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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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i think i should do the world a favor and not wear heels if i have to take the mrt.. sense of balance is crap.. firefly interview went quite well, i'll be very sad if they dun call me back for second interview cos it means that there's something abt me that people just dun like, and that i wun have a chance to wear that dress again..must milk it for all it's worth. hate wearing formal wear into IRAS. i look like my supervisor's manager. anyway it's a really great feeling that i can go to sleep without thinking about anything again. i've been thinking abt too many stuff these days. hmm, oh yes i wanted to blog about monday went back vj to get referral letter from najib, had to buy him mos burger from novena lah, why am i such a nice person huh? anyway he paid it back with fruit juice (ah, cheap fresh fruit juice, i never appreciated you!!) and then we talked talked talked, and i had to stuff my own unagi burger back into my bag cos he dragged me off to crash his geog lesson with his new CT class. yiling! there's an elizabeth who looks nth like you but najib says reminds him very much of you, got overlaps. like both of you very proper and all. hmm, there's three pathetic guys. one of whom generally talks abt me as though i'm not there.. and the class is waaay more rowdy than our class (that's what i feel lah), erm, they took abt..quite long to get into groups and take out their readings (it could be that it's geog lah hor..i think we used to be like that too, no?) erm, apparently the whole class knows me. it's got something to do with a mugshot. i suspect it's shots from OCIP on the lorry up the bloody hill when our faces, legs and bodies were all contorted into horrible shapes....just cos i happened to crush his foot with my foot..why must najib do this kinda thing? so, najib refused to tell me (he has this very triumphant look..) and the students said i prob dun wanna noe..so i didn't probe. -.- and ..apparently i'm known as the genius..if i quote correctly.najib said "i told them that you're a genius and dun do what you did unless you're a genius like you (me)" at which i said "dun do what?...you mean the pon sch thing?" but i felt quite weird in the class lah, like nobody asked me ANYTHING you noe? are they shy or what? i dun rmb our class being so...impolite =( and he freaking dumped me in the class while he got get his laptop lah, it was so like..it wasn't even awkward cos the whole class just pretended that i wasn't there..walao. but it was quite fun=) we could go back and crash his lessons someday, yeah? ..and erm, when he started his lessons he felt obliged to tell me that "we're doing factors affecting mortality, using readings." and i went "..orh..erm." ..and then on the screen there were four columns, two of which i rmb is "MOSQUITO SPRAY" and "SAVING THE WORLD." ..and i thought to myself "AH! this is familiar! as usual i dun understand what he's trying to do at all!" hmm yeah anyway vj must be pretty rich nowadays, there's this huge plasma screen at the wall next to the admin office, damn nice lo oh yessss now we come to the best part. oh....crap. i realized i can't blog abt this. yeahh it's kinda like a "Crime" ..hmm. facilitated by najib's carelessness and his lack of a car on monday.......... and my own laziness to remind him........ and then i had to call him..and he went "ahhh...." and i went "ermmmm..." and he said "..well...********" and me and hz had to commit a certain crime at toa payoh mrt station in broad day light. ..ask me, i'll tell u about it. ![]() craaap went out to "mug" with hz today we talked some abt econs, finance, the stupidity of US and some stuff but in the end, we both concluded "we're so screwed" SO SCREWED LAH. and i'm so sleepy now, how am i supposed to finish my NUS essay it's amazingly HARD can "write about an exceptional achievement that highlights your academic interest and intellectual capacity." it's like they purposely throw in these kinda "formal words" and it works. WHAT ACADEMIC INTERESTS??? MY ACADEMIC INTERESTS IS TO JUST FULFIL 70% OF MY ATTENDENCE! cries* apparently, i'm a gu-gu .. auntie lah i dunno that one is called my niece or what lah. so anyway there's this strange human being in my house her name is Jia Yi. hmm, my ah ma very very fascinated by her. she kept saying "JIA YI~ JIA YI~" so she sounds abit like a broken recorder. at least the little human being doesn't cry or bawl =DD everytime i see her she's very tame =DDDDD ..but it's very strange, everyone seems fascinated by her. i refused to hold her. what if i drop her? dropping babies seemed to spell like bad luck for a life time. but i get why people like to photograph adults with babies. it's hard to believe they grow to be so big. (and fat, and..well, disgusting and ugly) they just seemed like, so..erm, pretty accessories next to adults.. oh, and anyone who sees her smiles. including my father, it's actually very cute =) if babies can be bought at stores, i'll buy one for my father. (but of course who would wanna go thru childbirth lah? just to please my father) you noe, when my father smiles, he's very cute. i think..it's been rather long since i blogged??? lemme check..what's the last date i blogged..hmmph..sunday is it? my week has been.... erm. well. quite exciting..... work is exciting what, and my work is very noble. i feel very proud whenever people ask me about tax problems. and my mother and father aren't even in a hurry to file their taxes, cos they have me =) .. that sounded dumb. so hmm..some highlights of my work this week.. *on a very very bleary morning, all of us are abit sleepy..my friend rachel is super sleepy and dropping off cos she didn't have enough sleep...* *rachel scanning the mails (scanning means we briefly look at the content and sort them into diff categories* .. *Rachel lets out a very loud yelp* "EH!! EH!! look at this one! the emailtemplate ic number blahblahblah" "all of us scurry to look at that mail" (i dunno whether it's illegal or not to type this out on a public blog leh) email reads: i've changed my name and gender. we took a double take. i've changed my name and gender. then all of us exploded into fervent discussion of whether he used to be a girl and now a male or whether it's vice versa, whether it's easier to transform into a girl or easier to become a guy.. etc etc etc. on friday afternoon anitha went over to my supervisor's table, came back looking sullen "she on the phone leh.." 15 minutes later. someone went over to my supervisor's table..came back looking sullen too "she still on the phone leh.." half an hr later, i went over to my Norhana's table, she hung up the phone as I reached "eh, why you always on the phone" nor: TP KEEPS CALLING ME~~~ SHE GOT MY NUMBER! SHE KEEP CALLING ME!!!! *lets out strangled cry* see, stop harassing my supervisor. we're not the hotline center. anyway i'm super tired. it's sunday but my saturday passed like...like superman fast. hmm..let's go by chronological order. the other highlight of the week TOUCH NUS piano ensemble concert. erm, sadly smh and his friends dun seemed to be able to appreciate it -.-" i feel very bad for recommending it to him, waste his money and even more more saaaadly, my teacher didn't play. cos his wife pulled a muscle at gym -.