good friends: ah duh, so as in one to one date??? ..ooh i bought ice popsicles with gary before..go out with weilun before (winded up owing him money)..erm had a GAY time with kenneth before..and i dated priscilla countless times. not to mention the scary mg. oh worse, i dated a brainless pig called goh xinyun

have you ever broken the law: nah.. (oops, okay i killed that's a corporal crime)
have you ever been arrested: nah...(oops, now you noe where to find me)
have you ever been on tv: yeahh you noe that time they were flashing news about that serial killer that poke people to death??? yeahhh
have you ever kissed someone you dont know: noppe so sad right. the porky naomi gave can?

Random 5 things you are good at:
1. poking people
2. exasperating xinyun
3. amusing kenneth by exasperating xinyun
4. killing?
5. oh, poking fun of cass's strange habits

5 things i did today:
1. ate tangyuan
2. packed for hk!
3. ate half boiled eggs
4. ate bread (yeah my breakfsat rocked)

1. kenneth wee wee cos i noe he's bored
2. px, but i noe she wun do de loh cos she'll be with hk with me =D
3. mel cos i noe you're bored too
4. wu yue, cos i wanna see the names of her first and last crushes
5. ohh this will be interesting, yanwen's too =DDD

ciao ppl gonna go wash stuff get ready for work =D

if you dun find the songs in the player familiar..den i think there's something wrong with you

anyway, work today was SUPER hectic
omgosh you would be amazed with the number of rich people in singapore
..five fifty per soft drink and people just order like crap

i really really need an mp3

i remember there's something that i wanted to blog about ..but i forgot

and the playdoh is really horrifying mg

tml i'll get to see kenneth and xinyun together!
so cute!

i really really forgot what i wanted to blog about leh...............crap

oh, i always give out christmas cards, but this year i'm really swamped..anyone got any alternatives????

i forgot to say
i miss mel's singing
my brother was listening to this song that she sang last time
and i was reminded of her
missed ur powerful vocals haha

New skin! =D
I surfed the net for like..five hours today? Cos today is HARI RAYA and i have nothing to do feels good to just surf the net and not worry about anything else

Anyway, the song is from Enchanted. Took Kenneth's advice and listened to it.
Saw the movie but apparently didn't register the song then
it's NICE =DD

It's a really nice day today
all i did was nibble cheesecake while reading dean koontz frankenstein
surf the net
and not do anything else

I'm flying off to hongkong soon! my brother is sick =(
he's trying desperately to recover and warns me to take care of myself if not the trip wun be fun

aww i really like the song so much

oh anyway i visited pris at cck lot 1 yesterday
her gift wrapping not bad leh
quite professional (not her friend's though) and after the gift wrap my gift from thailand actually looked class -.-"
and i bought american beauty vcd
watched it again
it's uncensored
os yeah there were naked butts and boobs hanging all over the place
it's well deserving of its oscars though
..everyone in that show is SICK. Sam Mendes rock.

..okay i noe some people are gonna say it again
..sokmui enjoys sick movies
but hey, it's a psychoanalysis movie okay analyses the..erm, unbalanced and twisted mental healths lying underneath us all
so it's great

oh i saw this passage in the forum in today's TODAY
something abt teenagers just being oblivious or pretentious
to not give up seats
and there was even a photo to accompany it
felt quite sad

but honestly sometimes it gets kinda frustrating
sometimes teenagers are also tired you know
and sometimes, we're really EXHAUSTED and DRAINED. like after standing on your feet for eight hours.

and it's really not fair to expect the teenagers to give up their seats when there are also young adults around
it's as though the axe is falling on the youngest and youngest alone.
how about those twenty somethings?

and somehow i dun think it's right to inculcate such values through guilt inducing methods.
like if you dun give up seats, you're guilty of being rude and crude and uncourteous
it just makes us more..burdened by it

not that i'm saying we shouldn't give up our seats (i always do okay, ask lijie, she's so exasperated cos for some reason she always have to stand up with me whenever she's with me)
just that, other people shld stop pointing the fingers at the youngsters.

to pris: did you noe that my friend sara had a silver at sea games for sailing? =D

