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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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awww if i may say so myself, i really look very nice with my hair blown out, wanted to have deserts with naomi at bugis de, but her parents dun allow her to meet me =( cos apparently quaratine is 7 days, not 5 i tot is 5 cos my music sch says that if you returned from overseas, must wear mask within a 5 day period. but i'm perfectly healthy wad =( so, instead of enjoying myself over deserts, i went home -.-" but pretty hair (so rare) so must go around shop a while mah, ownself shuang also can. omg my english today is .. so yep, i bought notebooks, AGAIN. but they are so pretty!!! pretty notebooks! and school's starting soon, wad with usp and lpp, sure got use for notebooks lah. think i used up like 10 plus last year.. ohhh ohh i finally have like interesting stuff to blog about there was this girl on the train, predictably long rebonded black hair, skinny legs, hot shorts, tube top lah she was sooooooooo skinny! so skinny that when she threw her shoulders back, her shoulder blades protrude so much that there's a deeeeep valley where her spine is reaaaaly deep. so deep that her long rebonded hair seems to lie rather comfortably there. i was so fascinated. wad else..blogger refuses to let me upload pics, so i can't show you wad ur earring rack looks like le cass and thanks all for the birthday wishes, i'm gonna buy myself a cheesecake from bakerzin tml! not the one slice wan, the full round cake, cos it's 50% off wad, den tuesday is the last day. bu chi bai bu chi right. and kabalevsky is so nice~ ah yes my brother is in a very good mood today he bought a big box of sushi from sakae and treated me!!!!! and it's not those lousy like crab meat kind k, got unagi and salmon de. woo hoo~ oh and he wore the shirt i got for him. the green color one. and the pants. i have good "measuring" eyes leh. fits him =)))) i wanted to watch transformers, my cousin lent me his dvd, but app my stupid player doesn't work. so i have no entertainment today.. hope that he'll play resident evil later so i can watch him struggle with the stupid controls. i tried lah, but the stupid controls is really stupid. it's very...hard...to aim and shoot at the zombie. =( so i think i'll pester him to buy other RPGs for me. must take adv of his good mood. i just realized my uni workload is really really ..wow. USP, LPP, accts, piano. omg lah. i think i might drown lah and i'll prob have so many extra classes besides accts that i might as well pitch a tent and camp in sch. oh i really need a water bottle. cos in the salon today i read this article telling me how no-no it is to re-use plastic bottles. which i do. but dun worry lah, i change a bottle every one week plus. yeah. okay, sometimes 2 weeks. yeah i need a water bottle. for some reason i find it very weird now to ask people to get birthday presents for me........ like i'd rather get the things myself de gan jue. why ah. i miss xinyun -=( now it's like i have a wrinkle there between my brows. cute huh. wonder if she's gained weight. WAHAHAHAH.. okayokay byebye tml early 11am vj piano prac. OHHH i haven't told you guys HOW SCREWED we are!!!! listen to this okay we have ONE week before the concert to prac. that's for us, the four of us. listen to this huh on THE DAY OF THE CONCERT ITSELF, there's PHYSICS AND CHEM paper. after which, the juniors have to IMMEDIATELY come down to prepare for concert. WOOO HOOO and the whole week whereby we have rehearsals, they are having their CTs!!! AND! who would come down to watch piano ensemble when it's the last day of your CTs lah!!pls lah! AND! they shifted rehearsal dates cos one of the dates clashed with the exams. sooooooooooooooooooooo me and my partners, have only the coming friday's rehearsal, and the next monday's, den it's the damn concert!!!!!!! woo hoo! TERRIFIC! i told jr "this is really the worst case scenario isn't it." but we're sorta more worried abt the juniors. they're so..prone to screw this up. at least we can afford to spend like 6 hrs a day at vj to prac. they can't. =(( i need support people! finished fei tian xi shi. it's not bad, just that the plot starts to become damn stupid after episode erm, 12 like that. yah, den the back is just pretty stupid but it's amazing how the two people, hu xin er and this other guy really gained weight for the show. omg kenneth, that other guy, the fei zhai hei, he's DAMN cute when he's slim leh!! i couldn't recognise him lah! omgomgomg, do you noe who i'm talking abt? i'm sorta in love with kabalevsky. pls listen to my playlist. it's too bad i can't seem to play his sonata=( it's just, i just can't seem to get it =((( it's so cinematic, this song. omg. nice.nice.nice. omg..think i shall go heeren tml to try to get any of his recordings. i'm in love. crap. how come i always like to listen to songs that i dun have cds of. crap. it's almost as if half my life is tied to the east -.-" how come everybody keeps asking me to go down to the east huh. gonna go siglap later to have dinner, steamboat apparently, with aunt and cousins and all. i feel like wearing the vest i got frm bangkok but u see the prob is that my cousins and aunt and people are like tee-shirts kinda people..so.... anyway, i dun get why i'm going down. i dun talk to my cousins that much..normally i just go and eat cos there's almost certain to be good food. and then smile and patiently wait to be peppered with the usual questions, so where you going to uni? wad course? oh why not NTU? (gives sheepish look to cousin) so where you working now? think i'll fall asleep on the train later. quite tired. hmm. when i saw one of my msn's contacts (someone whom i haven't talked to in YEARS) whose pm is "RIP michael jackson" i thought "you must be kidding me." but yeah, michael jackson is dead. someone up there must like artistes very much. think we've seen quite a bit of dead stars these few years. anyhow, one of the people said "may allah be with him." kinda ironic seeing as how he bleached himself...but still, i supposed religion ah, precedes facial distortions... but still, you can't deny he was a great star.. so yeah, it's kinda a pity and now there's this moth on my wall. it's black (i know, aren't moths all black) ..dun tell me it's michael jackson. shudders* tudou is getting slow again..gotta quickly load my fei tian xi shi before it hits the peak hours. and yeah happy birthday to me too. sorry for not replying the birthday wishes cos erm, it's kinda dumb if i reply "thanks" to every single one who msged me (cos my sms overshot alr, wad with smses to europe to xinyun and picking up stupid calls from brother in bangkok) so yeah, i'm expressing my thanks to you guys here =D i honestly forgot my birthday while i was watching show last night until someone, i think it was enid...? smsed me. yep i haven't blogged properly abt bangkok have i? still waiting for the camera to do a proper update. piano ensemble i almost got a heart attack ytd, shimin msged me to say he has a high fever and i went, huh......?? den some junior msged me that the first rehearsal is the coming monday..and we haven't even prac together at all since last thursday..... den i realized calista's camp is this week....... woo hoo~ okay, i think i need to pay for the tix money alr. people who are going, kindly msg me or tag, so i'll know how much tix to put aside. yep and you can just take this as my birthday present =) right okay, my bladder's bursting. been holding it since i was doing the html for this blog. [M/V]Wondergirls Nobody