-" we were all DAMN sad can. once you've seen him play you'll wanna see him play again and again. he's a damn brilliant performer lah. but the concert was very good! i'm anal, let me post analysis of some pieces i rmb. and to explain to smh why it was good (yah okay lah i'm anal lah, i'm trying to educate my readers...zz, and because i haven't analysed it with people cos we were too busy trying to find ku after the concert and give the ugly roses to him) # item 3- milhaud. walaooo if i have a chance i'll really ask ku why he chose that piece as part of his repertoire..it's like..imagine an art piece by..van gogh? or monet, just that you paint another layer over it using reverse colors. all i hear are like clashing chords here there everywhere and a melody that sounds like it'll be better off if somebody transforms it to jazz. it's my most unlikeable piece in the concert..cos i dun hear anything at all. # item 4, Holst-Jupiter. sooooo nice! and they played it very well loh, quite good control. #item 5 - Piazzolla love it. love it. love it love it. besides the point that i've always liked tango, the two performers really make good partners together. (why does the guy look so old anyway?) i'm trying to find the piece and put it on imeem..it's so beautiful lah the piece #item 7- Grainger. -.- i prefer our grainger. what happened man, the six hands were...were....i mean okay lah i noe six hands is damn hard to play cos of coordination between three people..but..h item 10- Cotton Mill Blues SO NICE. JUNRU PLS TAG AND SAY YOU AGREE. SO NICE SO NICE SO NICE. it's like modern music, the opening played by elbows, then in between a lot of crash chords, but it's to reflect the labour exploitation in the textile industry and it's damn good. somemore the performers had suuuuuch good technique lahh item 11- Hahn, melancolique. i like this aloooot too. the piece is so damn sad (duh) but the winning thing is the two performers had such control lah! all the dynamics were so precise and the ending was...awww..most people dun quite understand how much control it takes to draw out theh piece and not hurry to end it. especially on stage. (refers to myself, sobs) item 12- petrouchka. ..hmm, junru, u like or not huh? i thought it's quite a good performance but personally i didn't quite like the song..hmm ..i think the above paragraphs are like only directed to junru (who'll read and understand) and smh (who'll read and not understand) so sorry again for hmm, ur disappointments with the concert. i wish you can see our teacher play, he's really GREAT together with his wife =) then..yesterday i almost fell asleep playing piano cos i woke up early to do my ntu submission hz is very amazed that i can finish the damn application and the essay in one hr. actually the only reason why i woke up so early to do it was i wanted to give najib enough time to do the online submission, cos i gave him such short notice. so bad lah, and all he said was "ok" so nice right. he's probably cursing me for taking away his weekend but all he said was "ok". hai. so nice. so yah, during piano it's really very hard not to want to sleep when your students are playing this "twink--kle---twink---kle---lit--tle---star---" and it's super slow somemore some students dun talk somemore. i msged my teacher who's so near and yet so far, in the other room opposite mine "..i falling asleep leh how how how how" and he msged me back "i also like that when i first started teaching, go get coffee" and then i said, i also wished i can get coffee, but i have no break lah. then i have a student, grade 4, but can't play c major scales both hands. that's very bad btw, it's like being in primary 4 but can't do multiplications. but it's not her fault lah, cos her previous teachers didn't teach at all, i'm like, sian. so anyway i was really bored, and sleepy, and feeling very grouchy that i have to go out at night to get something to wear for the stupid interview, so i started asking her to play that scale for like 80 TIMES straight. but i clarify first hor, i didn't scold her loh, what i said was "you never practise is it." "okay loh, you waste school fees come here to practise. practise here lah." "play until you get it correct" and then she couldn't so i made her play right hand 10 times, left hand 10 times. until she can get them correct. then try both hands again. technically i made her play the same thing for about 30 minutes straight. but i got explain okay, i told her that because previously she didn't train, she's gotta work double hard to get it correct, cos it's very impt technique and she didn't cry, even though halfway thru she seems very bu gan yuan and abit angry with herself (which is normal) and btw, i finally understand why ku never seems to feel bad for abusing us cos hor, when in your eyes your students suck, you really dun feel anything if you talk them down (of course i didn't laaaaaah, i really didn't laaah) so yeah. but towards the end she's still quite cheerful lah, didn't cry. and then the last student, wakao, i spent like 15 minutes trying to tell her she's not playing with the correct finger position. imagine playing piano like this: almost the whole of your finger, from tip to the point when it joins ur palm, is in contact with the key HOW TO PLAY LAH it's like playing flip flop with the piano can and the thing is she very cute loh, she told me that "i dunno why but when i put my fingers on the piano it'll just become like that" "I cannot bend leh, just cannot" so i bent her fingers and asked her "like that, pain?" she said "no" then i said "THAT MEANS IT'S NOT CANNOT, IT'S YOU NOT TRYING LAH" so i spent 15 minutes trying to explain to her if you play like you're flipping your fingers around the piano, YOU CAN'T PLAY ALMOST ALL THE SONGS ON EARTH COS YOU WUN BE FAST ENOUGH. and this student has a tendency to suck up to me and act cute so that i wun scold her cos everytime she only practise half of what i asked her. and then, her mother asked me "how's she," in this very worried tone. and i only said "her fingers.." and her mom went "yes yes! i also told her that she cannot play like that" and then we spent like 2 minutes in the corridor telling her canont play like that, i pointed at her and went "must change hor, if not i'll scold you ah. must change HOR" ..see, i'm such a wonderful teacher. (unlike someone i noe...ahem) wonder how his wife's injury is, it'll be so wasted if it affects her playing, she's a good pianist too.. .wah so long post, haven't even gotten to sat night so i rushed home, chiong thru shower, then went to meet px at orchard to get a blasted outfit for interview on tuesday got something quite nice lah, a black top with some ruffles at the collar, it goes very well with a thick belt and my black pants, just that my thick belt is royal purple with a gold buckle, not exactly very subtle. so yeah, i need a belt, TODAY. if i can't get it i'll just wear this hip belt i have that's cleancut black, looks quite formal. just that it's not as nice lah. (the top costs me 70 bucks from mango, of course i wanna wring as much as i can outta it right, if i dun get the scholarship, at least i'll look good hor-.