..that was random

i was so happy that somebody blogged in my class blog but turns out it was something..quite..erm irrelevant to me

and i've decided

i need an mp3


i'll just wait for my current hp to go missing again

since that seems to be the unintended trend

old hp goes missing

new hp comes

excitedly waiting for new hp to trade in to a newer hp

hp goes missing

gets even lousier hp

lousier hp goes missing

gets new hp =D

oh just read pris's blog

you noe i always think abt the 2/6 stuff

seriously, especially how shuang our seating positions were

as in, we were totally seated in a way that is sooooooooooooo convenient for gossips to fly

cos infront got ann mg sheryl and jiahao feeding us gossips (or okay, weird looks)

den inbetween got lay jia and jody to "cook up" the gossips even more

so by the time it reaches me pris kakei and ben, it's super hot and ready for us to bite =D

den our row will toss it to cheng cheng and the others

and sitting behind we can catch super stupid things happening around the class

and i really think that's the best seating positions i've had for ..all m y academic life i think


i miss you guys too

and priscilla how can u say you miss me just so i wun kill you?????


working tonight again

den i'll be off for the whole week i think =D

priscilla mentioned ruth

..which reminds me,i need to post the reply that i've written long ago -.-" i always write happily but forgot to post .........

and i miss ruth

..shall we go her house to bake more cookies????

maybe before i go off to hk? shall call her now =D

but being ruth

i dun think she'll be around......sob

oh my! ruth is IN but she's sick =((( having a flu her mother says

and her mother can still recognize my voice omg

okay btw

my home phone is cocking up

i dun think u guys can get a line in

cos my brother signed up for the stupid starhub cable thing

so if you can't get through, pls call my hp =D

and priscilla has died

..suppoesd to pass her her planner which i painstakingly exchanged yesterday

..just made a trip to causeway point , spent a lot of money

..on heel balm lotion lah, skin lotion lah, wat bullshit

cos i realize my heels and hands are peeling a bit..cos working for long hrs den very dry

i like the song in mg's blog now =DDD
who sang it huh?

and i'm kinda envious that the badminton people are still so close knit =(
really really envious.

even if i call for a gathering..we oso got nth to talk abt anymore

i miss lijie at work =((((
it's much more fun when she's around
and seriously working night is nicer than working day
..night ppl more friendly.
not to mention it's not so hot
..and even the guys are friendlier at night


to pris: i'm quite sure my wisdom tooth is coming out. and my dentist says i should extract it ............if not it's blocking my other normal tooth and will cause decay =((((

ah crap
there's a kink in my neck again
feel like severing it off

met with pris and mg today =D
and we had ice cream cake at gelare haha it's nice loh
i haven had ice-cream for a long time

and i haven shopped for a long time oso =(
i think there's quite a lot of things i shld throw out or something
and px will be going thailand tml
no one to go shopping with me haha

i just watched the star awards 25th anniversary on youtube
was quite touched you know
dun understand why some friends of mine detest mediacorp so much
i mean, okay lah, we can't be compared to..hongkong and all that but we're still not bad what
and must support our own productions =D

i think i need sleep
..tml still got work and that goh lijie never reply me. think she's still at camp

i'm sick again
..think it's cos i didn't have enough quality sleep the past few days
not because i worked late
but because my mother switched pillow and the new one is too hard and low
causing me to have sleepless nights

now trying to pespire rapidly so that i can recover faster.

you know, i really think that i'm in a family that's too melodramatic
..i just realized that my da ge's monitor has been slashed by some sharp objects
..deep angry slashes across the monitor
and no prize for guessing correctly, it's the handiwork of my er ge
when i called him to ask what happened he refused to acknowledge
i asked "you did it right?"
and he murmured and muttered and shifted the topic
it's obvious he did it last night
thought something wasn't right when i heard loud music
haven't heard it for a long time
but i was too tired to care about it

to kenneth: see, if you dun start talking to your sister, this is what's gonna happen twenty years down the road

