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Normal's Overated.
sokmuiam a cynical person who hates orientation and the ridiculous rah rah atmosphere. shares a love-hate relationship with ku-ster and the piano. god should populate the earth instaneously with adults, thus skipping the absurd toddlers and squealingn babies fan of korean shows and the rude ah jun mas, secretly think bae yong jun is not bad looking. listening to classical music on the train is a waste of my battery. Dislikes babbling women who are not efficient.adores House. Thinks that friends are sometimes a burden Adores Xinyun immensely. Life is too short to bother socializing with people I dun like. You either choose the pill and live your life barely feeling your toes, or ignore the pill and accept pain as part of the life. Secretly clings. Sometimes. |
random quirks
my student made a guess regarding my age and said i was fifteenmr ku insulted me by saying i look like david carrdine whoever dares to say there is a certain resemblance better be prepared for my wrath. plugged tagboard
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i think i might switch to wordpress. cos blogger interface pisses me off so much. it's nearly 9pm. supposed to do some work at night but after playing piano for 2 hours, lethargy finally set in. i realized, with a shock that's numbed by tiredness, that it's monday again. and monday signifies the beginning of another mad rush. i'll end at 10.30pm tml, piano run thru, after which i dunno whether there's space for me to sleep at my aunt's house..cos my cousin camps there on somedays too. if not i'll just crash at vanessa's hall liao. you can't expect me to go home at 10.30pm reach home near midnight and then wake up again at 6am to go sch at 8am on tue. have abt 4 hours break tml between lessons and the piano run thru. wad i want is to study (it sounds really unbelievable) but what i have to do is.. shop. yes. shop. full dress is on thurs and till now i dun have a SINGLE DRESS to wear. this is freaking irritating. my last dress faded in color, it's totally unwearable now. and nowadays for some reason they dun make proper dresses that flare properly at the knees. they make long tops that disguise themselves as dresses. i've ranted abt this before right. nvm, anyway, i miss #sitting around listening to the clique talk abt stupid stuff like toe nails and finger nails. never thought i'd miss it # biking at east coast # cozy piano room at vjc and seeing jr around # najib/josef and fun lecturers # najib at CT session every wed and how we sort of stoned thru his classes # meeting felicia priscilla mg and naomi at yishun north point # jogging and eating nihon mura at yck with pris and mg bursts into tears* i think i'm pms-ing. i'm TIRED. the caffeine is wearing off. technically i still have korean to do, i haven't done tutorial, haven't mastered stuff i'm supposed to master 1 week ago. but i'm TIRED. it's like i haven't even rest enough =( my only form of rest this weekend is eating soft bread with half boiled eggs with coffee and watching House drip sacarsm. ........ i'm TIRED. i dunno how many times i have to stress that and now i have to go try to sell tickets to ask people to come to SMU this fri. cos performers supposed to push tix yeah. anyone interested? fri 7.30pm. tix: $16. if you get thru me hao xiang will be cheaper but i have to check. i think it's around $10?? why you shld come: see how much better nus students play compared to ntu and smu why you shld come 2: because i'll be playing a very appreciable audience friendly piece. why you shld come 3: i dunno, because i'm your friend? (that's lame) if the following occurs, you shld not come @ you have no spare cash @ you haven't done your tutorial you were supposed to hand up last week @ you really hate piano. it's true. we have to wait for the consequences to bite us in the face before we panic and regret and say the cliche "why didn't i ~~ in the past??" for e.g. you have to go thru a painful tooth filling before you are determined to brush ur teeth. and even then, about maybe 2 years later, that determination wanes because you're convinced you'll never get decayed teeth again. so maybe 4 years later, it happens all over again. ..no i dun have decayed teeth but i do have something coming back to bite me after 10 years. ....... freak. sometimes i think that whoever is in charge of health and welfare hasn't been very nice to me. but then the logical, and reasonable me thinks like this, and mostly this is how i think (i just whine abt a higher power whenever i feel slightly depressed): ....things just come back to bite us because we have short term memory regarding things like pain and discomfort. wad's wrong with blogger, i feel like changing to wordpress seriously, just that i'm too lazy to learn html to fit wordpress again ..so, now i know it feels to live with discomfort everyday, like House. been a crazy week,my whole class thinks that i'm an extremely busy person who rushes from one place to another and seldom turn up calm and cool at lectures or tutorials cos usually i'll have to walk up the slope to business school from the bus stop, after which i'll have to climb about wad 7 flights of stairs to reach the LT or seminar rooms..... and that day during my only one hr break i rushed from biz to CFA den back to biz for tutorial. it was terrific. fun. exciting. exhilarating. think i probably didn't get into OCIP. no email notifications =( oh, but it's strange, not really strange but people who ever put in effort for somebody's praise probably knows this: we "zam" (this is calista's word for bia like shit) for one whole week for piano, and then just a "not baaad~" from mr ku is enough to make us super high, super happy, and we were grinning like stupid idiots at each other. it's a nice feeling. i wonder when i'll get so jaded that i lose that feeling okay my ENTER button didn't work just now. scary. i spent the last half hour keying in contacts into my new phone (yes i changed my phone, finally i noe stop sighing in relief people) it's sony T707 and you've surely seen it around, it comes in pink/blue/black and it's a flip phone with a glossy surface. impressions? so anyway the point being that i can rmb almost up to 30 mobile phone numbers. isn't that impressive. so long as i sms the person quite often i'll rmb it.