waiting for my brother's camera before taking photos of my bangkok trip purchases. which are like...alot. and erm, most of the clothes i'll prob not wear for more than 3 times or something..but no lah, there are some really pretty good buys =) i just realized something. i can't watch pascal roge's piano concert. because on saturday, it's still not past 5 days returning from bangkok so i'm supposed to avoid engaging in mass activites or going public places .. you have no idea how bad a mood that puts me in. i HAVE to blog this goh lijie whose nick is tenacious says. tenacious says: xray is very pain???? OMG. YOUR BRAIN MADE OF SPONGE. THOSE A LOT OF HOLES ONE SOMEMORE. it's strange how we just grow into different leagues we grow older... sometimes i just feel like chucking you into this obscure drawer so that you're only useful for occasional amusements.. but too bad you're so often in my face. i'm distracted. i wanna sleep, but i have to go get masks and stuff. ah. you just can't fault mozart. he might be a happy go lucky bastard in life whom i might have hated (i hate geniuses) but you really can't freaking fault his music. bastard. what did i wanted to blog abt huh. oh yeah. i absolutely hate the...the exclusivity of facebook, which is a bad adj since it's so ubiquitious that only social inepts and stubborn mules like me refuse to use it. and then, the social inepts and stubborn mules find themselves stranded when they wanna view photos of their class which they love incidentally and realize they can't because you have to freaking add that person as a friend. yes i'm refering to you christopher saw. but more pointedly i'm pissesd at facebook and its idiosyncracies. how do you even spell the word. why do i have to add you as a friend to view your photos!!esp when you're the photographer and i'm the SUBJECT. i'm being idiotic. i know. shoot me. okay lah, one day i might succumb to the evil of facebook. but i can't see that day yet. maybe if mr ku adds me on facebook.. i might reconsider. but point being, i prob wun noe who invites me as a friend cos my rainspring_00@hotmail.com account is for this type of rubbish. i have 100 mails per day inviting me to be a friend, to buy viagra, to collect my 100 000 billion pounds of award and stuff. yeah. rubbish i'm in heaven. it's not that people who listen to classical music like to act cool with big shot earphones. it's just that crappy earphones just dun do justice do the music. okay just took my third shower of the day i just cleaned the toilet!!! and cleaned my room # i need a new brush. i was wondering how come there are so many black short hairs around until i figured out that it's the bristles from the brush. the poor brush deserves the rubbish bin. really # you will definitely miss out spots even if you clean thoroughly. i spotted a few when i was showering and yeah, squatted down and began to scrub. yes i was naked and i know it's a rather disturbing picture. pls dun think lowly of me # after 10 years, there will emerge spots that are permanently THERE. i can't seem to scrub them off =( # i can still smell detergent even though i've bathed. kay, three entries in a row is... nvm, meigui can read since poor thing she's sick, again. eh no, this is the fourth entry today wow. okay. random musings. # it's a waste listening to classical music on the train. you'll just hear "ping, piang, boom, bham" den miss out all the intermediate because the train is filled with china chinese accents, bangla's bangla accents, ang moh's ang moh accents and sometimes korean. # my kid can play jingle bells now!!! it took him 3 weeks! he can now play "jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way "relatively smoothly!! # why did i drink coffee? but..omg, coffee. # OH YES I WANT A STARBUCKS OF COFFEEBEAN CARD. thank you. coffee bean card will be better i think. yes # shld i vacuum the room # clean the toilet? # i always wonder what teachers think of me when i just nod and smile when they say their things. # i think i'm quite a strict teacher...but kids nowaways.tsk. my student asked me again whether i play facebook. sigh. i dun okay. i dun. like i keep telling everyone you can find me, but i dun be there lah. # oh i've been wanting to say this for very long. pop songs are equivalent to instant noodles compared to classical music. i've finally figured out why classical music lasts thru the centuries. cos you just can't find the kind of richness and tone and ..you shld hear some of the chords ravel came out with. i'm a huge fan. it's .......it's outta this world. # xinyun then had to remind me that michael buble, whom i adore, is also equivalent to jazz's instant noodles. which, after much reflection, i have to admit bears some truth (dun tell her this) BUT i've long since decided to listen to..jazz jazz, (see, words of an amateur) because i wanted to find out why they last thru the centuries too. # BUT, dun misunderstand me. everyone has craving for instant noodles once in a while. and some of them taste great too. yeah. so of course i like them too. duh. # okay, i'm officially asking people to come for vjc piano ensemble concert. vjc piano ensemble concert. 10 july 2009, friday, 7.30pm vjc performance theatre. tickets at $10 (we're always the cheapest see, cos no one appreciates piano.sobs) why you shld come - because four of us really put in a lot of effort for our items. - because you noe you like me quite alot - because you can TRY to be cultured even if you dun really know how to be. - because shimin and zhongkun are going to perform a miracle. they're going to perform an item when they have only FOUR days to practise TOGETHER. AND they're playing chopin (which is pronounced as sho-pan, not chop-pin, it amuses me when people get it wrong because it makes him sound like some comic character from scott joplin's fantasy) digression: xinyun just wished me happy birthday in advance since she's going europe. i told her this "tsk, okay, have fun in europe too, dun get abducted by angmohs. they like short stout creatures." ..wad, i find it pretty funny wad. ..okay okay. rolls eyes* coming back to the point of why you should come for piano concert - for people like mg and pris who has NEVER seen me perform, you shld come. after all i spent 13 years of my life punching keys on the piano. - we're performing EIGHT HANDS. which is TWO PIANOS with two persons on each piano. it's usually very tough, but as we are terrific people and know each other until wanna lan alr, we're going to pull this off =) and i really mean that, we really know each other until wanna lan alr. junru is the one with a straight face and immaculate rhythm sense. shimin is the boy genius who has endless optimism, immaculate rhythm and a shaping sense that i sorely envious. calista is the loud hilarious girl whom sometimes overpower me when she punches her keys too much. i am..erm. the girls who looks fat standing next to shimin. kidding lah, ever heard of modesty? - if this servces as ANY motivation for you to come........... i'll be wearing a dress -.-" yeah. i dun understand why this is kenneth's primary concern..but there you go. i have very weird friends oh! one important point!!! i'll point out to you who is my teacher mr timothy ku and you can be amused by how erm, more shuai he looks in the photo that'll be in the prog booklet. and you'll also be amused that he looks so much more like a basketball captain than a pianist. and yes you'll see he-who-intimidates-me-so-still. and of course you can put a face on he-who'll-give-me-grief for coming years in piano ensemble nus. yeah. TADA! pls come =) for the clueless, my birthday is on 26 june 1990. wad i intended to do on my birthday which falls on a friday. go cycling in the morning at east coast. practise piano with triple (coined from a korean drama that's airing now and quite appropriately refers to my three partners) sit in coaching with junru and shimin and suan the juniors. go gramercy to shop for scores. BUT. seeing as how i'm going bangkok..i'm not sure whether the above plans are possible. which is shit. what i want for my birthday -michael buble's new dvd/cd live at madison square, get me the coolest version you can get. i realized i have almost all of his cds except one. and this one. - i dunno, symphonies? you can just get me symphonies but i'm pretty picky. - my ic to return. - amazingly i can't think of specific items that i want. - oh if you want to get me necklaces, you can quit getting those chunky long metallic ones that i like, cos i've ceased wearing them ever since i worked and even if i want to start wearing them, i have more than enough at home. and the collection will increase with this trip to bangkok. but i really want a simple silver necklace, that kind. yeah. the one you can wear with anything teeshirts lala. - those plug in earphones, the ones that you push it in all the way and they shut out noises that kind. yeah - someone to develop my photos. i have dozens. but no money - money. -ah, this one girls can get, those scrub sets, like bath towel or bath scrub or whatever you call it stuff. cos the one i use at home is erm. falling out. yeah. and you can prob get me something for the feet too. i have the like so much dead skin that my foot is impenetrable. you'll just nick the skin, that's all. this list is pretty pointless. pls dun get the stuff until i'm back from bangkok. cos i'll get quite alot from bangkok. carrying on. (might as well make my list here) -i want..pretty notebooks from the loft (bangkok)..cool clocks and gadgets from the loft..cool stationary sets and stuff from the loft..... -a textured denim vest - scarfs for naomi and myself - rings for yip - long blouses for cass (long for her, indecent mid thigh lengths for me yiling and enid) - cheap clothes. no more dresses. i swear, no more dresses. they're a waste of my money - 1 black dress or more if they are cheap and appropriate - slippers for junru. - some food for students. - some food to feed triple. - the cool leather keychains that i saw from platinium for myself and brother. - LAPTOP BAG! YES! - those signature bangkok bags.. -tee shirt for cannerf? prob shld say something like "i kissed my dog multiple times." - friends are troublesome. see, half my list are on friends. - clinique from t1 - eat tomyum at the bangkok airport again. i've missed it so. chris has just expressed shock that i can spend $350 on clothes alone. hello, after all, i'm still a creature with xy chromosome (it IS xy right) oh, it translates into xinyun chromosomes too. cool. yeah. afterall i'm a female. pls dun doubt that. kenneth, dun snigger. anyway i feel like moving my house temporarily to bangkok, stock it full of cheap furnitures and accessories den moving it back to singapore. zz -.