and ur other sister will be the one to suffer

..i'm so .tired that i dunno how to describe the feeling

and i realize that .. i dun talk abt this kinda stuff with my friends
cos you guys wun understand
a couple will
but it doesn't make me feel better
and it's like, most of you guys dun understand what it's like

morale of the story: please treasure and take care of your family

everyone's changing blog skins..
i have one that i haven changed yet =D

haven blogged in quite a long time
cos i've been busy working at borders bistro
it's a NICEEE job =D
and lijie said that we should try to work nights whenever possible
cos at night there are only us two girls for some reason
and chelsea the bartender (yeah she's called chelsea, she's damn cute)
lijie says she'll call herself manchester united
anyway the people there are really really nice!! especially yesterday's, the guys will VOLUNTEER to help.
and lijie was maligned by the oldest manager, mr han ..den she was so pissed that i could see tears in her eyes la
apparently the guys all comforted her and all
seriously it's a nice job
but hor
dun ever patronize the store
walao you noe how expensive a can of softdrink there is?
it's 5.50 YOU NOE
my gosh i can get one for fifty cents at some mama shop la
and the point being, there are people who actually buys it
i guess US dollars and EURO really really is big.
how else can u explain the splurge
my mother didn't believe me when i told her that

oh..i bought this cake home yesterday
mr han said it's nice
apparently i've been duped
lijie said that he probably asked me to buy that one cos that one leftover the most
so must try to sell
it's not THAT nice..shld have bought chocolate instead la. the cake was raspberry ARGH

even the kitchen crew are nice=D
they make our lives more interesting by saying random stuff
all of them are calling me "ah mui"
once i walked in someone will say " ah mui!"
den i'll turn and say "what?" cos sometimes they call u cos you put something wrong somewhere
den he'll grin and wave and gesture that he's on ly calling for fun -.-"

they gave us mango puddings haha for free
but hor
my mother says not nice..i haven tried
why like that
..shld have learnt to tou chi the food like the guys

let's see...
i shld blog down the stuff the various guys said..
some are really really brainless haa

..but i'm too tired's off day, but have to go down to OLE
stone for five hours
i've already decided what to do for that ..write my reply to ruth
you should have seen her letter, she was describing her medical attachment
complete with illustrations by herself
DAMN cute
haha i was reading it at midnight yesterday after reaching home damn cute la

erm i have to try to occupy myself for five hours..
write my reply to ruth..
den what else.
haiya, yesterday dou stone guo qu le
today shld be okay as well -.-"


random stuff

#i'm surprised mg like that song..cos it qualifies as one of those "gui-ge" that she say i always like but she dun like.
and no i didn't think u got bf laaaa
i'm not THAT ..erm, inferential

#i forgot what i wanna say.

i like yanwen's blog too =D
it's quite different from my other friends' blogs haha..there are lesser words and more pics..and it's a bit like reading magazine.

okay.i wanted to blog about how ...menopausal my mother is once again
the topic is inexhaustible i tell you
for some reason she finds it intolerable for me to ..wash the dishes the way i do
..i soap them while rinsing them at the same time with the tap running
and okay, i noe that i'm wasting water
but the more she hates it, the more i relish it
makes sense?
and furthermore, it's not as if the tap is running on big
and i actually wash faster that way, so i dun see the problem
she practically screamed at me and said something like "if you wanna wash it that way den i rather wash myself"
at which i gladly switched off the tap and said "okay loh, u wash urself"
then she screamed at me again and made me wash it her way, which is to soap, den to rinse .
what difference does it make anyway???

i started to realize a few days back that..i dun smile at home
besides watching shows.
i dun smile, or laugh
there's nothing for me to really be happy-happy about at home
it's become more like a shelter..a fortress from outside but there's nth that makes me laugh at home

and i started to wonder whether other people homes are also like that.
probably not

on a lighter note
online shopping is fun =D
and the stuff are cheaper and nicer..never thought i would say it but sherhan was right about the joys of online shopping -.-"
i think we were simply discriminating against her la
..which reminds me, my ring is still with mel

yeah..thanks to pris and her friend felicia me and lijie found a good job!
we're working at borders bistro at orchard=D
for 6 plus an hour
not bad eh
and i'm damn happy cos it means that i'll have something to do all the way till hongkong week
i think i get depressed when i have nothing to do