-, i very practical wan) oh, it's not IF i dun get, it's SINCE i wun get. it's FIREFLY, DAMN HARD TO GET LAH. okay so it was quite fortunate that i found the top so easily, within 1 hr bah, then me and px went out to orchard road to look at how many retailers actually really shut their lights to earth hr not bad leh, at least we thought so, cos the streetlights were off, tangs shut off, taka shut off, wisma also looked black. so we went up to food republic cos it seemed dark from the outside, wanted to see how inside is. WAD THE HELL LAH, THEY ONLY SHUT OFF THE OUTER LIGHTS, THE INTERIOR IS BRIGHT LIKE BANNABRIGHT. so i was abit like..pissed. then lucky plaza is like, blazing. zz. we went up to the rooftop garden at wisma for stargazing there was this guy who's like probably 12? or 13 at most? damn cute, reminds me of jiajun when he's young he looks so..i dunno, like ruffled hair, skinny frame, drinking hot coffee while explaining to me sheepishly but confidently (cos he noes what he's doing but he doesn't explain to public so often) that what i'm seeing is saturn. i was expecting those you noe, super huge in-your-face viewing, but err, all i saw was a tiny prick of light, but can see the ring around saturn lah. quite cool and i asked him, how do you know whether the star you're aiming at is a star? then he said. erm, you can agar agar, use the rough method, see whether it flickers -.- or you can erm, use those mathematical calculations.. or you can use the (insert the name for that instrument) so cute. then we queued up to see orion's belt also, and another higher manification of saturn where i can see the tiny spots of light around it, the guy told me those are the moons around saturn. =) quite a cool night and today, just watched 30 minutes of beethoven virus..sigh, and i missed it so much alr. gonna prac piano. wait for hz to wake up (ooh! she just msged me i think!) and WE ARE GOING OUT TO MUG OKAY WE ARE GOING TO STUDY FOR THE INTERVIEW ON TUESDAY LAH. SHE HAS SGX, I HAVE FIREFLY. AND THE THING IS WE NOE NUUTTTTS ABT THEM. last year's sgx questions include "how does sgx make money" "how did the subprime crisis occur" "do you think it's a good time for singapore investors to invest in us given the subprime crisis" last's year firefly question "what do you think the world will be like if zebras has spots instead of stripes?" oooh and like, only a handful, really like 5/6 gets the scholarship each year. it's shit lo. ooh lala, no time liao. damn it. shld i skip work tml so i can go vj get the referral from najib. save him the trouble. oh MAN you people YOU PEOPLE WAITING FOR PACKAGES. I HAVEN'T EVEN APPLY !!! i noe i noe i noe, i win right, i very amazed at myself, i totally dun deserve the scholarship cos i dun even noe what's going on I HAVEN'T EVEN APPLY FOR NUS lah, and i probably will forget to pay for the fees can, i shld ask lijie or someone to remind me at work. omgomgomgomg jialat Schindler's List - Theme Itzhak Perlman
an early film directed by steven spielberg abt the holocaust..i think one of the comments i read is that "the violin cries" Perlman and Barenboim-Mendelssohn Concerto E Minor(1)
wah sian......students tickets are out.....omgggg zzzzz...... yiqiewanmei is still nice even though i thought the season 2 is a bit...like they sacrificed the development of the patients in order to develop the relationships and the additional characters. but no matter what, it's still much better than the 9pm show on channel 8 pur lease lah. walao i'll despise anyone who watches it okay it's like. cringes* work is okay..but i feel like my life totally revolves around work. wake up, bathe, eat breakfast, watch abit of show, work. come back, bathe, eat dinner, watch show, prac piano, sleep. oh, and interesting people around the world who continue to amaze me with their........eccentricities. there was this woman on the train who wore light yellow top, mustard yellow pants, and yellow wedges. plus gold highlighted hair. i was truly fascinated by the size of her butt. it was..... really huge. then infront of me there was this woman with no butt. i'm serious she was so skinny, her trousers hang loosely lah. ....goddd and she was wearing this sickly shade of blue. you noe, that kind you often see on old ladies. only they live in england. ..i'm listening to the song that ku will supposedly play tml. .....abit disappointed, hope he spices the tune up though. cos normally not a fan of baroque =( btw, anybody wants to go for this with me http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?retry=1&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.action=process&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&contentCode=essoe030409&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.isPortletRequest=true i'll post the video (it's a recording lah) and jr ah, have you ever liked mahler?..i never got him leh. i just dun seem to understand him -.- so basically i really really wanna hear the first song by mendelssohn..yep wanna go?=DD everyday i come home i feel like i forgot what i wanna do-.- cos when i take a shower, ate and watched shows, i just feel like sleeping... is that how everyone feels?? i'm gonna go write a list of stuff i wanna buy, wanna do i noe i keep doing that,but it makes me happy and hor..it kinda erm..reminds me that even though i've spent so much money alr, nothing on the list is striked out =( oooohh my long day at east coast. kinda nice, though at first i really think mg and pris and naomi were damn lame. then we played frisbee. and discovered huizhen cannot aim. ..and anson is no where better. then we played homo and realized huizhen and anson has an affair behind pris' back. then me and huizhen cycled, and i feel very xin wei that she felt as annoyed as i did at the stupid little kids who dun cycle properly and who blocked the whole cycling path. and then...... here comes the nice part we met REALLY NICE PEOPLE! i think they're a family or something bbq-ing then we went over to try to "borrow fire" cos we wanted to heat up the bee hoon that my mother prepared, so that it isn't all soggy and erm, yucky and they were damn nice lo! lent us aluminium tray, joked with us, invited us to share in their food, and called us to bring all our friends over so we can share the food and stuff together i just feel a bit pity that we didn't chat with them all shy mah but seriously, such nice people, we are so happy to know that in singapore there are such warm friendly people and i feel so happy eating hot food =) i think they also invited some foreign workers to eat is it? cos towards the end when we were leaving there were three others who didn't looked local leh. but they were really very appealing middle aged people =) i hope i can be like them when i'm that age. but probably not. i'm so cynical to people but hey come to think of it, i'm always quite nice to people younger than me lo ohhhhhh people I FORGOT TO BRING THE TUPPERWARE HOME=(((( my mother was so nice this morning to prepare beehoon for me, plus carrot slices veggies , luncheon meat and egg slices lah and put in a nice big tupperware for me AND I FORGOT ABT IT =((((( it's lock and lock and super big size somemore. and i feel exceptionally bad cos she was exceptionally nice this morning, and the next thing, i lost the thing -.