-" okay byebye once again i feel like a pathetic excuse for a human being. assuming that human beings are supposed to be generous, sympathetic creatures who love their families and friends some day i wish i can rewind my entire 19 years and begin all over again budden on the other hand, i might turn out worse if i re-live my life. who knows, i might really kill someone or go crazy myself. every single time my mother talks about my brother, i have this strong urge to ask her to shut up or say that i dun really care. and then she had go "i feel like i haven't been happy my whole life. the days of being happy is less than me being miserable" and i went, very unsympathetically "that's your own (damn) fault." which, i believe, is true. like pls lah, people might feel responsible for your life (like how i feel responsible for my 9 students whom btw i'm endangering next saturday cos i'll be only 3 days back from bangkok and might possibly carry the virus, prays very hard*) but afterall, if you DUN feel happy, shouldn't you actually DO something abt it? wad the hell. i always hate it when people say they're unhappy and i dun see anything that you're doing to help yourself except whining. even setting dreams help you noe, day dreaming helps you noe, ask kenneth. the least you can do is to make the best outta it right? like if say you're terribly broke, no one hires you, no interview works out, den freaking go upgrade yourself or go work out in the gym so that you might hook a rich guy/girl. or just freaking take your mind off things. ah wad the hell. i'm horrible aren't i. like if you noe you'll think too much at home, the sensible, and admirable thing is to force yourself to stay out even if you dun quite like it. ah crap. i hate it i hate it when my brother puts on that pathetic face "i'm so pathetic, no one understands" and then proceed to lead his life like he has cancer. which btw, he does not. for people who have been guessing. and even if you have cancer, you shouldn't put on that stupid face either. i'm not saying you shouldn't cos it affects other, you shouldn't because not only do you affect others, putting on that face for prolonged period of time just makes YOU depressed even more. i know, because i've been there. fuck. urghhh..now i have this sudden urge to vacuum and mop the house. i know, ridiculous. but see, that's my way of making myself feel happy. (even weirder i noe) cos i couldn't resist the urge and had coffee at 7pm even though i realized the caffeine will keep me up forever tonight. and i just realized 10 mins ago that i actually wanted to sleep early. sobs. and xinyun is at europe now~~~~~~~~~~ sulks* xinyun is at europe. sulks more* vanessa dropped by ytd, no lah, not dropped by, she visited me cos she thought me and yiling were fuming and each other over bangkok. waited over 3 hrs for me. sweet huh. but sweet is hardly the word to describe her so i'll leave it to...erm.... nvm. so she talked to me abt all the people in her raffles class which is really fascinating bunch of people. i'm so happy i haven't had the fortune of meeting them so far in my life. i hope i never will. but it makes me wonder how she "introduces me" to her other friends. prob goes along this line: sokmui ah..she is this girl who speaks really very bu ke qi to you...quite cruel and apathetic to her family...and doesn't really give a crap abt social interactions.... .. which...isn't very off based i think.. so yeah, nice talking to her. haven't talked for..2 YEARS! gosh. but still pretty natural. strange huh, like the people you meet in later part of your lives just become more....i dunno, easier to bond with than people you've known when you were young. ..i'm not making sense. anyway, my student who went to maldives, lara johnson, bought me this seashell =) first present from a student. more to come i'm sure. but still, a seashell -.-" i have dozens at home, all prettier than what she gave. i wanted to say like "ah..i would have preferred if bottled up maldives air..it's similarly useless but takes up less space." ha.ha. but okay lah, feels good being appreciated. this is a rather long post. and pretty..bi..bi wad ah, the mood swings from one end to another thing. oh, bipolar yeah. 8.30. wash toilet or dun wash? ..wanna plug in with symphonies. prob later when i do my list of wants. oh, okay, birthday list coming up. and so, after so much trouble, heartpain, screaming shouting and some vulgarities involved....and alot of phone calls to stupid jetstar and much holding... i'm still going to bangkok. yep, you read that right. can't postpone cos it's too much money and can't cancel..so yes we're going. i'm going to just enjoy myself thoroughly cos i think after the trip, it'll be hell all over again and i'm going mainly because i've got the holy consent from mr ku "aiyo just go and enjoy yourself and quit worrying!" and so with his consent, i can safely be spared any insulting remarks or scoldings if anything DOES happen and it affects the item........ to quote his excellency, "i will don a face mask wherever i go, i promise" and i'll pray very hard nothing happens. (to me or to ku either) we're such absolute fools, but what the hell, screw this. i might as well enjoy the trip. i'm trying very hard not to think abt certain things. no i'm not talking about h1n1 -.-" you shld know me well enough that i can be very random when blogging too. certain things that.....upon thinking, just brings on a headache and unnecessary emo-ing. some days i feel like i'm evolving into kenneth. NOOoo and to mg: why are you sick AGAIN?!! hai. take care yeah. but dun you eat pineapple tarts? agenda tonight: make a list of things to buy in bangkok and things NOT to buy in case i overspend again. prac piano. prac prac prac prac. figure out if i wanna drink coffee and stay awake the entire night tml. figure out if my father secretly wants me to celebrate father's day. figure out what's left to figure out. oh yes. i need to decide if i wanna sleep -.-" headache headache headache. wish i can take out my brain scrub it clean den put it back again. okay really. fucking shit. seriously. my mother says i'm apathetic towards my brother's "condition" like omg fuck shit lah. i have things to worry abt on my own and i've never complained that you neglected abt me. and she kept insisting on seeing useless information on the internet. i almost blasted at her and tell her "you only wanna read more information because then it makes you feel better that you're doing something other than not knowing what to do." oh fuck shit. i think i wouldn't be so apathetic if only HE isn't so weak. i repeat, why must you be so fucking weak that others have to be strong for you? and it's not like we haven't nag, encouraged, talk, persuade, coax, flare up and stuff. it's just oh fucking please, my mother has worse pains and she doesn't just whine and go about with a depressed face. I HAD WORSE PAINS and I HAD TO DEAL WITH THE DAMN THING ON MY OWN BECAUSE MY WHOLE FAMILY SAYS I'M MAD AND REFUSED TO BELIEVE ME. yah so i'm bitter. i'm bitter okay. it's not that i dun wanna stand on your side, but can you please fucking stand up on your own first. okay. i think this perpetual headache wouldn't go away till 10 july. it's no joke listening to "tock tock tock tock tock" for almost three hrs for every other day and listening to four different melodies weaving in and out in and out and trying to find where you are on the pages when you dun have specs and everything look kinda squiggly. totally no joke. at one point today i told shimin "i think i'm going both deaf and blind." because suddenly i dun really hear the "tock tock tock". dun misunderstand, i hear the SOUND fine. it's just as if from earing to my brain registering, there's like a time lag of abt 3 seconds which causes me be totally off in my playing. bleagh. and there's coaching tml. i think. terrific. hai. it is common knowledge if you are in the piano ensemble that my RHYTHM absolutely SUCKS especially in SLOW melodies. hai. and there's another point time when we almost turned hysterical. the females i mean. shimin just sat and smiled very calmly. the rest of us just kept laughing and laughing. i can't even rmb what it was abt now. bleagh bleahg. and my appetite is horrible. i've figured it out. it's not that i dun wanna eat anything. it's that i'm absolutely sick sick sick of fast food, instant food, pre-prepared food. i eat fine at home. i wanna eat RICE. but because i'm always rushing for time i only have time for wad, bread, mos burger, long john, bk, breadtalk. no wonder i have no appetite. so i'm trying to stock up on err, fruit juices, fruits, and soya. you noe, i hope it goes to building my immune system. cos if i fall sick now i'll really wanna cry =( AND. i have bad posture. can someone remind me to sit up straight when i play the piano. or maybe i'm making an effort to sit up straight. which is the reason why my back aches so much. but junru did a very funny move today nearing the end, something like clawing to the top of the door that kinda action. which makes me suspect her back aches too. my specs my specs my specs. i'm really blind. and den if i dun play well ku will shoot me with the "i've not done enough work at home" thing. sobs. i can sense it. i think we're gonna have a big quarrel soon. dun ask me how. i just sense it. ..so i shld totally try to avoid him. lucky i'm going bangkok soon. yeahhhh i'm so looking forward. 