=) eh no, i can even rmb weilun's and some obscured people's. truly amazing okay, i think i can sorta feel the caffeine kicking in. i complained to my mother today that she kept talking shit even though i'm truly very tired and feeling crappy. when i was teaching and learning piano it's fine. cos, you noe, got stuff to do. but once i saw the stupid queue at singtel i got damn fed up, think my fed up ness was fairly obvious. so yeah, she kept asking me just now why, if i'm so tired, am i not sleeping. to which i retorted sharply that i have so much things to do that i can't afford to sleep. which is true. *glares at the to-do list* this weekend's agenda as follows: # do CV. and yes that doesn't stand for, i dunno, comic vilief. it stands for curriulum vitae or something like that. which translates into RESUME. i have to do it as a homework for "Career planning" module. it's good lah, the practise. just that right now it looks very empty. there's simply nth to fill in lah. # accountancy revision. sigh i'm one week behind. # law revision for this week plus look thru all the cases they mentioned. btw, when i say revision, it means revision. it doesn't mean tutorial. that's another thing. #korean revision # read MNO readings and SHIT, email the bloody tutor my ONE PAGE WRITE UP on "WHAT DEFINES I" (will talk abt it later) # i distinctly rmb i have to email someone something but i can't rmb. # online accountancy homework. darn # practise piano practise piano practise piano practise piano #i can't rmb. this is very bullshit. omgoodness i hve so many things to do i can't list them out. urgh but it's okay, uni life is still fun. i have no idea why i'm suddenly very optimistic (not suddenly lah, gimme some credit for jc even if i pon so many days) abt studying but it's true lah, studying period is the best part of life. so yeah. oh, the one page write up thing. my tutorial class that module MANAGEMENT AND ORG is very interesting cos me and hz (we swopped together) are the only biz year 1s, the other being a biz yr 2. all others are yr 2,3,4s. and no other people are in biz, mostly FASS and Engine, and one from design and archi. so that makes project group rather interesting. so we went one round introducing ourselves and we were supposed to bring a thing that represent ourselves. and what did i bring? wanna guess? *hint, hearing this thing for 3 hours gives me a headache* ...... i brought a METRONOME it's better than huizhen right, she brought her house key and say "this represents my homeliness i love my home i'm a homely person cos i do all my reflections at home." okay lah, actually she made sense so yeah i brought a metronome cos #1 i've been seeing this thing very often these days #2 i used to hate it, now i have to use it during teaching, during prac #3 my rationale is that i keep pace with my life, like how i keep pace with the metronome, and it might be slack might be hectic but there's still a pulse to everything and it's not very easy to keep pace with it. tada that sounds rather philosophical right. so anyway cos most of them play sports (one guy is in salsa, interesting, like i said) so their eyes sorta went big at the thing. and i went "we use this to keep time in music" and i poke the thing to make it start "tick, tock" but it had winded down so it sorta swung lamely from side to side without a sound. at which i might state, huizhen snickered. what a supporting friend i have. so yeah i had to like "err okay, hold on, i think i have to wind it up abit." .... nvm but it was rather interesting. .. okay nvm that was lame right. erm. oh yes friday was crazy.crazycrazycrazy. i woke up feeling okay, rampaged thru the kitchen and fridge to realize theres' nth to eat. and then so as ritual goes, brewed coffee, drank coffee with julie's biscuits, then went korean at 8am, 10am accounts tutorial, became an idiot at 12pm, at 1pm break rushed to CFA for half hr prac with calista den rushed back, 2pm started accounts tutorial, 4pm rushed to CFA for coaching at 4.10pm, and then went to run with calista at SRC, after which 6.30pm had piano session, 7.30pm finally went home. yeah. i only ate like two pizza bread for the entire day. woo hoo. at this rate i'll have both fabulous legs (from all the stairs in NUS) AND a very tiny waist to prove for my stint in NUS. ....... but okay, it wasn't that bad. i said alr, this is the crazy period. i wanna bold this part but err, it seems like blogger dun allow me to bold. tsk next time then. happy teacher's day fellow peers who are in this trade. my student gave me a pink, fluffy pen with a pink glittery bear's back-view on it. my other student quaintly observed that "his backside is facing you." my teacher's student (not me) gave him perfume. and a handmade card he displayed on the window ledge. the strange things we get~ life is really pretty shitty nowadays. every morning the first thing i drink is coffee and yet it doesn't seem to do very much in keeping me functional, except maybe the first two hours. and then by evening time i'll lapse into this zombie state, felt so sorry ytd during piano prac cos i couldn't focus and was generally in a "i'm so fed up of this piece" mood. not to mention i was guilty of doing something wrong............ spent the entire afternoon with vanessa at her hall, she's sick so poor thing, coughing like mad. studied a bit of operations management and towards the end i really felt damn sleepy. and then when around 8.50pm i look around and realize i'm still on the train and not at home, i got very irritated whenever the stupid train stalls. i feel like writing in into SMRT and telling them, can you please plan our trains' frequency properly so that your train dun stall whenever there's another stupid train upfront? it's freaking irritating and annoying. but, it's like that de lah. this is life heh. if i'm not so busy and hectic things would be slightly more boring. having lunch with yip jess and xinyun today=) normally seeing xinyun is almost as good as having a coffee jolt. unless we're both dead tired, den we'll just you noe, either get on each others' nerves or ask each other to go away. stop saying i'm a love sick puppy. omg the fact that i still have a sense of humor.... i dun understand how come my mother has the energy to wake up, and snap into "bitch" mode and scream at me over phone bills. apparently i used a total of ONE THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED SMSES last month. see, i TOLD you guys that my smses will explode cos i keep smsing prac times and concert dates and coordinating pracs right. (to ingolf partners) so yeah, apparently that translates into a total of $60 of phone bills. and she kept yakking and yakking and yakking ytd, when i reached home at 9pm and haven't had a meal since 2pm and i'm dead tired. and just this morning too. i really dun get where she gets her energy from. if i had her energy i'd save it for lessons. but see, i dun understand why people like to talk so much abt things that are done. i know it's overused, i know i have to pay more. i offered to pay the bills and she said it's not the point it's the fact that i dunno how to control my smses. but you see, IT'S DONE. walao, just pay the damn bill and shut up and i'll use less this month. it's not as if i had a choice last month. i hate it when people keep yakking abt things that they can't change, note: yakking, not whining. whining has this association of resignation to it. yakking is plain irritating. i really should learn swear words in korean. oh, korean lessons. interesting but kinda stressful. think all my watching korean shows paid off in a way bah. lijie looked damn stressed during korean and i keep asking her to watch more korean shows -.-" not very good advice i noe but err. but mostly it's quite fun =) it's damn fun to learn a language with a friend, (Even though half the time we sound like donkeys trying to spit out the front tooth) ahnyeonghaseyo, chor neun sokmui imnida (hello, i am sokmui =)) ) shit. i'm full from drinking coffee. can't finish my breakfast. nowadays blogger really dun inspire me to blog. anyway people always ask me why i wanna bathe so early in the morning when the weather (nowadays anyway) is very cold. but if i dun bathe, i'm barely functional. ..now that i've bathe, i feel slightly more human and functional. tuesdays bu shi play play de loh. i feel like i know arts almost as well as biz on tues. korean lecture, break at arts canteen while doing group assignment, den korean tutorial, den rush back to biz for lecture, den arts canteen for late lunch, den CFA for piano till 7. whee~ wad fun. like i said. it's the crazy part. i have so many things to do and i dun even noe what time was my OCIP interview supposed to be. zzzzz. deleted the msg by mistake. but i just wanna say this uni is actually pretty fun leh wow. it's been a long time since i woke up at 5am, took a shower at 5am. not that i missed it.. due to a problem i couldn't get back to sleep after i woke at 4.30am......... ..sigh. so now i just brewed coffee, prepared breakfast and am waiting for my half-boiled eggs to be done. took a look at the mirror just now, my eyebags are getting VERY deep. damn problem. i'm slightly taken aback by how fast my workload went from "rather slack" to "gonna be massively overload if i dun do something abt it quick" in a span of 3 days. ...... so, taking 6 modules ain't easy at all huh. man. and i'm spending alot of evenings in sch poking keys on the grand piano =( not that it is not enjoyable (time always passes very fast during piano) but.....see, time passes. and den i'll still be left with undone tutorials and unprinted notes. i really hate printing notes. it's a massive waste of time.and ink. and paper. sigh i really can't imagine the number of trees we're killing =( darn i revised and law and realized i forgot to do my econs tutorial -.-" and i took out my GC for the first time over a year (omgoodness it still feels very natural to find intersection point) just to graph demand and supply curves and please loh my lecturer really sucks. either that or the econs dept really suck at coordinating that tutorials and lectures, if i've never taken econs in my life i really wouldn't noe how to do the tutorial. even when i've taken econs before (AND I BLOODY ACED IT CAN) i still dunno what the mean by "plot the marginal benefit and marginal cost curve" .....that sounds suspiciously like mathematics seeing as how i have no function to plot and they only gave me a table of numbers. which means i have to form my function myself right? i dunno why i'm discussing this on my blog but yah it seems like i've forgotten all my math =((((( according to lijie we'll take stats and ..can't rmb the other math module the next sem. can't wait. math is so exciting. econs is exciting too. this tutorial reminds me of our first tutorial in jc1. .....totally dun make sense there's this question, if supply of oranges go down, how would it impact tomato juice. ..i noe, they're aiming for the "substitutes" portion of econs. but please lah. i really dun think orange juice is a substitute for tomato juice loh! and hor, most of the questions are math based lah. sigh. i miss theoretical econs. ..but the point being, if you are going to based your econs heavily on math, den emphasize it during lecture lah. there weren't any of this plotting shit in lecture you noe, dd and ss curves remain aesthetically pleasing without all the weird functions labelling it. yah lah. sigh. no wonder uni students jump to their deaths. cos lecturers assume too much of us and our over taxed brains. note to self :next time dun use up 2 hours to study korean. bleagh. someone is playing piano again. eerie. i think it's a richard marx song, right here waiting? just that it sounds rather weird............ okay i'm going to catch "my magic" missed one hr alr cos i'm trying to figure out what graphs they want. sian, this is like not math not econs. bu 3 bu 4. ![]() applaud lah. sept is great. HOUSE is gonna be back (woo hoo) and this film is showing on 23 sept. i pray somebody will upload the damn film if not i can't possibly fly to korea just to catch this. story is abt a man with lou grieg's (shit i dunno how to spell it) who gradually lost control over his limbs and eventually can only communicate with his eyes. (i dunno how kim myung min is gonna act this out but i'm pretty sure he's brilliant) and the wife watches over her husband as his condition deteriorates. sounds tragic. but still, should be quite a watchable film.=)) AND HOUSE IS GONNA BE BACK. WHEE!