- so i'm gonna tell her that a basketball crushed it and spoiled it, so we all chipped in some money to get her a new one. yeah. so bad lah. whee..still got work tml. sobs. another small triumph over stage fright. it gets tiring because there is no one to acknowledge my efforts. but still.. i dunno whether i feel relief, or i feel....i dunno how i feel. another resolution for my whole life i shall buy comfortable shoes. i dun care if they are expensive. i have to buy comfortable shoes. omg my feet almost became deformed from the covered shoes i wore during the performance. yucks and now i can totally throw away that pair of shoes because i wore them as slippers and as a result the back part is totally...squashed. sigh. oh and i met another mad man today i stepped out of causeway tentatively due to my very very blistered feet then this man was scolding "kanasai, cao ji bai" at no one in particular so of course i stared for a while. then he began to follow me around. -.- like just circle around me from burger king to mrt. not very long. but still quite disturbing so anyway, i was in a very very bad mood yesterday. thanks to : mg, for ..organising exciting sunday. i dunno why i'm going actually. pris, for asking. actually, did u ask? kenneth, for tolerating. junru, for all her patience. who else. oh, myself. for getting past it. i'm always thanking myself. you should too you know, cos in the end i believe that how you live your life is mostly your own credit. YIQIEWANMEI is not loading!~~ zzzz. oh and i counted the number of clothing that i no longer want to wear. a piece from bangkok, dun like the sleeves. this pair of jeans, uncomfortable. it's scraffy. several tops..hmm..... quite a lot of shoes. oh man.......... BTW PEOPLE SEMBAWANG IS HAVING A SALE! THE CD SHOP SEMBAWANG! 50% OFF EVERYTHING!!!!! i'm going down....erm, either tml morning or tonight. where's the nearest sembawang?! you're a sad cartoon of a broken heart bleeding all over the place. i think chris might have a knack at this. ..... i was minding my own business taking 966 home after a very satisfying aston's dinner with junru. den this guy came up on the bus, he looked a bit drunk, sat next to me, smelled of beer i was thinking "okay.." but didn't really mind ..and then he slept. and he nodded off and he almost just leaned on my shoulder. to which i just pretend to lose my balance and jabbed him when the bus jerked. so he came awake. and then he asked me the time. which was okay. and then he asked whether we had passed bukit panjang cos he was sleeping and i said quite alarmingly for him, then yah i think we had. and then....... he began to ask me questions where did i go go out with who? still studying? where do i live? (i said something vague abt 20 minutes alighting later) then....... want to eat something together later? i thought i heard it wrongly you know and then, want to get off together later? i'm getting off at the first stop wanna eat something together? i said, no. and he said.. talk to you very you mo qi. ..... and then before he alighted, he asked me "dun wanna eat something together?" and i said tightly, no. and he said "then i get off le" and i said "okay you get off lo" ............ i was more annoyed and irritated then terrified cos afterall the train was quite okay-ly filled. and then the thing is NO ONE BOTHERED TO RESCUE ME LEH. wad the hell. where had all the gentleman in singapore gone to lah. a brief description. he had a those mustache. was quite skinny didn't looked very old, maybe late 30s. and he actually looked preeety nice when he first told me that he went out with friends and drank a little beer...... omg. guys if you will wind up talking to girls on the bus and asking them out for supper, pls dun drink. wad the hell lah. it is that period of time AGAIN. nooo, i'm not refering to my menstrual cycle. i'm refering to the blasted ants' cycle THEY HAVE STARTED BREEDING AGAIN!!! every year during march when the temperature rises and rises the ants breed and breed and breed. how do i know? i have that itchy itchy feeling i get whenever i lie on my bed AGAIN. AND! mosquitoes are breeding too! i feel like i'm in a green house. i got bitten by dunno how many times using my laptop. sigh i'm too tired to blog.sigh. haven lunch for xinyun for very long. in fact, i feel like i haven't really went to iras for very long =( ohman. btw just to add some cheery into my blog. i had a student today that REALLY STINKS. i'm serious he stepped in and i wanted to ask him "did you climb out of a rubbish dump or did something in ur bag go bad?" he smelled reallyreallly sour. REALLY and i even wondered whether the smell came from me cos he looked innocent. until i held his bag. ..... and the stench was....... was...... so yeah, by the time we pass 15 minutes i got used to it. see, who says my job has no hazards. oh and when i went to the toilet a baby was screaming. and REALLY screaming. like, i dun think there's anyone else on earth who can scream like that baby she sounded like someone was slaughtering her limb by limb. i peeked into the cubicle and... ...... THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO CHANGE HER DIAPERS AND WASH HER. ... -.- i feel so bad for the mother. there was a kid outside who curiously wondered "WHY THE BABY CRY SO BAD?" and wanted to rush into the female toilet. luckily the mother held him back. yep open ur eyes and there are losta weird things going on in singapore -.- listening to this very cute jazz from charlie brown. i'll put it on my imeem in case anyone is interested..but err..dun think so right. i have abt two hrs to look at my scholarship application, get started on the really tight deadlines one. and then think abt why doctors are so screwed to give a wrong diagnosis causing misery for the patient and why i'm so sick of talking to people. two hrs. i dun think i'll write anything down lah. then i'll go run cos the sun is shinning biggy big today even though it was raining like shit this morning. btw. ku was right, teaching piano is the best profession on earth IF #1 you are good at what you do (you are good at piano) #2 your students understand english #3 your students are smart. sigh -.- i wonder whether he actually googles my blog. maybe he's really THAT bo liao. ....i miss sch. i miss my big clique. cos in a big clique you get to just listen and not talk. what the hell. i told pris and kenneth to hold on in msn. i'm not in a mood to talk.. home problems. i really......really.....hate doctors. you know, getting 5As is not everything. i have an urge to throw my laptop against the wall. i'm in one of those moods when i wish anyone who's happy could get out of my life. i supposed that's how mg pris naomi lijie and anyone else felt when i got 5As. what's going on, this is an en-actment of my own tragedy. i hate it when my mother says "it's suay" when something bad happens to someone. what is suay. seriously what is suay. when something good happens, we wanna attritube it to our own strengths. when something bad happens, we say someone up there is playing a joke on us i feel so tired i just wanna lie somewhere for a while. aiyo what the hell the nus open house did nth for me lah as in, i still can't decide what i want. wanted to blog abt some funny stuff but i can't rmb.. oh yeah there's an amazing miracle me and hz witnessed on the campus tour bus. shall ask her to send me the photo we took. it's really quite amazing. and you wouldn't believe how crap some of the profs are at uni like, totally unhelpful, if not totally biased -.- and XINYUN! you noe the human version of whiterabbit we saw at parkway? it's called WOLFBALL (i dunno why) it's like those huge plastic balls that float on water, then we saw children inside them crawling crawling crawling apparently this is available for nus sports camp, it's called WOLFBALL -.