15 june. half the mth gone. cries* we are so far off from our desired product. the song i mean. got things to do. but i can't rmb wad. and according to my mother i'm washing my hands off things at home and i'm a heartless person who doesn't care shit that my brother is going to commit suicide soon and she's very ku ming to have to deal with all these when her whole body aches and shit. i totally agree. i'm a heartless bastard. you wouldn't believe how little i care. which makes me..i dunno what that makes me. sometimes i just wish to erase my whole family. like erasing a white board so that i'll get a clean slate. to yiling: yeah i've come to terms with my loss. erm, i was never very agitated in the first place wad me being me. just damn sad that i lost the cargos. cos you noe, they are really nice cargos =( i'm still hoping that someone will return me my bag with my clothes in it..but..oh well.... and erm, dun think i'm free this weekend..gonna treat myself to that piano concert for my birthday present..den i think having dinner with weilun on sunday or something like that..get back to you? damn sad. the cargos -.-" btw, NRIC first time loss is $100 bucks. specs is $200 bucks. my moisturizer and clothes and stuff..which puts my loss at an estimated $400 plus bucks. stupid thief. curse him. OH MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN There is no fixed way to write the application essay. Students are encouraged to write in a way that demonstrates their commitment to completing both the LPP and SEP. One suggestion is to share your reasons for wanting to participate in the LPP and SEP, as well as how you think both programmes will help in your personal growth. omg. pls read my essay below. THERE IS NTH THERE THAT FULFILS THE REQUIREMENTS LAH. AHHHHHHHHH!! hahahahah, laughs at my own retardedness. omg. reckless. now wun get it le lah i think, i've established the fact that i can no longer write formally. it's quite impossible for me to write formally anymore. really. here's proofs, my essay for LPP. Alright, I confess. My interest in Korea springs from an over-consumption of Korean dramas and music. Admittedly no one was particularly interested in South Korea (besides the association of the country's close neighbour to nuclear threat) until the drama craze brought about by a certain actor whose name I shall omit lest I bring about a wave of squeals and giggling. For lack of a better word, I simply like Korea, the country and its people and even the outrageous “ahjunmas” who overwhelm even the most uncouth of aunties in Singapore. Something about the aggressiveness in their pursuits, whether it be haggling over the price of apples or something more worthy that results in multi-nationals like Samsung. Or it could be the blatantly disagreeable arrangements of their language characters that similarly reflect their very down-to-earth personalities. I am curious about the learning environment in Korea’s universities, how different are the universities compared to ours and if they are as ruthless in their discussions of the recession as they are of “the price of apples.” Or perhaps I could be entirely mistaken. Thus the need for an exchange program to cure me of this perceived affinity with the country. As for France and Germany, who would deny themselves a chance to experience the countries? Personally, an exchange program to anywhere on Earth would still be a valuable experience. After all, so much of our knowledge and admirations stem from overseas; Ravel’s music from France, the painful memory of the holocaust from Germany, an amusement with red shirts from Bangkok. It would be too much of a pity if we should spend our lives crowding our sunny little island. you gotta say i have the guts to submit though. pats on my own back* okay okay so yes it's that time of the year again. i really wanted to forget my birthday for once, you noe, just to proof to myself that people do forget their birthdays in real life, like how they keep recycling the same plotlines for dramas.. but kenneth made it impossible for me to forget. okay so, birthday list. erm. .. i'm not sure really. cos some of the things i wanna get it using my own money. HAHA. so............. i'm withholding my birthday list. HAH! sigh. why why why do i wanna go on exchange prog to korea?? actually, the essay title states "these countries" which include france and germany. but my first choice is korea wad. .. why? .......i dunno!!!! i just wanna go, cannot ah. reasons why i wanna go korea on exchange prog..see that's the stickler! i dun care abt going to their university! i just wanna go to the country!! urghhg need inspiration. ..yesss sunday, one day to slowly laze around and do stuff. and listen to music. music!! i can't even play the piano now cos i have to squint at every other note which makes me tired and bad tempered. hai. wow i just slept like 14 hours!! went to sleep at 4pm yesterday cos i was feeling really really tired..but not very tired. just you know, tired. meant to wake up around 7pm to do some stuff. but i slept all the way till 10pm, when i was forced to wake up because of the very disturbing dream i was having -.- i dreamt of snake. oh yah, supposed to be a good omen, must go buy 4d den. maybe i can supplement my income and actually cover all the stuff i have to replace. so yeah, i dreamt of this one huge snake that doesn't flick his tongue, doesn't do anything except just slide slide slide around creepily. and this other guy who looks like the "other" from lost, dark skinned and cropped hair and everything. plus he's supposed to be cold blooded so the snake doesn't sense that he's a non-snake. thus the two cuddle around happily. i rmb the dream had to do with some evacuation and involves some stupid helicopter and i was the officer in charge. something like that. and i rmb being erm, mildly appalled by the snake and guy's appearance. and after it slid around somemore i gave up and forced myself to wake up. first caterpillars den snakes. wad next?? MY MOM IS IN THE TOILET FOR A VERY FREAKING LONG TIME LAH. at this rate my hair will dry and i can't put foam le lah. so yeah after that i called kenneth cos on staurday night odds are xinyun will be MIA, soliciting future husbands and business prospects at very class dinners and galas and that kinda shit. so we commoners have to find our own entertainment. and i whined to kenneth. i think i whine to you quite a lot these days. shit. how ah. i'm not treating you like a guy at all. do you feel sad?? and i went back to sleep. and let me tell you i fell asleep rather quickly. and slept all the way till now, 7am in bright sunny sunday morning! i feel recharged! yeah!! i would feel even better if i have a pair of specs but i dun -.