and yanwen's entry was right once you indulge in the luxury of sleeping late having no homework no tests and all
holidays start to get a little boring
make that very boring
and so fun loh
during the hols i haven seen mg and pris at all
gary at all
..weilun got see once i think
kellie more than a few times cos we live so near

due to reasons that escape me ants residing in my room have taken a liking to swimming in my drink.
i always have this glass of water besides the laptop so that i can drink..and i often leave them overnight on the table
and the next morning? i see pools of ants carcasses floating around on it
how dumb
it's PLAINWATER leh, i'm fairly certained it's not sweetened
then why are ants plunging themselves into it?

anyway i've taken a liking to the yoo hee show on channel u weekday nights
it's really not bad leh
didn't have a very high expectation for it lah
and i thought the male lead wasn't very appealing initially either
..but his character very cute
and two outta the three male leads are chefs
they cook =D
score one back later to blog more

the completed library!!!! tom just took this, kavin got it from her over the internet. it looks pretty right! okay okay to all non-ocip members it might look non-library but seriously lah, it's what they expected lah. And the paint looks so pretty. The girls painted the roof tiles okay. And we white washed it during the night using torchlights.
So nice to see the kids are wondering around inside. Although wait, where are the books.....
it's nice =D
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even when their butts are..tied..they still look pretty hippy eh?
no lah lemme tell u why. look closely. yy is feeding bananas laaaa
..that's yiling btw. she finds it ingenious to ..hold the mask on with specs
okay. this is yanwen. unbelievable that the pretty girl would do this. i think yiling and her can try out for spots on SCARY MOVIE
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not a bad photograph considering i was on one of those things was BUMPY LIKE SHIT OKAY and somemore it's cruel asking them to pull's obvious they find it heavy
again, my wonderful photography skills..err
okay..this is the part where most of our elephants stopped to ..snack on ..grass..
the point of this just to show how constipated the elephants must feel....would you wan me to tie a noose around ur butt?
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err if you want a sense of how far up we were...oh the SMOKE thing right, it's a cloud plume or something like that. we were in it for the last two days! cool right!!!!
the two amateur rafters...wynne and shanti
cute elephant drawing..i think she draws better than me

hmmph being emo?
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unglam photos galore.....if you have problems discerning what's the white thing she's's tampon......yah i noe we're damn wu liao..but yiling is a good spokesperson for tampons right
..erm one of the snacks we totally snacked on in our spare time -.-" yiling's shy
look at may's face.......................................can't blame her, you'll become like that after baby sitting for twenty four hours. too bad the kids dun like me awww =(
..erm. that's just. yiling
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wu yue yiling cassandra and me dex young at the side of yiling's head
all of us with facilitators..
yiling may me and kat...erm supposedly we look like F4 cos we're ..tall?
in comes the shortie wu yue (no lah) cutie cutie ...honorable guest

last morning before we so sad
cultural exchange night..VJC rocks. nice right. i think najib videoed us doing vj cheer and vj anthem..sob so touching
big white lantern taking off! so pretty
hmm one is looking at my camera..err that's YY and May with a guy in the middle (i forgot his name! it shaun? or shawn? not chunhan right??? crap)

hmm let me explain this pic. this was taken on transit where the girls decided that it's a good idea to make a mask outta wet wipes....hmmph
Anderson people: Eileen me yiling alvin xiaoqin (eileen is in IP)
YY with a black puppy, super cute right!
Yy, shanti and may with the cute puppy!
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i miss

# najib for his not very funny jokes, his very tall silloute (whateevr how to spell) and him calling me ah mui

# kenneth for his gay company and so that i can make fun of him and xinyun

#xinyun for her gay company, no lah, she makes me feel better always..i think it's cos she's more retard or something

# melissa and her always looking into the mirror

# cassandra and her luncheon meat egg nugget rice

# vj for the work, at least i dun feel hungry all the time when i'm in sch

# priscilla and mg for their cold jokes

# exam periods yes, so that i can go splurge on stuff at the cafe galilee and i can spend whole afternoons there and so my mother wouldn't nag