oh i forgot to blog i smsed kenneth and xinyun ytd, "parents should stop lying to their children" cos there was this mother in the toilet who went "ohhhh you are soooooooo cute! i'm soooo proud of you!!" and get this, "you are suuuuch a cutiepie!!!" i didn't make that up okay. to the daughter's credit, she didn't whine or moan or jump around happily when i got out of the cubicle. instead she looked quite.......... ....think the word is puzzled. what's wrong with parents ah?? come on lah you wouldn't say she's a cutiepie when she dumps you in the old folks home 30 years from now okay. get a grip man. here comes that crazy part again *looks at studio bookings under mine and calista's names* .. monday 2 hours tues 2 hours. wednesday 1 hour friday 1 hour. and the 1 hours are because we couldn't get the slots we want and our time tables are too full on those days....... yep. crazy part again. we're way behind on schedule and after what mr ku said on friday....really couldn't afford to let him down (i know i say this every single concert but performance is like that wan lah, bear with me can) so anyway, 4th sept, friday 7.30pm at SMU. if you're around that area can pop down for a look cos what we are playing is VERY VERY VERY APPRECIABLE by audience. (kenneth can appreciate and actually likes it, so......) yeah i researched on the pieces, and they were composed "purely to entertain" yep, but right now it's not very entertaining. hmm bleagh, i dun have enough paper to print my notes for the coming week. think i shld stack up 2/3 piles of paper at one go. damn, how many trees are we going to kill just by studying. tsk. and i really wanted to go shopping today..................................... but cos ytd met up with the clique so the whole week only left with today to complete all my work...... kinda looking forward to studying though -.-" esp the part where i have to practise writing "cat" "father" "mother" "pencil" and stuff in korean. super brain stimulating. okay fine i admit. facebook is quite useful in the sense that i dun have to chase people for photos. and yeah i have so many things on my agenda today i dunno where to start. there's a huge shining star next to *piano* **prac for coming concert** ** learn my notes for the score for the next concert on 30th sept** **learn SOMETHING for my own piano lesson cos i'm now basically paying for my teacher to play to me every lesson -.-"** the third point, though it's very nice and enjoyable it's not very economically beneficial.. okay bye bye, i shall hurry up eat breakfast (and enjoy a bit of house) den use the morning to play piano...... den prac korean......... den so many things!!!!! omgomgomgomgomg (but studying is really quite fun lah, i miss the plugging in and studying part) ps: when i look at the clique ytd for some reason i feel very......erm, "proud??" not really appropriate but we look a bunch of "modern" females who ah, wun be too poor in the future and very well educated and decent and stuff...... get what i mean?? i just read vanessa's blog abt how she jiaqian and kumboon went for this 6km run. my dear priscilla meigui naomi (running ka-kis) ...... are we ever going to run again? =( ps: can't we just meet and run in nus stadium? wah, i almost almost almost burst out laughing at a kid just now. almost almost. thanks to my well-trained restraint and utmost discipline i managed not to, i was really biting down on my lip already lah. anyway i stopped at yishun (again) specially for a trip to g2000. for those who've forgotten we're required to wear business attire every thurs for this lecture on career planning lah. so obviously like any self respecting individual, you can't expect me to wear the same thing week after week right (and i was obviously looking for a reason to spend money) so i went to eat a pencil skirt, which i knew was on sale at g2000. i just tried on the skirt with a top that i have. ..... i envisioned a perfect fit. it makes me look. too long and too.....okay the word is "beanpole" yeah. it's true. but my mother actually says it's better than the other outfit i showed her. so...... nvm lah hor, long is better than short right? so okay i was on my way back on the train when there's this family of 3, father (working man) mother (i think she delivered food to him or something) and their cute little daughter all decked out in pink and sitting in her pram. lesson number 1 do not ever expose your child to electronic devices. in particularly handphones. reason> because once you deprive your child of it, he/she will issue weird noises and start to tear on cue. lesson number 2 if you must do the above, never do it on a train. because the whole world was staring at the little girl and the father whose handphone was being held hostage by the threat of tears, mucus, and deafening cries and moans lesson number 3 if you must do the above, never get an expensive phone that functions not only as a phone, but camera, and also computer. i saw the father anxiously staring at the daughter in an attempt to will her stubby little fingers not to drop the phone. lesson number 4 if you must do the above, dun be so stupid as to put flashing family photos as your screen saver. it only serves to excite the child further. lesson number 5 give proper language lessons to your child. the child was trying to say "give me now" in chinese but it took me abt 30 seconds to realize she's actually speaking chinese. it sounds like, following the parrot metaphor in my earlier post, a parrot with a marble in his mouth thus everything comes out sounding garbled. once again i dun quite understand how it happens. because i spent