-" so my eyes are straining a little =( okay, things on my schedule today vacuum and mop floor. prac piano. write lpp essay and submit the damn thing. ask someone out, i'm not sure who yet. but yeah someone. buy piano concert tix. urgh. yepp oh and i take it that we're not going to go overseas anymore?? like mei xiao mei xi like that. =( oh i haven't blog abt my stupid student. in a nutshell she lied to me she prac when she didn't. dun ask me how i'm so sure she didn't prac, it's just one of those divine powers that are bestowed upon teachers once you sign the "i will teach these brats for at least a year" contract. so yeah she freaking lied to me. and even though i was obviously hopping mad alr she still smiled sweetly at me. irritating crap. i was so mad i went "okay loh, this hour you just prac. i dun feel like teaching you alr." and she still smiled. and i went "you think this is very amusing is it? if not how come you're smiling?" and she still smiled and said "dunno?" and i even went "at this rate i'm not sure whether you can take your exam next year you know." and she still smiled omg. is her EQ negative? and yes you guys are gonna say i'm such a mean fierce teacher. please lah. she freaking lied at primary 4 loh. who knows she might turn out to be one of my bag-snatchers in the future okay. i had such a horrible dream!!!! i dreamt that there were huge fat caterpillars crawling all around my house and i spent the entire dream leaping from one to another spraying insecticide! they're humongous! like huge green hot dog waffles!!! cries* why do i have such dreams!!!! i woke up feeling so harassed and exhausted=( this is the reason why i'm always tired. weird dreams! made my specs today=) made it at parkway, where i met xinyun to do nth much as usual this is the reason why we should not meet during exam periods. cos we'll end up not doing much. i'll just marvel at how cute she is =)) and she rebonded her hair cos she finds it very messy as it's growing out. and she claims that she now looks like an "egg head". which i find very amusing. but of course me being me and her being xinyun, she still looks cute to me =)) i noe. prob someone is gonna check whether the owner of this blog is a male or something yeah yeah i'm always infatuated with her. WAHAHHA. if not ask me to be infatuated with kenneth meh mehs~ anyhow. i realize that FOUR of my students wun be here tml. and i'm really really cheered up at this thought. like REALLY YEAHHHHHH YEHAHHHHHH does somersault* (is somersault spelt with a u or o?) yep i'll have two terrific hours which i dun have to fill up cos they're holidaying. not like they're sick. but if they ask, i'll still do make up for them lah oh and not to mention i got a lift to amk from ku. excellent. my mood has inproved tremendously since morning. prob the remedy of xinyun/ku/city hall works. priscilla you have GOT TO GOT TO GOT TO watch city hall. i shall buy it for you for your birthday. okay? set? it's so freaking funny because hyun bin was just cute, not funny. this guy is a god damn comediam. i swear when he and kin sun ah act cute and pout together i wanted to roll off my chair. omg damn freaking act cute. i'm gonna start modeling my acting cute after him. HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah okay, sorry. really, i'm not always like that de. like i tried to tell kenneth yesterday, i'm really not that whiny in sec sch de. really! anyway. i shld photograph wad xinyun wrote to me on my notebook. she's very concerned that i'm losing my appetite. i ordered salmon sandwich from coffee bean which i know is good, but i finished only 20% of it despite not having a proper breakfast earlier. it's been that way for over a week alr. i just dun have appetite. and when i reached home, i just have this, i dunno, pull to start playing piano..all the way till i realize i shld prob eat something because it's dinner after all. dun misunderstand me, i FEEL hungry. and i WANT to eat. but when i look at food i just dun have appetite =( think i'll ask enid out to cycle this weekend. see whether that cures anything. yeah, my diagnosis is that my body is subconsciously fighting a virus that's not showing symptoms. that's why my appetite is so bad. and i have this constant dry feeling in my mouth, like i haven't eaten anything for a while (which is true) boo hoo. and yah xinyun is very unhappy that she's stuffing herself cos she loves food and there i was wasting food. not to mention she really wants to lose weight while i've easily lost..lemme go weigh myself. hold on. crap my brother's asleep. but yeah, i think i've lost like 1 kg just from, you noe, working in the morning den going to vj to prac in the afternoon. ah huh. xinyun very cute. i think half the time i blog i just blog abt how cute she is. she's really very cute wad. rachel agrees you noe oh yeah the guy who made my specs also very cute, in the "he's so easy to bully kinda way." too bad he's too short =( but if he woos xinyun i'll totally help. apparently, i respond very "slow" to eye testing, like when he asked "is this clearer, or is this clearer" i'll go "erm..no diff..??" towards the end i could tell he was steadily becoming very amused by me. and i kept laughing. okay snigger. because half the time it really looks no diff to me and i know i'm supposed to erm, find it different. yeah. and he told me to get the normal lens at first (the normal thickness wan, not the unusually thin one that they needed for half rim, or rim less) and said it was okay. but after that he msged xinyun and said that i can change it to the..the..carbonite? whatever lah the more ex lens without additional charges the reason was that it was his mistake for not telling me that actually for my frames, i'll need to get the carbonite lenses so since it's his mistake, they shop usually covers the charges. it's a lot leh, like double the price, the more ex wan is $150 while the normal is $80 i half suspected he did it on purpose cos his msg mentioned "he'll do me a favour." yeah. nice guy huh. prob pities me cos xinyun kept stressing that someone stole all my stuff and i need all the pity i can get. anyway, my specs aren't anything outta, erm, my style i supposed. i can't carry off those thick thick plastic funky types that naomi are known for lah. so i'll settle for the intellectual look -.-" den we went back vj, cos xinyun wanted her cert. which might i say, looks very ugly with her ugly results. (she doesn't mind lah) no lah it's just..everytime i get this kinda grad cert or whatever i'll really feel damn irritated, like "...studied four years and gimme this stupid cert." that's how i felt during sec 4... anyhow. stepped into piano room and found ku terrorizing this girl. which was playing very badly partly cos she's being terrorized and partly cos her own character is quite meek i supposed. she has this very "timid gentle meek way" of playing piano lah. and it doesn't help that ku has this "i'm so intimidating and i'm totally playing louder than you" way of playing piano. the disparity is really -.-" yeah so she was almost in tears, it's quite obvious. reminds me of myself. and ku still went "why, want to cry already huh." i think he was hmm, teasing her. but normally the victim feels rather terrified alr at that point. so when their session ended i was quite sympathetic towards the girl and said to ku "tsk. made someone cry again." to which he asked the girl "you got cry meh?" and the girl said. "no." ..i supposed she couldn't have said "yeah i was half frightened to death by you." but i would have appreciated if someone supported my statement lah. but since she's the one who looks totally terrified i shall be understanding. den ku admitted that two of his students cried in the morning too. "all of a sudden" he said. i went "it's just you lah." and went on to say how he couldn't possibly make himself smaller. his build alone intimidates. can you imagine some gigantic giant sitting next to you, giant with perfect rhythm and articulation somemore. brr. oh well. OH I CAN ONLY GET MY SPECS NEXT FRIDAY! DAMNIT! WHICH MEANS I HAVE TO OPERATE BLIND FOR ANOTHER WEEK!! AHHH DAMNIT!! and i can't even like act pathetic infront of ku cos apparently this damn jap guy who is blind had to win this prestigious piano competition. i totally admire him but still, I'M NOT HIM~~ he played la campenella. how to spell ah. yeah, that song. BLIND. omg. i'm really. like omg. so yeah. first was the jap and the china man. second was a south korean. which proved that asians are totally taking over the arts scene. yippie yippie hurray. happy days all around. ah. i'm like weird. my stomach is weird. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH wad is freaking wrong with my comp it's responding damn slowly in a foul mood. i've figured out why i'm so freaking tired even though i've had enough sleep. it's my eyes. i'm working without specs, and fuck. my internet connection URGH. irritating. so yeah i feel like my eyes are burning up. and i'm going to start bleeding from them soon. den when i reach home i squint at piano scores again. fuck fuck fuck. all that guy's fault. now i'm starting to be agitated. not to mention my father has to painstakingly change the lock of the wooden door because i lost my keys too. sian. there's a gazillion things to do, dun you sometimes wish that you can strip yourself of obligations the way you can strip clothes. things to do -wash toilet -vacuum and mop the house - prepare for sat's lessons. - make specs, dire need - call junru to ask abt tml's meeting time -call xinyun to..i can't rmb. -call yinling when she's back from camp -apply for lpp -fucking forgot. foul mood. wad is freaking wrong with my comp it's responding damn slowly in a foul mood. i've figured out why i'm so freaking tired even though i've had enough sleep. it's my eyes. i'm working without specs, and fuck. my internet connection URGH. irritating. so yeah i feel like my eyes are burning up. and i'm going to start bleeding from them soon. den when i reach home i squint at piano scores again. fuck fuck fuck. all that guy's fault. now i'm starting to be agitated. not