# i dunno what i miss

# pw? not really, pw doesn't make me feel like i did anything constructive at all

this is a stupid post

wouldn't it be great if everyone's life was just a game, and you can edit any part of it?
like you can create a house that you like, dream up a dream job dream up a dream boyfriend

can i ask a question
how many of you really really like old people?
or poor, unambitious people who just doesn't seem to do any stuff any time of the day

i hate it
i hate seeing people lazing around doing nothing
not even dreaming of doing something
not even like, watching shows, or doing something they like
it's just as if they are waiting for death to come
and the bunch of excuses that they have in store, HAH

i'm MEAN okay i hate the feeling of being poor
i hate the feeling of being OLD
i hate the feeling of being useless

i think i might be morphing into one of characters from highsmith's books
probably suffering from borderline schizophrenia or plain displeasure at the world

i think i'm going mad
it's just all this displeasure floating around my house
my mother does nothing but mope around
my father as usual doesn't do anything
my brother isn't around
my second brother doesn't seem to have any aim in life
and all of us are cursing this fate we're stuck in and cursing AIG the insurance company
and i'm cursing the fact that my piano sounds like a blunt saw tool and i dun have the money to buy a new one.
and the more i look at this house the more i wan out

you noe
kill me before i reach 50
unless i'm happily married with grandkids that is
if not, i'll be lonely, grouchy, unpleasant, grim and bitter scrooge
so just shoot me
what's the pt of living beyond that any

ARGHGHGHG i miss xinyun
if she were around i'll be too busy trying to point out her irrationality and retardness to have all this unpleasant talk

i just realized
that i haven talked to anyone my age for quite some time
i need to start talking to people

i have a sixth sense for phone calls
i just KNOW when there's someone i dun like on the line.

i'm hooked on UGLY BETTY SEASON 2
daniel and betty are so cute =D
and alexis is so much more likeable now that she thinks she's a guy.
erm, i'm sure the rest of you dun get it
but it's a great show =D

i really need to get a life

i just realized that priscilla said she's never been to esplanade
let's bring you there one of these days =D
you noe, i think if i have holidays for too long, i might be deceived into thinking that i'm a rich woman who doesn't have to work and just have to sleep all day long
i really feel like sleeping all day long la
there's like no meaning to waking up is there?

and it's so sad that priscilla agenda doesn't have "Gathering with soky and meigui" sigh

btw, jenna looks different. and yongkiat still looks cute. i almost forgot his name the other day cos someone mentioned his jc. and i was thinking who's in that jc. so i tot of him. as in, his face came up. and i was what's his name huh...something kiat..erm, boon kiat? jun kiat? what kiat?

are ants nocturnal?

while i was complaining about their new found trail along my wall to my father they were nowhere to be seen
but apparently, they gather every night at 10 to celebrate along the silk road
which by the way, is the crack along my wall which i happen to face when i use the laptop.
which, makes it disturbing
ever have the feeling that when you're watching something, something else at the corner of your eye moves?
yeah, it's that creepy
well, i guess i just have to spray something on them

i was feeling really pleased and unreasonably happy with myself just now when i finished bathing, cleaning my room, vacuuming the kitchen and packing my stuff
den i realized that my mother once again, ruined everything by shutting off my modem

there's something intricately amusing, oops, no, infuriating about mothers who have reached the god-forbidden age of 50 (or for some pitiful children, 40)
they have this urge, just this overpowering, overwhelming urge to meddle with every little thing in the house
and i do mean every thing
i've come up with a checklist, if your mother has started to do the following things, it's time to run down to the nearest guardian and get several pairs of ear plugs, you'll need them

#1 the Mother, starts to complain about wasting electricity and insists on shutting off all the lights in the house when there's no one using them for like 5 mins, ignoring the fact that you'll be stepping into the area in ten mins, throwing the whole house into a miserable, bleak atmosphere that no doubt reflects your immediate future.

#2 the Mother, starts to shut off things that she feels aren't in use. Examples include modem, switches of fans, switches of laptops, switches of television etc etc.