more time infront of the piano instead of actually doing what i'm supposed to do, which is studying accountancy. sometimes i wish they make cca a module, i'll prob score quite high in the attendence and effort column. HAH. i'm currently deleting emails from my hotmail account by the 50s. cos my inbox just hit 600 which is a feat even whe facebook and collegeboard and stupid shit spams it. random, i was wondering what my mother could be watching (since there's no good shows at this time) and turns out she's......... rewatching.......... WINTER SONATA. .. it's very disturbing to see bae yong jun talking in mandarin you noe. OMGOODNESS! i still kept emails from josef regarding geog stuff!! have faith in BP! :) BP, for those who have forgotten and doesn't have the fortune of meeting josef, refers to banglah power. I think josef coined the term when there were this discussion and rage over workers' dormitories and such. miss josef=) oh there's this lecturer (david lehman) from nus that reminds me alot of josef. just that the former is not only taller, leaner and more good looking than josef but.......GIVES AWAY MONEY! plus, and this is the most important point... BOTH THEIR POWERPOINT SLIDES ARE ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH. in the sense that there's no point in printing out the slides until he has explained the lecture cos all you will get is one huge slide with one sentence on it e.g. meet mr rational man. see, on josef's lectures, there are conveyer belts and hello kitties. and yes i meant it to be plural. i just realized that people who read my blog prob skip over half the entries.................nvm oh we had our FIRST prac session for dvorak for the obtuse (okay lah i didn't noe this at first too) dvorak is pronounced as ......vo-zjak yep. it was horrible. -.-" i didn't noe half my notes and half the time there's only shimin and zhongkun playing. yes well, we're qualified "bridesman" we know when to erm, let them shine. and i'm very not used to the fact that there's now no shimin sitting next to me, cos i've gotten used to this very tall skinny beanpole who can cover all my mistakes -.-" not that zhongkun can't cover my mistakes. but he's shorter =( bu xi guan you know. i wonder how calista feels..hmm must ask her next time. oh and we had our FIRST korean lesson today too!!!!! my korean lecturer is this really cute woman who looks way younger than her real age. and she burst into class prattering on in korean abt how sorry she was that she was late cos usually she isn't late and basically kept repeating in korean how sorry she was and she very "ai yan" too. (loves to act) so can prob be good friends with priscilla. hmm, btw i foresee that korean lessons withl ijie will be a very traumatising experience. cos once she gets the hang of a particular noun, she kept repeating it. it's like having a life size parrot around. not very glam. especially not when surrounding people start to parrot the parrot. it's a freaking zoo. but i think korean lessons will be fun heh heh =) uh, i just realized i already forgot most of pronounciations that were taught today. ah. damn. if only life consists of just korean and piano. blarghh walao i hate this how come i'm like spending more than 1 hr doing admin stuff huh!!! like trying to print lecture notes, filing stapling and shit and clearing emails and trying to figure out which emails are impt. damn irritating. and now i'm trying to check all my exam dates so i can figure out how to account for my absence at the piano sch shit................. i cut my nails too deep -.-" now very pain. sobs sch's a mess, i mean the lecture notes and stuff =( tml got korean at 8am. whee oh well. okay. fine,blogger is cocking up again. i can't find the function for me to upload pictures. i shall blog abt the huge insult mr ku dealt me on friday later. oh finally. i figured out that i was way past updating my adobe reader when i couldn't open my lecture notes for "financial accoutning" it took me the entire morning to print out all the stuff required for the coming week. crap. wad a waste of time. printing notes is even more a waste of time than listening to josef's lectures. at least i'll pass some exams that way. i'm getting apprehensive regarding the price of ink......... ..at least i'll still have color ink to fall back on every time...since i've been printing greyscaled erm. uni life. ah. lectures have been......okay? i'm really not trying to be un-helpful here with that adjective..it's just that..they are really just..okay..cos it's not very hard, it's not very exciting (i dun think lectures from biz/accts will EVER be exciting if you get my drift. the most exciting component maybe wad..erm, getting my sums right?) my lecturers are mostly nice guys (strange, all males, whereas my tutors are mostly females) except for one. the one who teaches econs. he's a PRC and please i have nothing against PRCs (just look at shimin and zk) but not only is his accent irritating, he is just a damn ZHUAI person. something abt him, i think it's his owl glass specs makes me him look shifty and not trustable at all. why ah why econs lecturers all that pattern wan. as i said to friends, the subject is already ECONS. why can't our lecturers be hippier and..i dunno, funnier? i dunno how i'm supposed to survive this sem with him. god plus he doesn't make sense. both huizhen and me are convinced abt that. he doesn't make sense! if i may say so myself, both our econs are really not bad. but the way he explains things.. really dun make sense. hmm, i spent the entire week mostly..trying to figure out exactly which bus stop i'm supposed to alight at (i finally figured it out. 183 from clementi takes you to this road behind business sch, thus skpping the shuttle or walk from central lib) i foresee that i'll be really quite healthy in uni. because from that bus stop i'll have to walk like 10 mins, after which climb a series of stairs. sigh. and i haven't been to biz canteen. cos i've mostly gone over to FASS canteen since it's so near and the canteen looks much more appealing. so yeah, will see alot of you guys there. can say hi =) see i'm