to mention my father has to painstakingly change the lock of the wooden door because i lost my keys too. sian. there's a gazillion things to do, dun you sometimes wish that you can strip yourself of obligations the way you can strip clothes. things to do -wash toilet -vacuum and mop the house - prepare for sat's lessons. - make specs, dire need - call junru to ask abt tml's meeting time -call xinyun to..i can't rmb. -call yinling when she's back from camp -apply for lpp -fucking forgot. foul mood. wad is freaking wrong with my comp it's responding damn slowly in a foul mood. i've figured out why i'm so freaking tired even though i've had enough sleep. it's my eyes. i'm working without specs, and fuck. my internet connection URGH. irritating. so yeah i feel like my eyes are burning up. and i'm going to start bleeding from them soon. den when i reach home i squint at piano scores again. fuck fuck fuck. all that guy's fault. now i'm starting to be agitated. not to mention my father has to painstakingly change the lock of the wooden door because i lost my keys too. sian. there's a gazillion things to do, dun you sometimes wish that you can strip yourself of obligations the way you can strip clothes. things to do -wash toilet -vacuum and mop the house - prepare for sat's lessons. - make specs, dire need - call junru to ask abt tml's meeting time -call xinyun to..i can't rmb. -call yinling when she's back from camp -apply for lpp -fucking forgot. foul mood. hello hello hello urgent urgent urgent call for friends who are willing to go for a piano concert on 27 june 2009 with me. and no, you can't use that to be my birthday present. too cheap. it's $8 for students, we'll have lousy seats. if you no one wants to go with me i'll fork out more and take a better seat and go alone. repertoire includes lots of chopin, schubert, ravel, debussy. it's french french french repertoire. in case you dunno how it sounds like, it's all very "soft soft" type. yeah QUICK!!! ..actually i noe no one will accompany me. -.- yeah, i'm starting to enjoy my green tea.it no longer feels like i'm drinking "kang kong in water" yep it's early morning. i've been so tired when i reached home these past days that i've decided to blog in the morning instead. cos i'm marginally more awake. i bet pris and mg and naomi and kenneth are waiting for me to say this. see, blogging this entry is a necessity. cos i know you guys read my blog more often than sms me. which is great. becaaausssseeee........ MY WHOLE BAG GOT STOLEN ON MONDAY. yep. in a nutshell, these are the things that i lost - my NRIC - my brother's nric (i needed it to switch mobile lines stuff, stop asking me -.-) - my 2 ATM cards - alot of cards e.g. border cards, phase card, gramercy cards etc etc and NEW YORK NEW YORK. damn i only got it on sunday somemore. -my SPECTACLES. so yeah i'm operating blind. alr worked entire day ytd without specs, caught three buses with specs, and squinted at my piano score. so far so good. -my clothes which included EDC cargo pants, a tee shirt, my favourite cardigan which i bought from xinyun - espirit pouch with a expensive moisturizer and sunblock inside. - cash about 10 plus. - ez link - IRAS PASS which i have to now pay $25 to replace. - handphone (it's so meaningless that i dun really feel the pain abt this one..) it's good that i have the habit of running with my mp3. sigh, yeah i'm not like, upset upset. think i'm too numb by all my disappearing stuff, for those who dunno my history: this is the 8/9th ez link i've lost this is the 3/4th wallet/handphone i've lost. i've never traded in my handphone before because they always disappear before i can do that. yep. ku asked me for my estimated loss, never really counted until he asked. think it's about $200? terrific huh. i'm not sure whether i shld take half day off today (so rare that there's no piano) and go replace my ATM cards and NRIC. but i still kept hoping that someone nice will return the cards to me =( and furthermore, how do i make ATM cards without my NRIC huh? think i shld like go ask pris soon. maybe i shld call her at work today. oh yeah. so if you need to contact me, either tag, email or offline msg me. but that's not very good since i'm too tired most days to on my comp. or you can err, call kenneth (if you noe him) or xinyun kenneth, is cos he has nothing to do all day and i shld just ask him to be my temp answering machine. xinyun is cos, she most prob noes what i'm doing at what time of the day yeah. i'm more sian than anything -.-" oh for the grand story of how it happened, ask me when you see me. it's too grand to be typed out here. i curse the thief. curses to mg/naomi/pris: den how. can somebody like, errm come up with alternative. i'm very stoned -.-" tired i mean so yeah help leh, dun everything i plan =( ah. too many things on my mind. just settled one, briefing mg and guys abt KL. no, settled two. getting familiar with the whole score btw, my piece is called "the fancy blue devil's breakdown" heh. they should rename it as "the piano ensemble alumni's breakdown." i've become one of those people who grunts at the piano. really. it's so frustrating lah the chords. but the thought that in the near future i'll be so busy with school work that i wun have time to spend like 2 hrs on my piano makes me very sad =( class outing today. yeah i went. yeah yeah yeah, anyone wanna gimme like some awards other than a pat on my back which jessica kindly gave? it was nice lah. it's just nice that our class can come together and sit together and talk (okay, i'm not very involved in the talking) even though we haven't met for very long. but especially the clique, no one's changed much. and everyone's still very accepting=) i think it's a very reassuring feeling, to know that when you go out with your clique they're still the same even if the last time you guys were together was half a year ago (sorta) and people, i have new york new york privillege card. one more addition to my collection of cards. zz. and i'm never going to eat at new york new york. okay, no, i'll never order beverages from them again. i ordered ice lemon tea thinking "nobody can go wrong with ice lemon tea" nooo~~ the ice lemon tea was horrible. horrible. horrible. yeah so. it's good that i didn't eat. stomach's been feeling like it's gonna lurch any moment. even on the way home i felt...weird. so yeah, lucky i didn't eat. went swensens..listened to najib moan a bit abt his current class which, might i say, is not as nice and sincere as ours. went out..tried on a dress at ..what's that shop's name? hypnosis? mjophsis? ah some sis lah. i like it alot besides the exorbitant price they charge for a dress made of such flimsy material. it's really flimsy lah, it's like, if i put it in a washing machine it might come out looking like a rag that kind. bleagh. but keeping that in mind. in case i can't find anything i like come 10 july. hello people, i've been so obvious in my "do you guys wanna go" and no one's responded!!! how could you guys! no lah, it's fine, i dun wan you all to come and fall asleep -.- really. and till now i can't make sense of my piece. it's just. SOUNDS. urgh. nvm got a few more weeks. ahhhhhh my brain's exploding with too many to-dos. #call junru ask if she wants to go for pascal roge's recital. # ask around who wants to go for ballet under the stars. # discuss with junru find out what i should teach a grade 2 student who isn't taking exma # try to play scales with metronome and use it to train my students. # figure out how to do aural so my student doesn't fail his in his exam on 20 july (omg so many dates to rmb) # consolidate photography notes. shit. shit shit shit i'm gonna appear as some unsincere student if this keeps up. i dunno what he's saying at all. this ALWAYS happens when i'm studying. it's like i'll just stock up information and knowledge and consolidate them when i have the time. meanwhile i'm stuttering like an idiot. # i forgot. what what what. # oh change hp # return library books. fines are ex nowadays # sms shimin calista and jr to fix time tml for prac # pack running shoes for tml's run # get back to mr chin on KL trip. # upload kabalevsky's album into mp3 # shit i forgot again. there's more!! i can't rmb!! omg at this rate i'll forget to pack for bangkok. can somebody remind me OH NO! i rmb now!! # write lpp essay!!! and check the deadline for applying for lpp!!! urgh!!!!!!!! CRAP!! one more! # call xinyun to find out why she sounds so listless. zz. life's ruled by obligations to weird individuals and weird passions. this entry is especially for mg, pris, naomi and (huizhen?) all others need not read. potential KL trip. hello guys, erm, after much consideration and err persuasion by naomi, we've decided that there's err, not much to do at tioman and naomi stressed that "Beaches are really not her thing" so yeah and owing to a very cheap deal that i can get from my piano teacher, do you guys mind