#3 the Mother, starts to be a tad too green by insisting that you off the fan even when it's bloody hot. Apparently the wind that the fan generates is bad for her old bones and you're supposed to be drenched in sweat when watching Wok of Life

#4 the Mother, starts to nag about every single small detail of the purchase she'll be making. Including standing in Popular bookstore for half an hour choosing one, ONE single scotch tape dispenser. Her mind starts to disintegrate and devolve, asking weird questions like why a two dollar file will have rough edges (it's economics! economics my dear mother!!! the producers can't be bothered to produce good quality stuff when their return profit is so low!!)

#5 Colors, suddenly appeared to be magnified, exemplified to the Mother. Especially the color Black. The Mother is plagued by the constant suspicion that anything that's black will morph into Christian Bale who will morph into Batman and devour her very life. Or worse, Christian Bale will simply bring bad luck to the household by causing her not to win 4D (when she's just oh, 14823945 digits away from striking)

#6 the Mother, will start to pick weird timings to fight over seemingly unimportant stuff. Unable to sleep because she'll dream of Batman in her sleep, she wakes up at 6am in the morning and nags over you wearing shoes in the house because the tiny grains of sand dropping all over floor will be ingrained into the marble and she'll be extremely disturbed. What if the sands gather together and turn into Sandman??

#7 Economics suddenly becomes an incomprehensible theory to the Mother when she starts questioning how a single roll of scotch tape can cost one dollar. Or why a single roll of bread no longer costs ten cents. It's called inflation, Mother. But no, she's obviously trapped in the sixties where movie tickets costs 2 dollars.

#8 the Mother, starts to develop a case of itchy ass in her sleep. the Mother, went to sleep at 8pm, wakes up at 830 to inquire whether the daughter has had dinner. went back to sleep. wakes up at 900 again to terrorize her daughter and reminding her to shut the lights. went back to sleep. at 1000 she reigned again to remind her daughter to shut the door, and maddeningly nag again why the toilet lights are on. at 1100 when the daughter thought she MUST be asleep, she bursts in looking like a banshee screaming why haven't the brother come home.

#9 the Mother, starts to be mildly schizophrenic. She starts to think that the whole world is out to cheat her of her bank account. Doctors dispense medicine to kill people. Insurance companies are out to cheat you of your assets (which is true but still). Friends, when enquiring about the daughter's IC so that they can help her fill out a cip form, are possible spy agents from the government of Russia who's plotting to kill the whole family. the Mother, even at her age, envision herself as a character in spy game co-starring brad pitt.

#10 the Mother starts to lament about being old and thus completes her devolution into a hag. the Mother then starts to complain about the state of the house, being unreasonably irritated by the sight of wires. Upon her daughter's indignant retort that it's impossible to hide all the wires unless we plaster something over them, she starts to complain that no one in the house cares about aesthetic values and that wires are yes, very very eye-sorish and must be eliminated. She then begins to stuff the wires behind shelves, smiling pleasingly when she's finished while the daughter stands at the side, exasperated because it looked no different to her.

it's really boring to be sick

shuang tian zhi zhun
is encoring every weekend at 330!!!
i watched the second episode today
it's DAMN freaking good okay
much better than the crap they dish out nowadays

i'm bored
and i'm stuck b/w the sick/not sick period
like, feel quite well enough to be up and doing things
but if you ask me to go out one whole day i'll faint

suddenly feel that life is so..meaningless
feel like doing something meaningful.
like a project for
hmmph, decided, i wanna do one after A levels =D
anyone up for it?

..isn't it cool to set up a big company for social services and such..?
that'll be like so meaningful

i'm sick=(
slept on and off for two days straight so feeling slightly better now
just that it still feels like my whole body's on dousing fire............
and i feel super light-headed

so yep even though i'm no longer having sore throat, i still can't go down to do the standard chartered thing
sigh, only gotten one 20 percent voucher -.-"
nah, i dun really feel like i missed anything
in any case i'm not a big supporter of adidas

crap, really feeling like crap
think i'm going back to sleep somemore.............
must be
got so many ants crawling all over my table..