- and the guy who was busy chewing a chewing gum (btw, i think chewing a gum is a very cheap way of looking cool) told us it's quite fun i couldn't resist and told him "it is actually quite stupid, they look like human version of the white lab rabbits" sorry lah but anyway i very flattered that he approached us (prob he's eyeing for hz) to promote sports camp shows that at least i still look quite sporty. HA.HA. yah, right. but we really regreted not asking him abt business in NUS. cos he looked like those who are really willing to spill on the gossips most others are super erm, neutral okay i gtg. sian i'm prob taking tues wed thurs off for stuff. this is truly bad i dunno whether i shld take law so i can sue the damn bastard or i shld not take law because i dun wanna deal with people anymore.. btw, you guys should know this, even though i adore HOUSE, the more i watch the show the more distaste for the hospital and doctors. i'm sure they are smart but they are also ignorant in the face of diseases that stump them and i really do not want to go to the hospital unless there's no other choice. rmb what i said abt ignorant doctors? yeah i really hate them. i really really really hate them. dun ask me why, i can't say. it's a family drama thing involving not me but one of my brothers i wish weilun or rachel can be a doctor so i'll know one. then i wouldn't have to take the shit from doctors that i dunno. and the whole morning i'm just like so..like, what the hell is your problem. shouldn't u freaking take that rod out from your ass already. crazy bitch. someone from work. really lah, go fuck someone or something alr. i'm getting so annoyed by your attitude. wth. minghan, i have to say this. i cringed when i heard the presto agitato from ur blog -.- the moonlight sonata third movement. YOUR TWO VERSIONS ARE HORRIBLE LAHHHHHHH i even went to find a better version just to convince you i'm correct. but maybe you'll like your two versions better, it's subjective i guess. but hor, the first one sounds like it's played not on piano but on...what's that thing called, harpsichord? the second one sounds like the person is in a hurry to eat up his notes. anyway HOUSE IS BACK!! like you know figuratively it's almost like someone in the production crew almost died and everyone was moping finally an episode deserving of my adoration =DDD sacarsm, intensity, quirkiness. everything i love abt the damn show which was really lacking in the past few episodes. but HE'S BACK WAHAHAHAHAH. i'm left with half the episode. feel so reluctant to finish it. it'll be another week before it comes out again.. chris ah, are you going LSE? university of toronto?? i need ideas. and inspirations. i told ku yesterday i'll probably not take law. "people are tiring" it's easier to deal with figures. i'm increasing getting.......disappointed? no disappointed is too heavy a word..but something like that with people house~~ wait you noe something which i hate more than an ignorant stupid person? an ignorant stupid doctor. you have the power, like a judge, to give a sentence to a person and depending on what you say, that person can get depression or euphoria. and being ignorant is not an excuse. you shld at least have run a damn test. fuck it. HOUSE cameron: "you cannot say that we are not friends and then casually chat about the after-life" wilson: "it's possible to believe in something and still fail to live up to it" 'kenneth says: bt I am gonna get xy something better of course ____ says: ...... ____ says: aww ____ says: i'm so jealous. 'kenneth says: because she deserves it 'kenneth says: nt like you =.= ____ says: ...right, i'm soooooo jealous ____ says: anywya i got her so many stuff i can't rmb. 'kenneth says: provided i can find that special thing 'kenneth says: eh 'kenneth says: stand by your phone for the next few days ____ says: ....why are we like pissing each other off trying to prove that we're better to xinyun than the other ____ says: that's soooooooooo WEIRD. ____ says: nope, not giving u advise 'kenneth says: i suspect i might end up calling you for advice when i realise I can't find anything that suits xy 'kenneth says: that, I am sure you'd more than willing to five 'kenneth says: give ____ says: you were supposed to marvel at my intellect at guessing ur motive ____ says: but since you aren't going to, i shall ____ says: i'm soooo spot on ____ says: and no, i'm not giving u advise. i hope you wind up buying her a pink pig too. ____ says: but of course, you can be nicer and actually buy one with a bdy ____ says: not a flattened pig head, actually, TWO PIG HEADS with a nose that looks so squashed and malnourished i dun think a fly wants to sit on them. ____ says: HAHA. ____ says: -.- 'kenneth says: ok now that's weird 'kenneth says: bt anyway before I get called back to camp I will def ask yall ouy 'kenneth says: to give xy her overdue gift 'kenneth says: and to marvel at you --------------------------- ____ says: really no biking?? ____ says: but biking doens't need strength wad, technically, for u guys 'kenneth says: I don't mind watching and cheering by the side =D ____ says: yes of course ____ says: your eyes are so great that you can see us from 10km away. ____ says: and you'll look really silly ____ says: might wanna add a bon bon ____ says: "go xinyun go!!" ____ says: ........... ____ says: -.- 'kenneth says: a pink one, you forgot ____ says: yeah brings out the blush in you ____ says: ..... ____ says: our conv is getting a bit. ____ says: disturbing. 'kenneth says: .. 'kenneth says: ok see you tmr 'kenneth says: I want my bed nw 'kenneth says: byebye my bed is calling me ____ says: bbbbb today, is kenneth wee wee's birthday. no lah, okay kenneth's wee birthday i was stupid and thoughtless enough to forgot the exact date and asked him, exactly today, "when's your birthday??" so i shall dedicate an entry to you i'm in a humorless mood, so everything, hopefully, will sound honest. what i like abt our friendship # because you got me the second worst present i ever got in my 18 years of life. you got me a pink pink pink piggy piggy two ugly piggy HEADS TISSUE BOX COVER. omg. (the top goes to peixian for her oliver twist. i think on hindsight a book is better than the pink piggy tissue cover box that is now regretfully on my table, everytime i see it i wanna laugh) # the fact that i have no idea when we started to talk more. though i have a feeling it's when you called me an auntie and i called you a noun that involves walking through geylang and getting molested by the women there # that we laugh alot together. some people just laugh alot together. we do. # or that i can tell you things, and it'll be okay because you're across the island in HCI. # that you can call during A level results, scream at me for getting 5As, and then reveal quietly that you got 4, and i can hang up on you. something i've always wanted to do but never got to do until you called. # that you watch movies alone, something i've always wanted to do but didn't have the guts to. # that me you and xinyun are more like sisters(ahem) than friends. and we poke fun at each other mercilessly. # because you study in HCI, there's enough distance between us not to scrape each other. # because you amuse me as uniquely as xinyun does, by getting a wall sized map and telling me it's a pity there's no current flows on it. #because you say i'm a museum exhibit. # and your expression when you saw butter squid "they looked like they just came out from the mouth" # that you cry even