going KL instead? okay, i'll layout the stuff Getting there Bus- There's this coach service called firstcoach that offers direct bus service from singapore to kl at RM110 (to and fro) which translates into about 50 sing for to and fro from kl. pick up point is at novena square, and it'll drop off near this..i forgot the name. from that place to our hotel (See below) it's a cab ride away (at most we get qiao it's only 25rm lah) but note: the bus ride will take 5 hours. tada. tiger airways- I've checked, it's 50 dollars after all the surcharge and shit. budget terminal drop us off at..kl..KLIA? i forgot the airport's name anyway, time is about 45 minutes assuming no delays BUT from the airport to our hotel we need to take a bus which is around 1.5 hrs. bus is quite cheap, i took it before, can just hail it outside the airport. Accomodation Okay, cos my teacher mr chin apparently has this membership in this club thingie and under his membership, he gets to stay at any hotel that has a contract with this club for 7 days maximum per year. so in summary, we can stay at this hotel called KL PLAZA SUITE which is very very near all the shopping malls (within walking distance). if four of us are going, we can take this suite 2-bedroom suite with living room and kitchenette. my teacher says he'll charge us each $100 sing for WHATEVER NUMBER OF NIGHTS WE WANNA STAY. so technically we can take like for five days four nights and he'll still charge us $100 each. which is bloody cheap for a suite. if you wan photos and info, go here: http://www.berjayahotels-resorts.com/beachresort_klplaza_acco.htm yep. but of course if you guys just stay like 3 days 2 nights it's err, less worth it. i've yet to bargain with my teacher but erm, i supposed i can try to lower the price if we're not staying that long? No. of stay/things to do. shopping okay, there's a few shopping malls that's worth checking out. klcc, my favourite. even though naomi says it's high end stuff, it's not lah, cos it's very big, there's like mango espirit for middle end ..and food..and vincci (which is like charles and keith but cheaper)..and bearing in mind july is malaysia mega sale =) berjaya times square, i personally think it's like our lucky plaza plus far east and there's not much, but it's still okay to shop at. sunway, according to rachel, there's a huge shopping mall there and things to eat. yep bukit bintang area has a lot of shopping malls. but mostly high end, but a few has quite good stuff loh. food jalan alor. it's this street filled with street-stalls that has pretty good food. but it's street stalls, so of course the hygiene isn't very good lah, but i think that it's quite acceptable, like, there's no cockroaches crawling on your feet lah and the stalls are reasonably..erm, clean. yeah. and the food is really good and cheap =) there's always........A&W!! yeah, i love the root beer float, dun you??? and if we go on days like sun,mon,tue,wed.. err, my teacher's words were "if you all come on such days..and my wife lets me off for one day..i can bring you all to eat loh" cos he's a malaysian and he'll know the hunts =) he actually lives like 4/5 hrs away from KL but "he's used to it" so yeah. okay, that's all. questions and comments and decisions pls tag. if we're going we need to book the suite and stuff soon. so yep pls tell me your opinions! hmm!! this is very interesting! my virus? it just went away!! like, huh? it just went away! i can open all my applications alr! i can finally upload new songs into my mp3! i swear, even viruses are acting weirdly these days. what was the point of the virus anyway? just be a nuisance to the user for a few weeks then disappear all by itself?? tis is berry berry weirddeee.. but of course i'm happy lah yeah! i'm trying to download cityhall ost. omg i love the ost, too bad junru didn't get it from korea (it's okay lah) right, i had a very very satisfying lunch. plus according to my horoscope written by straits times, people will praise me very highly if i contribute unexpectedly, like cleaning a room. so i've decided to wash the toilet before i bathe and go out to meet naomi. it's good wad, that way i can exercise, and clear space in my stomach for deserts=) right. i'm pretty happy, cos my virus went away. WAHAHAH. ..oh wait, maybe it's cunning. maybe it's lurking somewhere in my PC den my comp will just explode one day. terrific! yeah!! i never knew music is so impt until i have to listen to the same sorta music everyday =( junru!! do you wanna watch these with me? http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&contentCode=essov270609 oh i can't find another one in which pascal roge is playing some american songs accompanied by SSO. anyway. he's really good (According to my teacher) and i like the repertoire he's performing. PLUS. there's duets. think it'll be quite terrific. june 27, not sure whether the tickets are sold out alr =(((( ah, there, this one too. http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&contentCode=essoe110909 i'm quite interested in seeing how he plays these songs..since he's more well known for french pieces. you know, those kind. yeah. go go go go with me! YEAH! city hall ost!! oooh lalalalala oh man. didn't prac piano at all today. tmltmltmltmltml must prac must prac must prac. AHHH stressed* MG!!!!!! i realize that we didn't go and watch the wad graves dancing thing! ahhhhhhhhhh and i wanted to go de =( Zzz.i'm losing track of everything. hello hello world, who wants to go for ballet under the stars? http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?retry=1&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&contentCode=ballet0709&dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.action=process&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER yep. there's only one thing in the world that makes me so tired. travelling to vj. really, the heat. i'm so tired now that i can only give you incoherent sentences. so sorry. the heat the heat the heat. i wanna dump sunblock all over my face and hands and everywhere. spf 20 was super not enough considering how strong the sun was.....stupid. and i supposed piano ensemble is the only thing that can make me feel like all the piano i've learnt for 10 years is just the tip of an iceberg and i'm woefully inadequate. but the piece started to make some sense today. yippie. barely 8pm. i'll sleep very early tonight. played squash with pris and mg....was fun. but now my arm is aching and i can't play piano properly. damn. shld cancel lessons with mr chin tml. yeah. wad else. oh as mr ku so finely put it "this is part of the deal"..us seniors who are performing at eighty-eight again have to sell tickets. it's very cheap. $10. but the funny thing is we're not even sure our item can make it. so if you guys tell me you wanna come and root for me (cos who else can you root for) and spend a night listening to piano music you dun actually understand or like...... i promise i'll practise very very very hard. like really very hard. so that my item wun be scraped, and you guys wun feel idiotic buying tickets from me. oh anyway, i'm on the ticket. ha.ha shimin's face can be seen, mine is just the back. woo hoo. thank god they didn't take the front, i'll prob have the "i'm so losing shimin, where's he" face and oh yeah, there'll be that tummy that ku heartlessly pointed out during rehearsal too. hey, i told you i wasn't fit in JC le loh.. so yeah, you might wanna buy one and erm, keep it for souvenirs sake? (yeah like my back is worth loads) okay lah pls come. we're doing eight hands leh. i haven't done eighthands EVER leh. dun play play. the piano will be crowded that you'll see our hands scamper over each other. for music idiots, eight hands mean two persons on each piano. not four pianos. vj can't afford four grands. yeah. teaching piano tml.. saturday is a bad time to teach leh. i fee like i have nothing left for the kids every friday. that's why i sleep early on fridays. try to re-charge so that the kids dun feel like they're not learning anything. i have this feeling jess will check my blog regarding my response towards class gathering jess ah, it's not that i dun wanna reply you. it's cos i really dunno what to reply. and cos it really depends on whether i get super tired tml. and most of the time during class gatherings i just sit and zone off waad.....nobody will miss me de. and am i that predictable? how come chris and yiling msg me in the morn to "persuade" me to go? (yiling's choice of words were far more aggressive than what persuade suggests) so yeahhh i'll erm, tell you on sunday. and see, got people ask me out on sunday (see tagboard) junru is back!!! and i got my first birthday present! beethoven virus classics ost! muack muack thank you jr=) and i experienced the kinda "xin you lin xi" moment today when she told shimin to go ahead and up the rhythm and gave me a knowing, understanding look that tells me she totally know that