blogging so ....boringly. cos blogger is cocking up and this template doesn't inspire blogging at all. oh.. tea ceremony on friday for piano ensemble. we were super amazed at the huge crowd that turned up (mostly PRCs, again, you noe) there weren't enough standing space! that's super amazing!!! you could just see our eyes growing wider and wider as the room became fuller and fuller. it was super amazing. i can't stress that enough. oh, wait let me google something for you guys. omgoodness i'm going mad i spent half an hour and i can't even spitted out one page of my score yet it's NO excuse that the file is 252 pages lah please kns just open it stupid adobe UARHHGHGHRHGURHUGHURHGRHGH i'm almost pulling my hair out already omgomgomgogmomgomgogomgogo hurry up~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! i still have lecture stuff to do lah!!!!!!!!1 and i wanna prac piano prac piano prac piano PULLS HAIR**** STABS LAPTOP**** URGHGH!! walao wad the fuck lah wad's wrong with hotmail?!!!! i swear ever since they changed to the new interface everything just plain suck. walao if i go on punching my keys like this i swear the laptop will spoil loh OMG FREAKING IRRITATING i wanna print my bloody score also cannot URHGHGHGHGHGHGHHGHGHAHFHLSDHFKSHDJFS strangles strangles strangles~!!!!!!!!!!!! IUERHAUHG4WT52UY3T54124YU5I i'm going mad. not to mention i couldn't get on bloody 2 95s this morning lah UHA091 2498P3 7289T4`1B 45Y 348 U39P i dun even noe how to express my ANGER FRUSTRATION IRRITATION ANNOYANCE STUPID LAPTOP!!!!!!! HOTMAIL!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the rate i'm sniffing, i'm prob gonna leak brain substance from my nose by tomorrow seriously, how can the body have SO MUCH liquid? and why can't they invent some money to CURE FLU. omg we have vaccines for cowpox and shit but they dun have a cure for flu???????????? seriously! cure the bloody flu virus! how can you just let us languish and encourage us to drink orange juice??? and yah i'm rubbing so many tissue paper in my nose that it's turning very red. and i can't speak two words without sniffing when i ventured downstairs just down to make my ez-link card (yes i finally made it. it'll take 1 mth for it to be done oh shit) i had to carry two packets of tissue with me and everytime i speak i have to make an effort not to breath through my mouth if not everything sounds "lyol theei" bleagh. i can imagine myself sleeping. my mouth will be hanging open and i'll be panting. disgusting. i dunno how i'll survive the two hr lecture tml. somemore it's on legal env on business. =( but i sorta miss studying sorta miss sitting in the library, plugged into music and using nice notebooks and studying sorta miss. i hope i dun faint tml while in the lecture or practising with shimin they all and i sure hope i dun sneeze in his face. if not we'll all take turns getting h1n1 not that i'm admitting i got h1n1. it's NOT H1N1 lah. i recovered in like 2 days (the fever broke in 2 days) i'm optimistic. it's not. it's not it's not it's not. okay bye bye. i hope kenneth doesn't get sexually harrassed in camps. and i hope xinyun gets a nice boyfriend. ..actually no, like that she'll ignore me. den i sad. .. whatever when i get better, my temper gets worse. ah why is this laptop so lag. i feel like i'm asthmatic all over again. keep panting. like feeling out of breath when all i did was walk from my toilet to my room. bleagh den after reading and watching full house for a while my eyes now feel like they're on fire. not to mention i constantly feel like i'm a leaking tap. urgh i'm in a super bad mood. why is my temper so bad huh oh .. i need to shit!!! (this is a moment of euphoria cos i haven't been shitting properly since i got high fever okay) brb oh. the moment passed. hai grimaces as i sip water* i'm so sick of the taste of water. that bland bland taste. i wanna eat...... curry chicken....... and i dreamt of xinyun ytd asking me to go eat pizza hut with her....... sigh. okay, i just used up like all the energy i possessed to vacuum my room cos i wanted to nap, but i looked at my bed and all i see is this burgeoning mess of sweat, germs and virus. so i dragged out the vacuum cleaner and cleaned my room while my mother looks on disappasionately. why like that ah. why??? but now it's very clean. i happy. but i'm super drained also. pants* wah. my fingers are trembling like shit. sobs. oh on a happier note, if you haven't figured it out from the improvement in my blogging style (from point form to erm, chopped up sentences) I'M MUCH BETTER! =DDD I CAN NOW WATCH AN EPISODE OF HOUSE WITHOUT WANTING TO FAINT! i tested it this morning yes! does a tentative dance around my now germ-free room* i'm resting, after this i wanna clean out the pile of nus stuff. stuff which i can finally throw away because yes! i'm now an nus student waha. oh yeahhhhhhhhh mr ku is performing with his wife for this concert on 5 sept. yippie yippie yeah yeah. i noe~ i'm a bit hysterical now. the weather is very cold today. so my mom dun let me bathe. AGAIN. i stink=(((((( (i dun think so lah, i just sniffed at myself) i hope the sun comes out soon so i can bathe. i still dun have much appetite. bleagh. and i still find it irritating why there are so many stupid kids around my block. kids that go "AH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" for like super long like they're retarded or somebody forgot to close their mouths after the initial ah or kids that go "AUNTIE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`" wah stupid leh. public nuisance wad's wrong with them huh? children shld learn subtlety. why can't they learn to ask for food without having to scream??? i live on the tenth floor and i can still hear them. feel like throwing my shoe down even when i was so sick. yeah my brother bought me my own printer. i dunno why -.