more than i do. # because you are almost, the most judgmental but seemingly unjudgmental person i've met. i like your hypocrisy. # because i like that you recognize that you are a hypocrite. solidarity mate! # you were honest enough to reject coming to my piano concert and telling me honestly that you were SO BORED during the last one. you were the only one you know? # cos sometimes you sound as sick of the human race as i do. and then we'll both be amused by xinyun's faithful dedication to the human race. omg. najib's right, beginning of a god complex! # you make me feel like i'm a thrifty woman!! cos you spend more!! btw, i noe what to get for your birthday. hopefully. happy birthday. keep crying at cinemas. talk to your sister. and dun lose that brutal hypocrisy. i promise to tell you when you become boring. vice versa. let's keep each other interested. viola! ha.ha.ha xinyun is so funny anyway i told her that instead of trying very hard to get into a good course so we can get alot of money there's an alternative GET USED TO BEING POOR. and the i corrected myself, "no you shld get your mom to get used to being poor. " that way we wun have to support them, then we can all go sell kacang puteh by the road side. that's what i told xinyun anyway "but for some reasons i think that you'll still be quite happy selling kacang puteh at the road side" her reply: "erm, well, but that's illegal in singapore" so i went for the USP interview (aren't singaporean students predictable, we blog the minute we get home) lessons to take home # learn to deprecate yourself. it's very useful in trying to pretend you're humble #dun tell a history professor that you find that people focus too much on the past # dun tell them that you skipped lessons # dun wring your hands # try to listen to their accents and avoid being a fool who can't tell your prof is an aussie. on the plus side i had fun turning the tables around and interviewing them instead. i think for most of the interview i just asked them questions while slipping in some comments on my own. that part was fun. one of them teaches film history so i asked what it is abt. the other sadly specializes in imperial and colonial history. of course i wouldn't ask you what it is. omgggggggg what was i thinking WAD WAS I THINKING???? i said ALOT of crap you noe. actually on hindsight i think i WASN'T thinking. i babbered on something then they had no reaction, so i even said "why did i say that?" and luckily they said something and i carried on oh yeah and when one prof said "i wouldn't know, cos i didn't take As" i gave him a blank stare and shot another look at the other prof who said "he's australian!" and i went "oh, sorry, i'm bad with the accent thing" ............................. DUN YOU THINK I WAS TOTALLY INFORMAL???? I think i have bad interview skills lah, in fact i dun even have skills lah it all just came back to me when i went back home. it's like "omgggggggggg" and freaking najib is at reservist. enjoying the masculinity and the vulgar words and the sheer freedom of being to flex ur muscles without females giving you the "are you sick" stare. how can he be at reservist?! i wanna talk to him de lah!! and he's supposed to be writing referrals for all of us. his answer to this is "dun worry i've outsourced it to an indian who has excellent writing skills so it's all good" so yiling, if you need a referral, call the india embassy. our ct is busy sweating it out at reservist. oh and yiling, i am interested to go bangkok with you wad. and hor. i can handle the essays. i think it's fun to poke fun of people reading your essays but INTERVIEWS ARE SCARY. I HATE IT. i either come across as #1 unsincerely amiable #2 sincerely attitude or #3 flippant and flustered woman who blabbers too much (see above) and treats her interviewers like friends. seeeeeeeee you have the SKILL to appear cultured and knowledgable. me i come across as.... yucks shld i go run now so i'll have more time to prac piano. btw. i can't go overseas. if i go overseas. there'll be NO XINYUN. that's a very very very sad thing you know. she's the only thing that kept me amused throughout exams. (and the occasional squealings from naomi oso) speaking of Naomi HOW ARE YOU? ARE YOU DEAD? ARE YOU SUICIDAL? ARE YOU DEPRESSED? CAN YOU PLEASE CAAAAALLLL US???? ..i'm wearing undecent fbt shorts now so i'm lazy to go downstairs and transfer money into my uob account and grin happily at my account balance. =( to minghan mg pris and all others who feels like the world just dipped into an abyss: you feel like shit now. you'll prob always feel like shit abt As. but the good thing is,"this too will pass" -from najib. and i saw an old man wiping down the USP interview room today which makes me feel like there's still..hope? not hope..but..you decide. he was very healthy and humming as he worked. and he was doing his job very meticulously. and he kneeled and squatted and do all sorts of things that my mother cannot do now. and then i thought "i wanna be him when i'm old" at least if i'm old i wanna be able to enjoy menial tasks, be healthy enough to do them. lose all my teeth and still grin at horrified students. so in between, while we get there, you can get Bs, As, Cs but when we're old, we just get old. ..i'm not making sense right? hmm. priscilla's post made me very sad. anyway the song is dedicated to you all. i dun think anything i say will actually help, because when i'm depressed nth people say actually helps. and xinyun was right, it's quite bullshit abt friends being there to help you they can be there, but in the end you'll still have to depend on yourself to walk out of there It's ok to think about ending and it's ok to not even start put it away and wait till tomorrow put it away and take care of your heart of your whore heart And it's ok to stay here forever and it's ok to read in the dark put it away and wait till tomorrow put it away and take care of your heart of your whore heart Just for awhile i'll sing and smile just for awhile i'll sing and smile i'm not calling you guys whore leh. really. it just adds a different twist to it. dun you think okaay. right pris's post made me sad especially her thoughts abt how we've never truly had setbacks i dunno whether i shld feel very sad that i've had setbacks, real depression, real setbacks that had almost defeated me while people my age hasn't. it makes me feel.....so old. and so...cynical. or whether i shld feel happy that i've grown past that and survived. and became this.... yeah so her post made me sad. it's a sad sad world. felicia ah, can you pls tell me how's law like having had three people tell me to take law, i am truly considering it. but i have to know what it is first right what if i turn out to hate it. ouuuuuchhhh. my ulcer hurts =( in fact i'm beginning to suspect i have TWO ulcers in the same spot instead of one and why do i have an ulcer? cos my wisdom tooth grew out and keeps rubbing against my cheek. omg i feel like my whole right cheek is swollen it's not that bad if i dun talk dun yawn and dun eat with my right teeth it feels like someone took a syringe and poked me several times in the right cheek hmm watched cinderella ballet with jun ru yesterday it was good! better than i expected because i thought the leads had great chemistry and the evil stepsisters were hilarious. but something even more ridiculous happened in real time. as we were queuing to have our seats changed (they