i'm worse at following rhythm when it's ultra slow. i have no patience lah. period. she knows me so well, sob sob. anyway on the long trip back i was reflecting that we're all very very different persons. refering to my other three partners. shimin is.....not in this world. he sight reads and plays better than me. and he's forever optimistic. and i think if he puppets my hands and play the keys, they'll sound nicer than when i play them with my own hands. jr is...always patient patient patient and so bloody accurate with rhythm. i wish i have half your sense =( calista is..very creative, amusing and optimistic in that loud loud way. but yah her variations are amazing. ah, i'm envious. i dun have that good a sense of the piano. sobs, talk abt inadequecy haha. yeah..but i think we sorta understand each other's rhythms very well..sorta..it's less trouble playing with them than others..familiar feeling=) oh. and i told mr ku he was jian today infront of the juniors. and he went "you wanna talk to me like that also dun do it infront of the juniors" ..and i said sorry and promptly realized that it was...really....baaad. alll the juniors had this blank look, like "what did she just say??" i know. i told my teacher he very jian. why do i do such things???? upon reflection i realized it was really rude leh. plus it diminishes his authority. ah omg someone slap me. i'm like talking without thinking. arm aches. did i reply hz huh? she ask me to go sports camp with her anyone else interested? dun think i'll be free leh hz..i'll be hugging my metronome and piano to sleep till 10 july. yeah (is that your birthday pris?) sleeeeep. i'm changing my hp tml. yeah cheers for you guys who find my hp an eyesore (it's ugliness has ceased to erm, affect me) think i shall get LG secret. it's a pretty old model. but it's pretty since i dun have the money to afford both beauty and functions, i'll settle for pretty. I WAN A MASSAGE CHAIR. and i'll put a birthday list soon. dun worry, my birthday lists are generally more substantial than yiling's. i kept getting distracted from blogging properly. it struck me that i'm leading quite a healthy lifestyle, more healthy than when i was in schooh anyway. when i was in school i just feel like i'm rushing rushing rushing, there's always stuff to prepare, there's always things that i'm not good at, and there's always this nagging sense of inadequecy. of course, there's the looming As. but now, life is really good loh. too bad it's gonna end in like 2 months. which is really short. sobs* my life now consists of... # very comical squash session with mg and pris, whereby pris looks like she exerts more force swatting a fly. # piano at vj. like i told calista and guys, it's as if being insulted by ku for 2 years ain't enough. we're back for more! # IRAS. been off today and ytd, think hwei hwei is dying. our only comfort is that singapore has lesser people whose NRIC ends with 28-35. (really, our email intake is lower than other groups) # teaching piano. ku just told me today that if you wan ur student to score at scales, you shld use a metronome to train them. which is terrible. i nodded and said i'll keep that in mind, but i was thinking "damn, i dun think I can follow the damn metronome lah" so yeah, i still think i'm not good enough to be a teacher. most prob cos all the teachers i've had the good fortune to meet are really good, they are either very passionate about what they are doing, or they are really cool people i'm neither, i think. and more importantly, it's like, i dun really want to be responsible for 9 other lives. being in charge of my own is more than enough. yah, inadequecy, again. erm, oh yeah!! i wanna blog abt the BIGGEST LOSERS GUYS SINGAPORE COULD POSSIBLY OFFER TO GIRLS. omg. i was so affected lah, if you noe me you'll noe that i dun usually shoot guys till they are like yi wen bu zhi, but these two are the epitome of...............DISGUSTING. LAME. LOOOOSERS!!! okay, so see, i was on my way on the mrt to meet xinyun at orchard, at yck, these two guys came up. at first glance they looked like PRCs (i'm so sorry for the generalization, i'm so thankful shimin dunno my blog) tattered clothes, horrible cargos with misplaced patches that are trying to disguise themselves as pockets, bowl-shaped hairstyles which have overgrown into a kind of tush..thrush? trush? you noe that word..and some heavily rimmed glasses that should totally be on display in a museum. and oh yeah, black ancient laptop bags. and backpacks. ..you noe, if they weren't so disgusting in manner, i wouldn't really shoot them this way, but you'll see. they proceeded to have the following conversation in a very very very loud voice. it's almost as loud as benjamin when he says *inserts malay command words that guys shld now be very shou with* during national day or whatever. it's VERY VERY LOUD. and pls keep in mind their english is horribly..horribly accented with this.. *i dun really noe how to speak english but i'm trying* accent. guy 1: eh, you noe just now when we walked out of nanyang poly..but this two girls?? guy 2 in booming voice: which two girls? guy 1: there..straight black long hair ones.. *some slightly softer conv* guy 1: ....I FOUND MYSELF ADMIRING THEM.. me: snots fly out from my nose due to over exertion from snorting. guy 2: huh..they dun attract me lah that type.. guy 1: ..*inserts rubbish* ...why? guy 2: like..singapore girls..all the same type..LONG BLACK STRAIGHT HAIR that type.. me thinking: wad the hell?? wad's this wad's this? *wanted to shake my hair loose from my rubber band and into their stupid faces* i spent $xxx in a salon and you freaking blindly tell me all singapore girls have long black straight hair??? guy 2 (continuing his very astute observation of girls in a very "i'm so experienced with girls" kinda way): maybe it's cos i'm too exposed to girls with short hair.. guy 1: ...like wad? why? guy 2: all the girls in my secondary school loh..THEY ALL PLAY BASKETBALL..short hair. me: starting to think that they are damn freaking huge losers. guy 2: ...why you wearing that ring ah. guy 1:..oh, MY MOTHER GIVE IT TO ME WAN. me: wad the freaking shit. which normal guy will wear a ring his mom gave. and you're just so freaking pathetic because no other girls gave you a ring. and you can't afford to buy one yourself. and there were more conversations involving dota, the fact that school is SIAN and that next week is holidays for poly students. i noe their freaking whole lives cos they were giving me a recount, no, a freaking story telling session about their whole lives. i even noe they are headed towards bugis they announced it so loudly. omg lah, this is the reason why we should avoid bugis nowadays. they are filled with people like them. they are bugs i tell you. BUGS. PESTS. URGHHHHH (lets out exasperated moan lamenting the sinking standards of men.) i'm so mean right. but really, they are my newest lowest standards of men. if i have to marry one even an inch near that standards, i'll really rather stay single my whole life. omg lah, where DO these kinda guys come from!!! right. there are more stupid stories that i've gathered since the last time i blogged..but i can't rmb. oh yeah..piano..erm, for first prac i thought it was pretty good but calista and shimin like..erm, okay okay..correct wad, we could play together (most of the time) for abt 10 pages, isn't that quite amazing?? considering we only had the score for 2 days..must be optimistic lah. and even more wonderful, ku doesn't really understand the music, cos he only had it for a few weeks. yippie. which means that he prob wun pick on every other single articulation. ah, which reminds me, how come he gets to play 5 notes and all 5 notes all sound different. brr. to quote someone i'll rmb for life "i found myself admiring him" rolls eye* yeah okay, i'm tired. played squash for abt 1 hr, den ran ..den played some more squash..ate..took a stupid bus ride cos mg wanted to take a bus ride for fun....... i wish i have a boyfriend now. cos then i can ask him to blow dry my hair for me while i sleep.yippie tired, but satisfied =) tired. think my photog instructor is a very interesting person. think that it's quite a pity that i am not, and perhaps will never, be so driven and motivated or passionate. think that if everyone is obstinate about a particular passion, the world will be nicer. following weeks will be even more tired. score's here, it's erm, challenging. there's are ku's standards to meet, my own standards to meet. sometimes i think i want too much. what else..... tired tired tired. gonna take off tml and chiong score. think that i took up photography wanting to.."add another passion" but i've hit the snag, the snag when everything seems pretty technical and you need to spend some time to get over that snag before you appreciate the art. can't believe i've learnt piano for over 10 years alr. kinda grateful abt it. ..tired, next time. |