-" but he says cos nus will have alot of lecture notes and stuff to print. so he bought me my own canon printer. yippie omg i feel hot stuffy and.......................................sticky =( #i'm still sick. fairly sick # my mother dun let me wash myself. so i feel very sticky and disgusting. hateithateithateit # i dun have appetite. in the sense that i wanna eat something but whatever i eat taste like cardboard # somebody tell me what's my nus email add? # must buy textbook. # so happy, tues' lecture is cancelled. i can rest at home for one more day # feels groggy # hate watching NDP parade. it's freaking boring # i have a craving for........egg tarts. portugeese egg tarts # i keep tasting plain water!! it's disgusting! # i want a good shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like my sweat for the past few days can fill up a few buckets! # i hate facebook. whenever i go on fb i dunno wad to do # i feel tired alr. # but i have to stop sleeping. i've been sleeping so much!!! # i really want a shower # can someone treat me to something good??? sobs. # i wanna whine. # do you noe if you keep hearing slumdog millionaire in the background it gets very irritating. esp when you're trying to sleep and ur bro thinks it's cool to watch the movie using dhoby surround with huge speakers. kns it's not that i dun like facebook, it's cos my facebook loads very slowly ah, i'm sick. so point form news # orientation kills. i had high fever of 39.2 ytd and my whole body felt numb. so numb that i can't even feel my handphone keys and thus i couldn't sms properly. # i've decided to drop usp. kenneth went speechless. huizhen's friends' jaws dropped. but seriously dropping usp opens up alot of time and option. (forgive the incoherence) anyway i woke up on friday in PAIN. due to muscle ache (cos of exercise) and muscle ache (due to fever) and in that moment of pain it became very clear, that i'll prob regret more if i drop lpp. so tada. decided to drop USP. the next time you guys have a hard decision to make, just you noe, make yourself feel pain. it's easier to know what you want when you're in pain. and yes yes, once again i'm the "ultimate"..i dunno why i keep doing such things. wrote an excellent essay, got thru a damn cool interview, finally became the rare 180 people in usp. and now i've decided to drop. oh well # my OG was damn shocked that i hate facebook. and my senior told me solemnly that i have to use facebook if i'm in biz. so okay loh, i've decided to use facebook. #if i have time. i've decided to minor in urban geography. how come geography needs 6 modules to minor in???? that's alot leh. anyway i noe i'm very weird. i can't believe i really decided to drop usp. # it's a good thing monday is a public hol. i'm feeling groggy. again # i can't rmb what i wanna blog abt. groggy. one more orientation dinner tonight and then YES i can tell people that me lim sok mui has successfully completed the course course of orientation week 2009 WITHOUT ponning any of the activities. it's a damn feat. applause pls omg i'm damn shag. can dun go or not huh. plus wad the hell is "smart casual" normally i intepret it as jeans but this time like not leh. kns. omgggggggggggggg my eyes~~~~~~ omgoodness i'm running outta time again shouldn't have slept so long, should have woken up earlier -.-" anyway i'm prob the biz freshie who woke up the earliest this morning, cos i conked out at abt 4pm yesterday and slept for like 15 hours straight till 7am this morning yep, besides a little nasi lemak and a cup of cereal with milk ytd, i didn't eat anything else to quote my OGLs, i was "comatose" really, i couldn't believe that i conked out for so long. orientation was quite fun leh amazingly, my og is made up of 14 girls, 1 guy. wahaha. actually it's quite nice to not have any guys..erm, the games are like, fun but not too brainless that kind shit i wanted to blog properly but i'm like running outta time again, need to go USP advisor meets freshmen thing, i dunno how to produce pronounse my advisor's name o.O dr maiwald, how to pronounce? he sounds american i think, michael heinrich i'm blabbering again. and i just checked my NUS mail, there were several replies regarding my "complicated very screwed case of usp+lpp" but essentially there are all PRETTY POINTLESS one reply goes like this: sok mui, your next step is just to simply bid for your sixth module via CORS. walao, i alr say i'll try bidding but i prob CAN'T bid successfully cos all the seniors will be there competing lah! and i only have like 350 points?! i'm bloody confused. and i'm gonna act bloody confused later too. feel like waking huizhen to complain to her abt how info-less the profs and admin ppl are. walao okay back to orientation i'm typing this super fast-.-" erm, oh abt 6pm i slipped outta orientation and went to prac piano, and i told calista and guys that i am SO happy to see they all, because finally i see people whom i've known for quite a while and i dun have to think abt conversations to fill the time terrific and i can slap shimin around, i can holler at people and i can exclaim in dialects with no one giving me weird looks erm, my orientation group includes my pri sch friends, and their other friend, and together we make up the "non-bananas" group all the others are, abit here and there "bananas" lah mostly their chinese sucks, and their english rocks so i'm very grateful to vj because now i'm really quite used to this bunch of people. erm, oh yeah we played this "confidence walk" thing that's supposed to be like "fright night" lah. our og got the easier one, just a walk thru this toilet filled with girls with long hair and white long blouses trying to scare you my mother just want me to spare some time to talk to her because i shouted for her to leave me alone to blog in peace cos i have no time. shit, she just nagged abt ez-link which i STILL have not made. gulps* okay back to fright night i found it very amusing, cos my friend was essentially night blinded, she couldn't see ANYTHING, whereas when i opened the door and looked in i could see all the ghosts and please allow me to say that i was very erm, mean to the ghosts. and i was too busy trying to make sure my friend doesn't slip and fall onto one of the ghosts to care abt their scaring tactics. so anyway ghost number 1 stood at the door right infront of me while saying, creepily of course "come in~~~ come in~~~" and she was like