moved us to a lower circle cos ahem, the attendence were lacklustre) someone said hi very enthusiastically to me..and i said "eh! hi!" back to her as a kinda reflex response. then i turned and told junru actually, i have no idea who she is. and later on, she actually sat next to me. and i tried really really hard to recall who she is. but i really have no idea who the hell she is. so until the end of the three hour performance i still have NO IDEA who she is i shld have just said to her "who the hell are you?" right, so she'll be embarrassed and i can finally figure out who she is. i mean, i dun even find her familiar. and i dun rmb me being such a kultz abt such things. ..oh well. i'm very very thirsty for songs. wanted to let you all listen to a serenade hugh laurie composed. but sadly all the versions online had the dialogues he said in the show. sobs. i need a fix of jazz. zzz. i think i'm going to blow all my salary on music and books lah i told junru that i'm gonna keep a tightleash on my salary cos i often find myself spending all the money on impulse buys and never actually getting the stuff i put on my "planned to buy" list. i finished house season 1. i think season 1 and 2 are the best seasons lah..... but i'll still watch season 5 cos it's house afterall. but the latest episode if tml!! damn! oh, yi qie wan mei is good i've decided that i shall just sleep early and watch all the episodes online. not very clear but at least i'll fill up my weekends and allow me to have enough sleep during weekdays. i'm drinking chrysanthemum tea that my mom made. and i ate panadol yesterday. along with the nin jiom herbal tea, and nin jiom herbal candy. i feel like a chemical stew. but no choice, cos the damn ulcer is really triggering all sorts of weird things, like headache, mild fever and stuff i think i'll have to go and listen to old songs and artistes...... like. miles davis......chris botti...michael buble's previous albums.... and then spend a huge sum on classical music. sighssss you know there's always a list of things that you wanna do but never actually got around to doing them? on my list there's -read jane austen -listen to josh groban -listen to andrea bocelli -figure out what's so great abt miles davis and what'shisname basically it's to actually pay attention to these names that always pop up actually. i wanna play michael buble's live dvd in the living room. but my father took the dvd player off cos the maid keeps wanting to use it. i'm blabbering. i shld be talking about results and the future right? isn't this post getting pretty long? but it's okay, i think if you're here at my blog you got nth better to do.. so, half of my friends are still ignoring me shit, my battery is half gone. i dunno what i'm supposed to do when it's dead. maybe i shld sigh get the damn charger and charge it in my brother's room.... i need to talk to someone abt uni but nobody seems to wanna listen and i dun really noe what to say...so i shall blabber to myself here on my blog. right. but i'll put it in another entry. this entry is getting..pointless and long (abit like life itself) i wish people would stop imposing their emotions/expectations and stuff on other people okay i'm just going to say this so everyone can stop wondering what i got. i got 5As. hip hip hurray. cheers for me. i can take a msg outta maybe 10 people i msg 3 replied "not okay" 'bad" 'dun ask" another 3 ignored my msgs. and the rest sound indifferent and preoccupied. so i just went home to jog. hey, let me ask a legitimately scientific question. can your body grow immune to endophines?? i mean, the damn body grows immune to almost every thing. cos i've been noticing running doesn't make me feel as happy as it used to. ran quite far today..all the way to this seagate company's backgate and along the highway road not bad. actually i've a lot of things to say abt A levels, but nth abt results pris asked me to put this quote on my blog "exams are a passport to uni/whatever but the thing is there's no return ticket" so you're stuck on that flight and you just have to alight at the best place possible. and she said i now have the whole world to tour whereas she's stuck in asia. and i told her, but the currency is higher too, where i am. and then we got all confused so i asked her to stop it with the metaphors. ...le'ts just wait for the weekend so i can talk abt today properly okay pris is interested in psychology so is kenneth xinyun.....hmm i'll tell you all later. chris went off before i could ask. (prob econs though) yip, business or econs? jess? yiling business. whatelsewhatelse. lijie, business. kb? hz? naomi? one wrong step, and we're stranded. may i say that that's true regardless of how many As you have. one last thing i'm objectively concerned abt my indifference today i suspect something in me died sometime back somewhere. and if you choose to take that up the wrong way, that's ur prob. oh man..i can't type alot cos my father is asleep.bleagh but i loooooove this skin so much better than yesterday's. i had to put one in cos i lost my old codes.... anyway i took halfday off tml. dinner with mg and ppl. but why dhoby. i hate that place. and still wondering what to do in the afternoon =( i got suanned by mg on her blog. and yes i supposed if my range was U-U i'll be pretty nervous too. but erm my range isn't U-U (btw i got E before la!) so i'll be honest and just say i wun relate. shan't give u the bullshit abt how i sympathize with u guys because we'll both noe i'm bullshitting anyway some cheerie things from work to cheer u guys up the toilet cleaner on the third floor has a great sense of of humor day 1: friend told me between bursts of laughter that she flushed, and the toilet flushed, and it kept flushing day 2: friend almost spit on me between crazy spurts of laughter because the toilet cleaner had pasted a masking tape next to the flush and said "DON'T PRESS TOO HARD" the other day i walked in and there is another masking tape next to another flush in another toilet cubicle "AIM PROPERLY. DON'T ANYHOW SPRAY" i felt soooo amused i almost burst out laughing there and then. i felt so misunderstood!! shouldn't that msg tend towards guys?? you wouldn't believe the no. of emails i get a day that exasperates me to no end email no 1: I CAN DO E-FILING. that's it you noe. fullstop what do i say? "good for u? hurray! wow!!!" email no 2: I WANT TO AMENDMENTS MY FILING. ......again. what the hell do u wan me to say??? email no 3: i want to claim self-reliefs. ...........WHAT IS SELF RELIEFS??? EVERYTHING IS SELF-RELIEF! email no 4: i wish to claim child relief for a miscarriage child. you noe, i really really think it's sad. i flag my supervisor and she happened to come over. so i pointed at my flag which reads "how do you tell tp he can't claim cos the child isn't even fully formed???" and gave my "look" to her. she looked at email, looked at me..then said "hmmmm! hmm..i'll...give u the exact wording later~" email no 5: my donation amt is 7.50. ur e-filing only allow whole numbers. so shld i file it as 7 bucks or 8 bucks. .......i dun believe it. people actually bother to email abt this. i asked my supervisor "WHY GOT PEOPLE EMAIL THIS ONE???????" email no 6: gibberish gibberish gibberish. something foreign indonesian bangladesh. me points at email, looks at Norhana. Norhana takes mouse, click click click CLASS CODE: PARTNER me and Norhana simultaneously : YEAH!!!!!! HIGH FIVE! YEAH