blocking the entire doorway, so we were like, erm "can you move aside" and i shoved her unceremoniously aside. den we walked in, and i saw a bunch of ghosts acting like ghosts. err. yah and then the same girl said, creepily and slowly again, "hand me the ball in the last basin." and i asked her "where is the last basin huh" and then my friend was complaining "eh i can't see anything leh." and i went "you really can't see the ghosts? they are so obvious!! okayyy there is one to your right, and then there's another one behind us, the one who wants the ball.." and then we went to get the ball, i slapped it into the girl's hand, and then she said "my friend in the cubicle needs your help..." so i went to the cubicle i thought she was pointing at while trying to stay away from this girl hiding in the corner, whom i thought confirm will grab me... and then apparently it was the wrong cubicle, so she asked me to go into the correct cubicle and as a joke, i kicked, really kicked the door open (think i scared the girl) and then this girl was sitting on the toilet seat. and she asked me to go in. and i was like thinking, incredulously, "are you crazy, people can see you and you want me to go in, after which most prob someone will slam the door shut and i'll be trapped in with you?" so we hesitated for a while, and then she got impatient and said, with a trace of impatience "just come in~~" so we went in and she suddenly bounced in our faces and said "get me my red slippers!" and after the inital startle i wanted to laugh cos even when she jumped so violently, she was still shorter than me. ah. and then i asked "where's your red slippers" turns out it was at the other cubicle. it was so dumb and we took very long such that when the ghost finally said "you can leave now" my councillor was at the door and saying "eh hurry up lah" in this zesty voice so i said, okay okay asshole. cos previously he was trying to act creepy and trying to scare us my other OGL said when he reached for the slipper, he pressed against the door and felt someone hiding behind the door. so, cleverly deducing that the girl was supposed to grab him while he grabs the slipper, trying to scare him, he pressed very very very hard on the door, thus squashing the ghost and the ghost didn't have the space to grab him it was uber funny and my friend was still blind throughout the whole thing super funny and it was flag day ytd, harborfront people are rich, but apparently very busy so response was really bad =( but our ogls were nice lah, we did it in shifts, i was in the morning shift and thus came back to conk at abt 3pm quite fun. oh we won all the games ytd. too bad they dun count points =( it's the first time i'm in an og that's fun and win games leh!!!! omg my modules very screwed. very very very screwed. VERY SCREWED. i'm off to try and salvage them. bleagh. haven't pack!! should i bring pillow? -.-" oh yah forgot to say, i smsed a bunch of people at like 5am ytd saying i need caffeine know why? i drank coke at abt 8pm on monday night and forgot abt the caffeine thus i couldn't sleep AT ALL. kns. it's my turn to "book in" as priscilla says anyway my orientation prob wun be as bad as hers (hers sounds really very bleak) cos #1 i'll be away from my og half the time, sneaking out for this and that this and that #2 my og people looks like normal, boring, can't be bothered people. terrific. #3 cos my orientation is just simply, SHORTER. sigh, huizhen just fwd me this email that essentially tells me i'll take 7 modules per sem if i wanna # graduate with accounting degree # graduate with USP # graduate with LPP. it's impossible. i think come down to it i might really have to give up either korean or USP. sian. even xinyun can't predict what i'll do, she went "i know! you'll give up USP!" (thus proving that she knows i'm the type to take up what i want, and only what i want) den she went "eh! i dunno, or maybe you'll drop korean instead!" *(thus proving that she knows i actually like both) huizhen says i shld give up korean and take USP cos it's more prestigious (pragmatic her) but see, i have no idea. damn. wish me luck in orientation. sighhhhh right hotmail just made all my internet servers crash and now i have to retype my entry i can't rmb wad i was saying oh yes.... it's not that i dun wanna blog these days, but tat bidding in nus is so exciting that i dunno where to start to praise its brilliance. that was sacarsm in case your brain is made of sponge. i love sundays i love sundays when i dun need to do stuff and it isn't raining and my mother shuts up and when i can watch triple, play 2 hrs of piano, have the energy to diddle jazz, watch another episode of house and still has 2 hours till the sun goes down. thought of jogging, but figured, why should i put myself thru the rigour of exercise when i'll be running around nus, screaming till i lose my voice (or not) while being half starved yep, i'm going orientation. sucks, i know. i'm so ashamed of myself. and priscilla didn't exactly inspire me or gave me hope seeing as how bleak her entry post was at least i think half the time i wun be exactly, exactly in orientation since i'll sneak out sometime to prac piano, and then sneak out again tml morn for this fac award signing thing, and then on wed morn again to meet my USP advisor. and probably several times more to meet other people cos of how screwed up my timetable is see i really hve this urge to tell you guys how screwed i am, but it's really so complicated. only huizhen truly understands how screwed i am, cos she's screwed level 1, i'm screwed level 2. i told her i feel like i might not make it to graduation even before semester 1 year 1 actually starts ah my mother is nagging at my brother abt his IC which reminds me. i really ought to go and make my ez-link i know i'm secretly lazy i'm actually a very lazy person ate cake, and water, and coffee now i feel comfortably bloated ah whatever usp sent me an email that explains nothing being once an employee of the "emailing-public" sector..i understand how come all emails sound like standard cut and paste response. but still she's so bloody useless. |