YEAH!!! (class code partner means i can fwd to other dept, not we handle) right. my father has stopped snoring. dunno whether i'm disturbing him. herh herh. okay so in the end i realize why all my emails are so freaking hard and weird cos the two guys who are doing the same category as me, kept choosing emails, viewing them and taking the tax laws ones which are easier and leaving this kind of shit to me. btw. my left cheek has been twitching. does that mean bad results or good results? but i'm serious, it's been twitching for several days. i suspect it's the caffeine. but one can always hope it's a sign from the chief examiner up there. yun calls. gtg. bbbbbbb oh my the sky is such a pretty color now i wish i can take a photo and show you but my battery died =( it's the color of strawberry milk shake with bursts of blueberry foam between them. sounds so delicious. and it really looks very very pretty. off to write a reply to ruth. bleagh i'm terribly stranded. my brother is in his room which means i can't be in his room or we'll just get on each other nerves. and somemore tml morning i totally dunno where i can go to eat my breakfast and watch house (yeah i've decided to watch house in the morning, it really preps me for work, he's soooooo sacarstic) and hor i know my blog got some prob. but i dun have the time to change it. maybe i'll pick a layout and ask yiling to change it cos she has so much time in IRAS. herh and people, dun be crazy, how come everyone turns so mad when it's official that 6 may is results day? you ALREADY NOE IT WAD and yip ah, what makes you think i wanna sit around with you at 10am in the early morning and start getting nervous 4 and a half hours in advance? so bloody useless. wheeee sky really very pretty. now it's like layers of blueberry cake with midnight streaks in them. shhhh i feel like taking photos of my "accomodations" now to show you all how ridiculously stranded i am in my own house my ahma came over so i moved outta my room again =( it's okay lah i'm used to it. just that now my desk is NEXT TO THE TOILET in my parents' bed room and since my father has a habit of taking afternoon naps, i have to surf the net and all in the dark dark room as he sleeps and as compromise, he'll have to get used to the tap tap tap sound of my keys and err i'm sleeping in their room again. and i've really inherited snoring from them. they snore like thunders. and in return because my sleep is so disrupted, when i do fall asleep i snore like thunder too. so if you walk into our room around 1am, you'll hear them snoring and me being pissed off then at 7am you'll hear me snore because that's the time i fell into deep sleep cos my mother is awake and my father is alr long off to work.. oh man i can't watch boys over flowers unless i plug in. not a big problem actually and it's 1.20pm i feel soooo happy at home. it's actually quite nice to use a laptop in a really dark room. don't you think it gives the sense of self-importance? not sure you get what i mean but nvm oh btw, i almost forgot to blog about this. how could i xinyun says people who tag on my blog are idiots. then i gave her the "HOW COULD YOU?!" stare and she hurriedly tried to justify herself "no no! i mean that when i wanna tag i feel very idiotic!" i gave her the "you're still being mean" look and she tried to explain somemore "because anything that i wanna tag sounds very stupid, so i dun wanna tag." along the way she said what "wanna be different/unique" i gave her the "what are you suggesting abt other people" look and she burst into tears* *in typical xinyun exasperated face turning tomato red way and said "noo!! i dun mean that! i'm not so mean!!!" anyway she's going mad like really crazy mad siao mad cos results are out on friday she's gonna stuff herself with sushi because for some reason the notion of turning into a rice bucket makes her very very happpy ..well, to each her own. i think she should take up on kenneth's offer for the "one for one" admission in woodbridge. what else did i wanted to blog abt..i think i'm sorta talking to myself here, you can ignore me. oh my student, urgh, he's a fan of TURKISH MARCH MOZART AND CANON IN D. pris you guys can be great friends. he LOVES canon in d. have i ever told you guys i NEVER REALLY LIKED CANON IN D? (can someone agree with me on this so i dun feel like a big meanie who just insulted the most famous song on the planet?) like really, it's so slow, so ...so..so prettttty. it's all major scales and you just feel like you're expected to float on clouds and plant a big contented smile on your face when you listen to it. ..it just triggers the image of big fluffy clouds, slow lazy river, green green fields and maybe a waving tree in the distance..in a "this is so unreal" way. and in a way i just feel cheated listening to it. it's so pretty and nice but you listen to the whole damn thing and there isn't really a climax. and the truth is? i get really bored listening to it. yes so anyway he's a big big fan of mozart. he youtubes mozart (when did youtube become a verb?) whereas if you noe me I DUN LIKE MOZART. esp mozart piano. mozart symphonies are good. mozart piano just exasperates me. it's nice, but i suck at it. and henceforth as normal human beings who try to avoid humiliation, i avoid mozart. but he loves it so i have to make myself at least adequate at it. brrrr at least another student likes jazz. he just likes it because he can play it in that "i dun really care what i'm doing" kinda way and it's fun! so now i have to find easy jazz pieces to play for him.brr btw, i think If I can’t stop feeling empty then I wish the rest of the world would go hide itself. is a really good line. did you kope it from some lyrics? and don't you wish that you could have pop out more of those lines during lit exam??? hey you, i really think that's a nice line lah. *envious* maybe if i read some more intellectual books...?.. speaking of books I'M SO BROKE. why are books so expensive huh? every book is nearly 20 bucks and if you get the more exclusive ones they are 20 plus. and cds too. brrgh. and i think my brother secretly is quite proud that at least i spend money on books. ..actually i spend money on almost everything. things i plan to do in the east before results day wanna go to gramercy finally finally finally to get scores (shit! no money! haven't gotten pay! how?!) wanna go east coast biking wanna go changi to visit naomi wanna go xinyun's house to kope free food and then eat swiss bake scones. wanna visit kuuuuuuu i'm boring you. and myself. but what's there to do on a sunday afternoon? grins cheerfully* ah. weekends~ things that are nice #1 being able to wake up at 8 and go back to sleep just because i can. #2 being able to take my own sweet time over breakfast, have two cups of coffee over the latest episode of house. #3 being able to not speak for the entire morning except "hmms" to the maid and "hmms" to my brothers #4 being able to wear undecent shorts, baggy tee shirts, shake my legs and sit in positions that are truly appalling. #5 being able to not talk about "Taxpayers" and "Return packages" and "iras pin and singpass" for the entire day #6 being able to have meals, FOR FREE! #7 to go on youtube and find ridiculous videos of hugh laurie. #8 to blog an entry over 3 hours #9 Retarded patient in House MD
omg, just spend 1 minute watching this. the guy is so freaking retarded! i bet you you'll laugh! just 1 MINUTE! WATCH IT! |